For help

I am in india

And my parents will not allow me working without an educational job

You know my surrounding are strange

You can’t offer to help the neighbors by mowing lawns or doing odd jobs? I used to mow lawns and do side jobs as a kid.

You can do magic to find your dad a new and better job.

I’m not sure why someone hasn’t suggested it yet, or maybe I missed it. I read about your situation in another thread. I agree with not speaking about what you do to your family.

Tools and candles are nice, but I’ve been known to summon spirits while people were away from the house, in the bathroom like I had a plug turd etc. Even adults don’t always find themselves in positions conducive to having tools and privacy. Very few people in my real life know what I do, and if my parents were still alive, it’s highly doubtful they would.

I used rituals last year to help my roommate get a job when I was tired of footing the bills and running low on cash.

Research and modify the rituals on the forums to fit you and your situation, don’t fit yourself and your situation to them.

Tutorial: Petition Spells
Click the link
Write a petition and ask for money it will come if you believe ask laxmi mata for it
I also know the struggle of being in india and the biggest crime in india is being poor and creative , people will try to crush you if you are not financially stable