Fitness thread

dirty bulking last two months here.after my last cut,i drop around 20lbs and went to around 8%bf.
i ll do a mini cut 3-4 weeks maybe before christmass just to unblur the abs and get back some insuline resistant.

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Sorry for the necro reply but do You know if it’s possible to find information on their diet and exercise routines? I’m just getting started in calisthenics but I love learning about the basics behind it and about the science, I also feel that learning what the professional athletes of the past did is very interesting.

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Their diets varied quite a bit, from what I gathered. Back then, nutritional science was in its infancy, so some of what they did was quite unhealthy. The Saxon brothers, for example, ate 24 eggs, 3 pounds of bacon, porridge with cream and honey, and tea laden with sugar, for breakfast.


Ooof. So look up the exercises and infuse modern knowledge then you think?

Exercise goes a long way. A good routine, combined with quality food, is really all you need. Specialty diets are nothing but a money grab.

You can drop fat and build muscle on a vegetarian diet.
You can drop fat and build muscle on a carnivore diet.
You can shed fat and build muscle on a vegan diet
You can shed fat and build muscle on a omnivore diet.

Find what is comfortable for you. Go by what makes you feel better. Remember, it is far better to make small changes to your diet and activity level over a long period of time, than it is to jump on some diet bandwagon and then fall of within a week.


Thank you man, I will do that! I think it’s very true what you said about exercise being a lifestyle change over a long period of time rather than a quick fix over a short period of time.

Bodyweight exercise has got a great ‘feel’ to it, a lot of the comparisons with weight training mention various aspects but training your body to move confidently through space and handle it’s weight brings great benefits.


In order to hold myself accountable in terms of consistency with physical exercise ( :sweat_smile: ) I’d like to necro-doodle this thread out of its slumber, if thats okay :slight_smile:

My current stats: chronical illness thats in remission at the moment, switched to a mostly outdoor related job, currently in the process of gaining muscle strength and stamina while being left with a bunch of very confused hormones after a lengthy treatment with corticosteroids :v:t2:
Training helps and I have actually started to like my little routine (I suppose that this is where the magick part comes into play. I am very lazy, otherwise) , which consists of 3-4 times of exercise per week. I am currently alternating in between bodyweight exercises and I have started a very light lifting training, which I am approaching in moderation at the moment.

Physical exercise has become a part of my discipline routine, which also helps with sticking to plans in terms of performing magick. Overall I am actually trying to get used to my new body and to put it to good use in terms of strength. I might start to post about my routine and about shifts on the scale and how everything might play into non-mundane endeavours like working with my energy body :slight_smile:


Today was mostly abdominal muscle day, strengthening the core has become my favourite part of exercising :sweat_smile: I am also strengthening my knees on a regular basis, as I am walking around with a torn meniscus (no surgery) and I’d like to keep further tearing from happening :slight_smile:

I usually tend to exercise after getting up (40-60 minutes of getting up earlier in the morning), otherwise I will try to push back my training routine to much later in the day, when I am unmotivated and tired from work. I’ve found that excuses are plenty at the end of the day instead of getting right to it after waking up.

So, todays routine consisted of:

8 Mini Squats (2 sets)
8 Hamstring curls (2 sets)
8 Hamstring Heel digs (2 sets)
10 Quadriceps contractions (2 sets, holding the posture for about 15 seconds)
8 Standing Heel raises (3 sets)
20 Straight leg lifts (ten on each side, 2 sets)

12 crunches (2 sets)
16 russian twists (2 sets, while holding a 5 kilo dumbbell)
30 seconds of planking (2 sets)
12 Glute bridges (1 set)
14 Crossbody crunches (1 set)
12 Side planks left (2 sets, the second rep included only 10 reps)
12 Side planks right (dito)
14 Bicycle Crunches (2 sets)
12 Push-Ups with rotation (6 on each side)

30 seconds of Lumbar rotation stretches on each side
30 seconds of Bhujangasana

I find that the current routine fits comfortably into a full time job workday, even if I have to get up at 5 or something at times :+1:t2:

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Yesterdays training consisted of the formerly mentioned knee strengthening exercises and some upper back strengthening.

16 Lateral Raises (2 sets, the second set consisted of 14 raises with dumbbells)
10 Tricep Kickbacks (2 sets, the second set consisted of 8 kickbacks with dumbbells)
10 Incline Push Ups (2 sets, the second set consisted of 8 Push Ups)
6 Hyperextensions (2 sets)
30 seconds of Chakravakasana
14 Reclined Rhomboid Squeezes (2 sets)
10 Supine Push Ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana

I don’t enjoy upper back exercises, as I tend to build up a lot of tension in that area :sweat_smile:

Tomorrow I will tackle arm muscle strengthening.

Edit, as I can’t respond more than three times in a row :sweat_smile:

Todays (8/29/2023) training: knee strengthening exercises (as mentioned in my first entry) and arm strengthening.

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
6 Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Push Ups with Rotation
4 Staggered Push Ups (2 sets)
6 Decline Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Diamond Push Ups
6 Incline Push Ups
6 Wide Arm Push Ups
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Chest Stretch (the one with a doorway)

A managable row of exercises for busy days :grinning:

Yesterdays training (09/02/2023)

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
12 Sit Ups
12 Abdominal crunches (2 sets)
16 Russian Twists ( 2 sets)
30 seconds of Planking (2 sets)
14 Glute Bridges (12 in the second set)
14 side lying Hip Raises on each side (I hate that exercise, also 2 sets!)
16 Bicycle crunches (2 sets)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Spine Lumbar twists on each side

Todays training (09/03/2023

18 Triceps Kickbacks (2 sets)
12 Incline Push Ups (2 sets)
10 Hyper Extensions (3 sets)
10 Triceps Dips (2 sets)
30 seconds of Spine Lumbar Twists on each side
30 seconds of Chakravakasana
10 Swimmer and Superman (3 sets)
12 Supine Push Ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana

I will probably opt for swimming the next two days, to switch things up a little

Edit, as I can’t respond three times in a row:


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
6 Push Ups (2 sets)
6 Wide Arm Push Ups (2 sets)
6 Push Up and Rotation (2 sets)
6 Staggered Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Hindu Push Ups
6 Decline Push Ups
30 seconds of Shoulder Stretches
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Chest Stretches


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
18 Heel Touches
14 Leg Raises (2 sets)
14 Crossover Crunches
14 Bent knee Side Hip Raises (14 on each side)
18 Bicycle Crunches (2 sets)
8 Leg in &outs
14 Abdominal Crunches
18 Russian Twists
14 Plank Hip Dips (7 on each side)
6 Side leg raises (6 on each side)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Spine Lumbar twists (on each side)

I HATED this exercise day with a passion :sweat_smile:


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
12 Triceps Kickbacks (2 sets, the second set with weights and 10 reps)
12 Incline Push Ups (2 sets, the second set with 10 reps)
10 Hyperextensions (4 sets, the second, third and fourth set with 8 reps)
12 Triceps Dips
30 seconds of Chakravakasana
12 Swimmer and Superman (2 sets)
10 Supine Push Ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
8 Push Ups (2 sets)
6 Push Ups and Rotations (3 on each side)
6 Staggered Push Ups (2 sets)
6 Hindu Push Ups
6 Diamond Push Ups
4 Spiderman Push Ups (not very bueno for my torn meniscus :joy:)
10 Wide Arm Push Ups
8 Decline Push Ups
30 seconds of Shoulder Stretching
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Chest stretches

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This is great! I started working with a PT 2 months ago and the progress and changes are really amazing, my whole body is toned like never before in my life, i can lift stuff with 1 hand that I was getting breathless attempting to lift before, I can walk for miles, my bum is hard as a rock and sexier than before and I got a breast lift in the package too. Lifting is definitely worth it. I still have not lost all the weight I am planning to but the changes in the body composition and my overall stamina and good mood are amazing!!! I wish I did this sooner. :slight_smile:

if you are severely overweight I would not do any jumping.

Lol, I am not. But thank you :sweat_smile:

Not talking about you but about the people you advise to do stuff.
You cannot ask a 70-90kg person to jump around as they will damage their joints. Also will give up.

At no point I’ve advised anyone to do my training :joy:

Thought that is the point of this thread.

The creator of this thread left this board some time ago and other forum members used it to document their training to motivate themselves (or they planned to do so, this thread fell into a coma for some time). As I do now. I don’t give out advice. I’m not a certified trainer or anything for that matter.


Since I am just seeing this now… wanna be fitness buddies? I just started with a dietician and gym last month.


I could use a fitness buddy :grinning:


Okay! Awesome!