Followers of the Thursian current?

I honestly just joined this site on a whim because I was looking for peoples experiences with Ashmedai and I realized I could probably meet more people who work with the Jotun and talk to them about things related to that? I am literally going insane here but that isn’t new to any chaos gnosticist LOL. I would like to talk to other werewolves and people who work with Loki or other giants… or those who work with Hela, things like that. Whomst here has frozen themself in ice and freed themself from it by igniting primal fire? :snowflake::fire::grin:


@FraterMagni would be who you’re looking for.

I worked with the jotun more intensely in the past, worked with Hel, Freyja, and Angrboda as well as other jotun of the ironwood. They taught me a lot about shaleshifting

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You know I have not but you know it’s actually funny you mention Hela. Last night I had a really strange experience and her name kept repeating over and over in my mind. Shes not really the first of the gods (well… half goddess half giantess) I think of when I think Norse Pantheon, but there she was.
I actually started to think about the parallels between Hela and Hecate as they’ve both seemed to be appearing out of the blue the past week.
I’ve never considered working with the Jotun but gotta say I’m interested now.
(Really hope this is all coherent. I’m a lil out of it.)

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As in European Heathenry mixed with Abrahamic Gnostic Satanism?

Ahaha it’s okay no need to explain.

I could see a connection between Hela and Hecate. The jotun are very cool to work with, they’re good teachers and they help you understand the nature of things very well

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hecate is much more like gullveig/heidr/angrboda because she is the wolf chieftess. hela is not so doglike but she is very sadistic.


eh not really anything abrahamic about it but to crudely explain things in a way that paralells to chaos gnostic teachings… ragnarok is the end of the aeon, ginnungagap is the void, jotun are demons, odin is the demiurgic force, loki is satan and gullveig is lilith



Yea it was just a really weird thing last night. I woke up to voices in my room and this pain in parts of my body, and for some reason found myself repeating Hela’s name. In the darkness a woman showed up but I knew that woman to be Hecate so eh. It was weird.

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Well. That would explain the pain I guess? I’ll probably start looking more into dis shit. I’m really interested in the Jotun but I’ve got no idea how I’d go about hitting things off with them.

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freyja is not a jotun she is a faerie but yes i was in that dude’s thread and was replying in it for a minute. had to say not to ever ask for surtr to do anything and never invoke or evoke him because he will fuck everything up


Hmm you could look into talking to both of them to find out an answer to that

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when i first spoke with hela her voice was like snarling and she demanded i make an exchange with her or else LOL


Yeah I didn’t mean to lump her in there with the jotun since she’s a vanir


Yeah Hela does not take any shit lol. That’s a common theme with everyone I know that works with her

Oh I see.

So Thursian see’s these beings as exchangeable archetypes instead of separate entities?

Sounds like syncretism to me. :thinking:

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Yea. It never ends up being as complicated as I make it out to be. Itll be cool. Lmao I’m fuckin excited yo. But right now I think I’d be excited for just about anything.

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Aw I think he’s misunderstood sometimes. I kinda like sutr

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definitely talk to her more make a bargain!! your bond will get stronger if you do what you promise in exchange for teachings.

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I could see that. I haven’t exchanged words with her yet but I’ll make sure to have somethin ready I guess. Tf would she like?

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Oh my Gods. Lmao I just got an answer.

I always keep my promises to spirits :smirk: