For those that don't like angels/don't work with them, Why?

Ive heard that they choose favorites but i dont know about that. If so, why?

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I don’t know if they choose favorites or not, at least on the Angel’s end. Humans certainly do though.

But to answer your title, it is not that I like or dislike Angels, I just did not gravitate towards them until recently where I found myself in situations where they seemed like the better choice as far as spirits go.


Honestly, I don’t feel like I relate to them as well as I do with other types. They haven’t shown a significant amount of interest in me, either. I can call upon them and have, when it was appropriate, but I’m not nearly as comfortable with them when we interact.


I’ve found that I don’t have much in common with them, I only feel connected to the Enochian angels, specially to the wicked ones, but I haven’t summoned them in a while. I summon angelic energies all the time because I am a Hermetic Qabalist, but I rarely work with angels as individual beings, but when I do, things work well, I can’t complain.

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They just tend to be POS to me. :upside_down_face:

I love Angels

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I mean favoritism is a thing even with angels, but I originally didn’t because for a while I hated Michael after some past life stuff was forcibly brought up for me, but after a while I kind of came to accept what happened happened and now I’m chill with it.


Slowly progress like a eternity.

For me I had absolutely no connection to them for my entire life until a few nights ago when angels started showing up.
I have to say I prefer the other sides energy more. Angels have a completely different energy that’s hard to vibe with for me.

It’s not that I dislike them or anything it’s just I don’t connect to them on the same level.
I heard they do pick favourite but who doesn’t.
I never thought I’d be able to speak to angels before either. But the message I got was
“There is no darkness without light and no light without the darkness. Embrace both as there must be a balance. We work in unison.”
So I mean for me I’m learning to balance both.


Because they didn’t seem to respect my choices and decisions since I first walked this path ages ago. It’s more of a tag game for me only way more disturbing since their energy is just ew for my taste. Max I can stand is the fallen ones.


The body/mind has to be prepared and training to it, even spirits like angels could affect the body and mind; but you seems fine

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I honestly feel like normal :rofl: so there was no like transition period or anything.
They’re just kinda waiting for me to come to them in a sense.


The two key things magicians need to understand about angels before trying to call and “command” them is they’re 1) unable to act in contravention to Divine Will and 2) deeply vengeful fury-driven bastards at times.

Piss one off, you’ve got problems on your hands.


Assuming divine will is simply the will of the God that created the specific angels, but even then many angels act on their own will.


I used to like them when I believed in the Abrahamic faiths and New Age fluffy stuff but I learnt of their true nature. I don’t connect to them or Demons any longer.

Deities and recently, Elemental spirits seem to be my favorites.

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This is similar to me, angels and demons I use to commune with all the time but after a while I moved on to working with entities tied to my past for some time elementals, deities, fae, yokai, etc.


Their true nature? What is their true nature if you don’t mind me asking?


They’re Warriors. Many occultists have stated that they can curse badly. They are capable of good things but also some unpleasant things. The last straw was when I almost joined this one path which seemed like a Cult. Never looked back since.


Seraphim can be insanely blood thirsty beings


I feel they do choose favorites and I don’t think I’m one them bc I’ve gone against the abrahamic religions god so many times and even blasphemed the father son and Holy Spirit at one time I usually stick to demons or other spirits or gods or occasionally I might ask for a saint like ive prayed to saint Jude before and I feel he helped me but I’ve never had luck with holy angels I do feel they are prone to choosing favorites but yes they will work with anyone given the right circumstances