For those that don't like angels/don't work with them, Why?

All Spirits choose favorites. Krishna chose Arjuna, Athena sided with numerous heros and it goes on. Even Demons choose favorites. Even as a mortal we choose who to work with.


Well tbh I don’t know if favorite is the correct word. But I do agree with Twilight_Dragon. Entities have preferances just as we do. Maybe you are destined to work with them. Maybe you show excellent devotion. Maybe you give the best offerings of the century.

But I have always had certain “spirits” come to me. Why those particular spirits and not others? I’ve no idea.


It’s call discrimination just like the living world… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Those that want results don’t care who they work with. =o)


After reading all the comments I want to say this: Remember that magic should be used to improve, both “demons” and angels "must be close to their time to improve, well, if the magician is filled with pleasures and does not work when they can Spiritual energies / challenges, when he wants to do it, cannot be discarded, or will be too difficult


Close to their time?

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I would not say they play favorites but most Black Magicians won’t work with angels out of choice alone.

I work with them, just rarely.

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For me, my story is a bit long and apparently odd. :unamused: Now I have nothing personal against them by any means.

I can relate to the whole “not fitting right” for me. I have worked with them before, for years. But the problem with them for me is honesty the opposite of what was stated above about them “balancing your energy.” For some reason it was doing the opposite for me. It left me ungrounded and unable to ground myself properly. I also had a huge problem with manifesting my spells correctly because of this and other stuff. It left no room for shadow, a necessary thing, in my opinion, to at least acknowledge. This left a big piece missing from me and left me extremely unbalanced.

When I went over to the “dark side” I immediately got grounded and started to balanced out. Even though angels them selves can be really good people to know, for me at least, I can’t survive fully on their level. Not because I want “to fulfill my primal, carnal desires of sex and money” but because my soul feels more at peace and home in the Underworld then in the Heavens. Some people can comfortably attune them selves and thrive in high vibrational light frequencies and there are those that can’t or can’t sully be only in those frequencies alone. Kinda think of it as diets of the soul. Some people can survive and even thrive in vegan or vegetarian diets, and that’s wonderful! But there are those that can’t. It’s not like they have a problem with those diets and may even do a vegetarian or vegan diet for a little bit, but their bodies simply can’t handle it as well as others.