ok so I found the best way for me to enter a trance state is to lay flat on my back, tense all my muscles and I can relax from their, it’s still hard as hell to quiet my mind but I believe if I work at it, I will get to a point where my mind and body just create the quiet mental landscape for me. I mostly will work on psychic powers as I have a book detacated to gaining powers like teleportion, shape shifting in the phyiscal sense, invisibility, telekinesis etc. anybody agree that’s a plan? This is a black magick forum but I’m thinking maybe eventually I could begin to create a place in this site where I handle the siddhi and phyiscal psyhic power course.
Thanks dude! It means a lot! And plus since I have ADHD, something phyiscal would do me good because by tensing my muscles, I am getting all that unneeded energy out of my system. But yeah I will still work with black magick, but I am going to practice until I can relax my body even with my eyes open. Thanks so much for the encouragement!!!
Awesome!! So happy for you, I’m glad it works for someone else but me, I used it twice yesterday and once so far today and I can get into a deep relaxed state and go deeper if I want to, usually I can only mediate once per day but now I can do it anytime. Soon I will be able to enter trance without even trying. So when you say projection, do you mean astral projection?
The more you practice the better youll get at it and the easier it will be. I can usually meditate whenever i want to now. Unless something has me majorly upset. But even then i can use a mantra to calm my mind it just tskes alot of work and practice.
Are you guys having problems with messages?
Sorry! Just responded. Apologies my lady.[/quote]
No worries
I have a book detacated to gaining powers like teleportion, shape shifting in the phyiscal sense, invisibility, telekinesis etc.
Interesting what is the name of this book? I’d like to get it. Please P.M. me the name. Thanks.
[quote=“DragonPhoenix777, post:7, topic:8805”]I have a book detacated to gaining powers like teleportion, shape shifting in the phyiscal sense, invisibility, telekinesis etc.
Interesting what is the name of this book? I’d like to get it. Please P.M. me the name. Thanks.[/quote]
Yes, I’d like to know the book name as well
You could also try just watching your mind for a bit, not getting involved with any thoughts but watching it like a movie. Over time increase the time you watch it for and it should start to slow down. Once that starts happening, you should have a much easier time stilling the mind.
The tensing/relaxation technique is supposed to be very effective in creating total body relaxation as well as healing where it’s needed for the body.
Is the book called miracle mastery by any chance?
OMG YES LOL! I assume you have already or atleast heard of it. Plus Dave debold gives you support if you email him, Dave debold is the author of it.
I would be a total skeptic if I had not experienced the phenomenon described in the book. I had an experience with telepathy that was very intense, it was followed by a crazy teleporting trip. I have no way of proving that the event took place, and I was hospitalized after because my mind literally broke and I almost killed my dog. The friend that I had the experience with, deleted his facebook and broke contact with me and all our mutual friends, so to this day, I still can’t confirm it.
My friend and I were in deep discussion when reality kind of became dream-like and we became telepathic. After a discussion on how we were going to use the gift, we decided to head to his basement suite. Over at his place, we were watching something on netflix and still playing with telepathy when we were put in this “game”. Somehow we knew we were trapped in a loop. We were teleporting all over the place in the basement. We were pointing out the opposites. Example: I would say up, and he would say down, Light, dark, dry, wet, etc. We were teleporting to various locations in the room pointing out the opposite things to our senses. There was a cup on his table that said eternity and I was deeply afraid because I felt like we were trapped in this game forever. When we snapped out of the game (which I think was an analogy for reincarnations) I had the gut feeling that he had won and I had lost. I grew terrified of being in the same room and I ran out without even grabbing my shoes or phone.
I know you can pass my experience off a psychotic episode, but the fact is, there is no way of knowing because this friend mysteriously disappeared, even his cousin had no idea where he went off to.
From what I remember of teleporting. It feels like you are continuously falling asleep and waking up. the moment you teleport is like you fall asleep and immediately wake up somewhere else. it’s quite surreal.
Damn!! Sorry for your friend first of all, So can you still perform it? Was you in a trance when doing it
I cannot will it to happen. The whole event took place when I was working with various Egyptian deities and the entities behind the Thoth tarot deck by Alister Crowley. I was told at the time that I entered the realm of chaos and the 11th dimension. I don’t understand most of what happened during that time and there are things I learned later that explained some of my experience but the memory is still one big mystery to me.
The only thing I can offer you is my belief that teleportation and telepathy are genuine. However, I have not witnessed anything to prove my statement outside of my supernatural experience which has no concrete evidence of ever really occurred(unless I can find my friend one day).
I don’t think your pursuit of these abilities are in vain, but if you can somehow obtain the ability to teleport, I don’t think the initiation can come from mundane circumstances, such as reading a book, and your existence would no longer fit in the matrix of reality that people expect to see, therefore being in an ascended state that can exist outside of our dimension. Heck, you might even lose attachment to whatever passion lead you to want to pursue it in the first place.
But I don’t claim to be an expert and it’s just my hypothesis based on a mostly intangible experience. So I invite you to be skeptical before you fully engage your time to devote to this particular subject.
[quote=“MSXY, post:12, topic:8805”]I cannot will it to happen. The whole event took place when I was working with various Egyptian deities and the entities behind the Thoth tarot deck by Alister Crowley. I was told at the time that I entered the realm of chaos and the 11th dimension. I don’t understand most of what happened during that time and there are things I learned later that explained some of my experience but the memory is still one big mystery to me.
The only thing I can offer you is my belief that teleportation and telepathy are genuine. However, I have not witnessed anything to prove my statement outside of my supernatural experience which has no concrete evidence of ever really occurred(unless I can find my friend one day).
I don’t think your pursuit of these abilities are in vain, but if you can somehow obtain the ability to teleport, I don’t think the initiation can come from mundane circumstances, such as reading a book, and your existence would no longer fit in the matrix of reality that people expect to see, therefore being in an ascended state that can exist outside of our dimension. Heck, you might even lose attachment to whatever passion lead you to want to pursue it in the first place.
But I don’t claim to be an expert and it’s just my hypothesis based on a mostly intangible experience. So I invite you to be skeptical before you fully engage your time to devote to this particular subject.[/quote]
Well, according to Franz Bardon and his books as well as many other yogis, teleportation is not only possible, but is regularly accomplished by high adepts In an autobiography of a yogi it’s talked about as well.
David Debold seems legit, and as far as the relaxation goes, I’ve definitely had that heart slowing down/paralyzation thing happen to me as well.
If you dont minf, could you send me the autobiography of the yogi? Truly would like to see it
name of the book?
Welcome @Syrin. I see you joined us back in May but have only now started posting. Please make an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.