Fitness thread

I am going fucking cray cray with laying around the entire day :joy: Day three after surgery and I canā€™t already take it anymore :sob:
So, despite still having my sutures I did some seated exercises today, to do at least something.

14 Arm Raises (3 sets)
12 Rhomboid Pulls (3 sets)
14 Side Arm raises (3 sets)
26 Arm Scissors
10 Reclined Rhomboid Squeezes (2 sets)


Physiotherapy wonā€™t start before the new year, so I decided to pick up on light training sessions in the mean time. I am still in a considerable amount of pain but when youā€™re going out of body and you decide to use it for a jog instead of unearthing the secrets of the seen and unseen worldā€¦you know that its bad.

So I am currently slowly breaking up the scar tissue in the depth of my foot with plantar flex exercises and massages while carefully building up a bit of strength in the left leg with terraband exercises as well.

Today I also did:
10 Hamstring curls on each leg
10 Minisquats
15 Hamstring Heel digs
10 Standing Heel raises (they are the fucking worst)
15 Straight leg lifts

I finished the session with 4 sets of 4 Knee Push ups, one set of 6 incline Push Ups on my knees and one set of 4 Wide Arm Push Ups on my Knees.

A little bit of freedom :smiling_face_with_tear:

Update 12/18/2023 (canā€™t write more than 3 answers)

Light exercises, to come into the flow after surgery and a respiratory infection (I shouldnā€™t have to say that but NEVER exercise with infected lung tissue if you havenā€™t spoken to your doc about it. I got greenlighted today). I am starting my exercises now with 8ish minutes of stretching exercises for my upper body. Walking on crutches for such a long time fucked with my body static and I need to strengthen and straighten out my spine :melting_face: On the plus side, it made me keep some strength in my arms

Anyway, this is wonderwall

15 Hamstring Curls on each leg
10 Minisquats
15 Hamstring Heel Digs
10 Standing Heel raises
15 Straight leg lifts
20 sec. of Jumping Jacks
6 Incline Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Knee Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Wide Arm Push Ups
20 seconds of Bhujangasana (finally!!!)
20 seconds of Chest stretches

Its hard to say if I will ever regain any kind of sensation or control back into my left forefoot; apparently some nerves need to reconnect but its not certain that they will or how long it will take. I will simply tag along with exercises now. My physio starts in January, maybe I will learn some new things :sweat_smile:


9 Minutes of Liebscher-Bracht exercises for the thoracic spine and chest tightness. I donā€™t know the names of the exercises but they can be looked up on their website :sweat_smile:

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
8 Abdominal Crunches (2 sets)
10 Russian Twists (2 sets)
10 Plank Taps (2 sets, instead of Mountain climbers)
14 Heel Taps (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
10 Leg raises (2 sets)
20 seconds of Planking (2 sets)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana (I have missed this exercise so much)
30 second of Spine Lumbar Twists on each side

Fucking endorphines, man. I felt so miserable without exercises :sob:


10 Hamstring curls on each leg
10 Minisquats
15 Hamstring Heel digs
10 Standing Heel raises
15 Straight leg lifts
30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
14 Arm Raises
12 Rhomboid Pulls (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
14 Side Arm Raises (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
12 Knee Push Ups (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
8 Inchworms
30 seconds of Side Lying Floor Stretches on both sides
26 Arm scissors
30 seconds of Chakravakasana
12 Prone Triceps Push Ups (2 sets)
10 Reclined Rhomboid Squeezes (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana


Decompression day

10 Hamstring curls on each leg
10 Minisquats
15 Hamstring Heel digs
10 Standing Heel raises
15 Straight leg lifts
30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
4 Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Wide Arm Push Ups (2 sets)
4 Push Ups and Rotations
4 Staggered Push Ups
4 Decline Push Ups
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Chest Stretching

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Are you still working on your physical fitness?

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Yes :muscle: I just skipped the documentary part because Iā€™d always have to edit the last post for it :joy:

Edit, to catch up on some progress :sweat_smile:


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
12 Russian Twists (2 sets)
12 Leg raises (2 sets)
8 Glute Bridges (2 sets)
8 Bent Knee side hip raises on each side (2 sets, 6 Reps in second set)
10 Abdominal crunches
8 Leg in and outs
8 Plank Hip dips
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Spine Lumbar Twists on each side


20 seconds of Jumping Jacks
6 incline push ups (2 sets)
4 knee push ups (2 sets)
4 push ups (2 sets)
4 wide arm push ups (2 sets)
20 seconds of Bhujangasana
20 seconds of chest stretches


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
8 Abdominal crunches (2 sets)
10 Russian twists (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
10 Plank Taps (2 sets)
14 Heel taps (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
10 Leg raises (2 sets)
20 seconds of planking (2 sets)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of Spine Lumbar twists on each side


30 seconds of jumping jacks
14 arm raises
12 Rhomboid pulls (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
14 side arm raises (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
12 knee push ups (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
8 Inchworms
30 seconds of Spine lumbar twists on each side
26 arm scissors
30 seconds of chakravakasana
12 prone triceps push ups (2 sets)
10 reclined rhomboid squeezes (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana

30 seconds of jumping jacks
4 push ups (2 sets)
4 wide arm push ups (2 sets)
4 staggered push ups
4push ups and rotations
4 decline push ups
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches


30 seconds of Jumping jacks
12 russian twists (2 sets)
12 leg raises (2 sets)
8 glute bridges (2 sets)
8 bent knee side hip raises on both sides (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
10 abdominal crunches
8 leg ins and outs
8 plank hip dips
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


30 seconds of jumping jacks
26 arm scissors
12 rhomboid pulls (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
6 triceps kickbacks (2 sets)
6 incline push ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
14 arm raises
10 inchworms
30 seconds of ckakravakasana
12 prone triceps push ups (2 sets)
10 reclined rhomboid squeezes (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana


30 seconds of jumping jacks
8 incline push ups
6 wide arm push ups (2 sets)
4 push ups and rotations (2 sets)
4 staggered push ups (2 sets)
4 decline push ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches


30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
10 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
14 russian twists (2 sets)
26 seconds of planking (2 sets, 20 seconds in second set)
10 glute bridges
12 crossover crunches
10 bent knee side hip raises (2 sets on each side, 8 reps in second set)
12 bicycle crunches (2 sets)
10 plank hip dips
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


30 seconds of jumping jacks
14 side arm raises (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
8 triceps kickbacks (2 sets)
8 incline push ups (2 sets)
6 hyper extensions (2 sets)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
12 inchworms
30 seconds of chakravakasana
12 reclined rhomboid squeezes (2 sets)
8 supine push ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana


30 seconds of jumping jacks
6 push ups (2 sets)
4 push up rotations
4 staggered push ups (2 sets)
4 diamond push ups
4 decline push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
6 incline push ups
6 wide arm push ups
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretching


30 seconds of jumping jacks
12 sit ups
12 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
16 russian twists (2 sets)
30 seconds of planks (2 sets, 26 seconds in second rep)
14 glute bridges (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
12 bent knee side hip raises (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
16 bicycle crunches (2 sets)
12 plank hip dips
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


30 seconds of jumping jacks
10 triceps kickbacks (2 sets)
10 incline push ups (2 sets)
8 hyper extensions (3 sets)
8 triceps dips (2 sets)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
30 seconds of chakravakasana
10 swimmer and superman (2 sets)
10 supine push ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana


30 seconds of jumping jacks
6 push ups (2sets)
6 wide arm push ups (2 sets)
6 push ups and rotations (2 sets)
6 staggered push ups (2 sets)
4 hindu push ups
6 decline push ups
30 seconds of shoulder stretching
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest streching


30 seconds of jumping jacks
18 heel touches
14 leg lifts (2 sets)
14 crossover crunches
14 bent knee side hip raises
18 bicycle crunches (2 sets)
8 leg in and outs
14 abdominal crunches
18 russian twists
14 plank hip dips
6 side leg raises (on each side)
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists

@DarkestKnight , there. Are you satisfied now? :joy:

In between I have received lots of physical therapy for my foot. The scar tissue gave me plenty of problems in the beginning but I think I have evened it out in the deeper layers by now. My lower back muscles melted into nothingness over the amount of bedrest I had to have and I am currently building that shit back up before I hit the weights at some point.

I am currently bringing 66,6kg ( :sunglasses: ) onto the scale; I have thought about losing two more kilos to hit that sweet spot in between ā€œfeel good weightā€ and still bringing some weight into my movements.


Training routine consisting of intermediate calisthenic

General format of calisthenics
Warm up:
Stretch type-
Lying Y raise
Thoracic extension
Thread the needle
Wrist circles
Wrist extensions

Run this circuit for three times, after we go to the strength warm up

Super set of
Increasing planche lean push ups 8
One leg front lever pull ups 8
For 5 times

5 tries of straddle planche attempts
Superset with maximum unassisted full front lever pull ups for 5 times

Next superset for 10 times
Medium band straddle planche push ups for 5 reps
Light band front lever pull ups for 10 reps

Next super set 3 to 5 times
Advanced planche press to handstand for 5
Wide grip front lever pull ups with light band

Next super set 3 times
Medium band straight arm touch front lever attempts
Planche leans till I fall


Todays training:

30 seconds of jumping jacks
12 triceps kickbacks (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
12 incline push ups (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
10 Hyper extensions (4 sets, 8 reps after the first set)
14 triceps dips (2 sets, 2 reps in second set)
30 seconds of side-lying floor stretches
30 seconds of chakravakasana
12 swimmer and supermans (2 sets)
10 supine push ups (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana


Today was a simpler more gentle workout, without all that push up, press and pull up work. I was sore and with calisthenics the injury risk is high doing things in uncomfortable positions so today I focused on other things. Lean and hold time the basics of high level stuff without much repping.

Superset one and only for 10 times.
Light band planche lean to downward dog for 5 reps - I managed to do a full planche for the first time in the first rep of the sets.
Light band touch front lever raises 5 reps, then fall into a normal front lever and do another 5 reps.

A good day.

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Today was push up day

30 seconds of jumping jacks
8 push ups (2 sets)
6 push ups & rotations
6 staggered push ups (2 sets)
6 hindu push ups
6 diamond push ups
4 spiderman push ups
10 wide arm push ups
8 decline push ups
30 seconds of shoulder stretching
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches


Todays training:

30 seconds of jumping jacks
14 sit ups
14 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
12 plank taps (2 sets)
22 heel touches (2 sets, 18 reps in second set)
16 leg raises (2 sets)
36 seconds of planking (2 sets, 30 seconds in second set)
18 glute bridges (2 sets, 14 reps in second set)
14 bent knee side hip raises on both sides
10 leg in and outs (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


Todays training

30 seconds of jumping jacks
12 Triceps kickbacks
8 floor tricep dips (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
8 pike push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set, fucking arch nemesis)
6 reverse push ups (2 sets, 4 reps in second set)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
30 seconds of chakravakasana
12 supine push ups (2 sets)
10 hyper extensions (2 sets)
12 hover push ups (2 sets, yet another arch nemesis)
6 reverse snow angels (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana

30 seconds of jumping jacks
8 Push ups (2 sets)
8 wide arm push ups
8 push ups & rotations (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
6 diamond push ups (2 sets, 4 reps in second set)
6 spiderman push ups (2 sets, 4 reps in second set)
8 decline push ups
6 hindu push ups
30 seconds of shoulder stretching
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretching
a light and easy exercise sequence, as I was running out of time yesterday. The toes on my operated foot have become quite tolerant again towards putting frequent weight and stretch on them in that regard :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


30 seconds of jumping jacks
16 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
18 russian twists (2 sets, 20 reps in second set)
14 plank taps (2 sets)
18 leg lifts (2 sets)
16 crossover crunches (2 sets, 18 reps in second sit)
18 bicycle crunches (2 sets)
12 leg in and outs
14 plank hip dips
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


30 seconds of jumping jacks
8 floor tricep dips (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
8 pike push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
6 reverse push ups (2 sets, 4 reps in second set)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
30 seconds of chakravakasana
12 Floor Y raises (2 sets)
12 supine push ups (2 sets)
14 hover push ups (2 sets)
8 reverse snow angels (2 sets)
30 seconds of Garbhasana

listening to tales about Abd al-Qadir and his spiritual/intellectual heritage while exercising


Currently doing isometric holds with bodyweight and towels (around 30 seconds a time), followed by reps to failure of a similar exercise with bodyweight or strong resistance bands. Itā€™s a full body routine every day, completed within about 30 mins at most, with some variations in the chosen exercises. Iā€™m enjoying it, itā€™s good to not need a gym or any real equipment, and the strength benefits are showing themselves quickly.
I do some variation on a push, pull, abdominal hold, a shoulder/traps-focused exercise then finishing with either maximally tensed wall sits or an isometric deadlift. The NoLimitsSquad channel on YouTube has got a lot of info on this stuff, itā€™s great if you have limited time and no easy gym access.
My efforts are being fuelled by an audio ritual creation thatā€™s helping me put more into each workout. Iā€™ve already linked it in the Bodybuilding Magick Square thread (as it was inspired by it) and donā€™t want to spam it, if anyone wants to give it a go youā€™re welcome to. Itā€™s designed for boosting strength and muscle gain, Iā€™ve felt good drive and energy from it too, may more of you find it of benefit for your goals also.


Not much time for exercising before going to work, so today is a simple push up exercise day.

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
20 arm circles
8 Push Ups & Rotations
8 staggered push ups (2 sets)
6 hindu push ups (2 sets)
8 diamond push ups
8 spiderman push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
10 push ups
8 decline push ups
30 seconds of shoulder stretches
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches



30 seconds of Jumping jacks
16 sit ups
18 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
16 plank taps (2 sets, 16 reps in second set)
22 heel taps (2 sets)
46 seconds of planking
18 glute bridges (2 sets)
30 seconds of bent knee side hip dips
14 leg in and outs (2 sets)
20 leg raises
16 plank hip dips
8 side leg raises on each side)
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


30 seconds of jumping jacks
10 floor tricep dips (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
10 pike push ups (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
8 reverse push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
30 seconds of side lying floor stretches
30 seconds of chakravakasana
14 supine push ups (2 sets)
12 hyper extensions (2 sets)
14 hover push ups (2 sets, I fucking hate those)
10 reverse snow angels (2 sets)
30 seconds of gharbasana


30 seconds of jumping jacks
20 arm rotations
4 burpees
10 wide arm push ups
8 staggered push ups
6 decline push ups
8 hindu push ups
8 diamond push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
10 spiderman push ups (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
10 push ups
30 seconds of shoulder stretches
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches

Since I almost got into a fistfight with a drugged asshole in broad daylight over not exactly being okay with him kicking the head of a woman that was laying on the ground already (chapeau to all those other assholes that walked by and did nothing, let some small woman with a miniskirt and high heels deal with it amirite. Fucking pathetic) I decided to sign up for two months of Krav Maga starting in April. I will post these sessions here as well then.


Thatā€™s terrible. Fuck this guy. I personally put my Magick hand when I see things like this, justice must be served.

And Krav maga is amazing, I like it more than MMA tbh.

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Fuck this guy, but fuck every other able bodied and grown up person that stared and walked away or drove off too. This dude was with 4 other men but they gladly didnā€™t get involved. It was super stupid of me to get this close with someone like that when being alone but holy fuck, humanity really flies out of the window fast if you do nothing at all to stop the situation from escalating further. I am still more in shock about that than about throwing hands a little, to be honest.

I am really excited for this course, there will also be trainings about situations that involve the other person having a knife and stuff like that. I wanted to sign up for self defense some time ago but I suppose that this day was really a push towards finally doing it :melting_face:

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Different workout today.

MMA/ Krav maga (depends which day I have free time to go) calisthenics, running are demanding enough but my body could not partake the all mighty sitting that I been doing because I was writing, studying and video games. Videos games fucked me more than studying and writing on the computer.

In the last two days I been suffering from upper back pain, yesterday I pushed through it by running 5k+MMA.
Today I took the pain signal seriously, I need to back off.

So i only did this stretching session

Which perfect plus additional hanging and thoracic spine extension.

It is a good time to back off as now I approach a new big ritual for beleth which I fast dor seven days starting from Sunday.
In the seven day fast, I donā€™t workout because I want my body to be healthy and functional and not injury ridden as I have no things to recover from workouts.

Note on Fasting activities.
I refrain from strainous work that is calisthenic because it is requires nutrition for tendon and muscle recovery so after working out and not feeding I am actually making myself week.
I focus more on aerobic activities during fasting like Krav Maga ( in my classes we focus on combinations and punches rather than a workout circuits in MMA)
And running too, 3k is enough.

I stretch way more. I meditate more, I enter my literal monk mode. I am way more spiritual active during fasting season.
I refrain completely from the world, I am good with staring at my ceiling and count my mala beads.



30 seconds of jumping jacks
20 abdominal crunches (2 sets)
20 russian twists (2 sets, 24 reps in second set)
18 plank taps (2 sets)
20 leg raises (2 sets, 22 reps in second set)
18 crossover crunches (2 sets, 20 rep in second set)
18 bicycle crunches (2 sets, 22 reps in second set)
18 plank hip dips
10 side leg raises on each side
30 seconds of Bhujangasana
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists

I hated that exercise sequence with a passion for some reason that day


30 seconds of jumping jacks
12 floor tricep dips (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
12 pike push ups (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
10 reverse push ups (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
30 seconds of chakravakasana
14 supine push ups (2 sets)
14 hyper extensions (2 sets)
14 hover push ups (2 sets)
12 reversed snow angels (2 sets)
30 seconds of garbhasana


30 seconds of jumping jacks
20 arm circles
30 seconds of shoulder stretching
6 Burpees
12 push ups (2 sets)
10 push ups and rotations (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
8 diamond push ups (2 sets, 6 reps in second set)
10 spiderman push ups (2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
30 seconds of shoulder stretches
8 decline push ups
8 hindu push ups
30 seconds of bhujangasana
30 seconds of chest stretches

I am FINALLY done with testing out my foot post-surgery. I think I am fit enough to start with light lifting exercises and more precise foot/leg work the next couple of exercises. About damn time, I need to get these stumpy nubs back into more action asap. I wonā€™t wait for the newest x-rays at the end of this month :triumph:

Note to self: trying to not get below the 64 kilo mark. I need to be able to throw some bodyweight around



30 seconds of jumping jacks
12 squats (2 sets, 10 reps in the second set)
12 side lying leg raises left and right (2 sets, 10 reps for each leg in second set)
14 backward lunges (2 sets, 12 reps in second set. Will switch to wall sits for my meniscus)
12 donkey kicks for each leg (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
30 seconds of quad stretches with a wall for each leg
30 seconds of knee to chest stretches


16 donkey kicks (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
16 glute bridges (2 sets, 14 reps in second set)
16 plie squats (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
14 plank taps (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
10 side step ups for each leg (instead of split squats, 2 sets, 8 reps in second set)
10 adductor stretches in standing
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


14 wall calf raises (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
10 sumo squat calf raises (3 sets, 12 and 14 reps)
14 single leg calf raises per leg (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
30 seconds of calf stretches

30 seconds of high stepping
30 seconds of wall sits (2 sets)
12 donkey kicks (3 sets, 10 and 8 reps)
12 plie squats (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
12 side leg circles on each side (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
30 seconds of quad stretches with a wall
30 seconds of knee to chest stretches


30 seconds of wall sit (2 sets)
14 standing glute kickbacks on each side (2 sets, 12 reps in second set)
12 side step ups (2 sets)
12 fire hydrants (2 sets, 10 reps in second set)
10 adductor stretches in standing
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists

Currently lifting 30 kilos with 15 reps for each leg day session, not ideal but it is what it is


Still continuing with the isometric routine, Iā€™ll switch up some of the exercises if I feel like I could benefit from it but the format feels like it works. Itā€™s helped to be able to go full force with them, most workouts of mine prior to this were high rep to failure or using slow eccentrics so my strength didnā€™t get properly tested, now itā€™s increased a lot. Grip strength is noticeably higher too. My slight change to the workouts is doing partial reps to failure after the 3rd isometric hold for each exercise, it creates a really good pump in the target muscle and feels like a change Iā€™ll stick with.

My audio ritual is helping, Iā€™ve made decent gains so far and have lost a bit of fat, despite my diet straying a little towards bulking every now and then. Focus during workouts is up too, itā€™s helped me go to failure each time and to feel like Iā€™m wringing every bit of effort out of my muscles with each hold.



16 Sumo Squat calf raises with wall (3 sets, 14 and 12 reps)
14 pigeon toed calf raises (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
14 single leg calf hops on each side (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
30 seconds of calf stretches


30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of side hops (2 sets)
12 side lying leg raises on each side (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
30 seconds of wall sits (3 sets)
10 fire hydrants (2 sets, 10 reps)
30 seconds of quad stretches with wall
30 seconds of knee to chest stretches


18 side steps (2 sets, 16 reps)
16 glute bridges (2 sets, 14 reps)
16 pliƩ squats (2 sets, 14 reps)
12 fire hydrants (2 sets, 10 reps)
12 froggy glute lifts (2 sets, 10 reps)
12 backward lunges with front kicks (2 sets, 10 reps, first kicking exercise since the meniscus tear)
10 adductor stretches in standing
30 seconds of spine lumbar twists


16 pigeon toed calf raises (3 sets, 14 and 12 reps)
16 single leg calf hops (3 sets, 14 and 12 reps)
14 leaning stretcher raises (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
30 seconds of calf stretches


30 seconds of high stepping
12 squats (3 sets, 12 and 10 reps)
12 donkey kicks (3 sets, 10 and 8 reps)
12 pliƩ squats (2 sets, 10 reps)
12 side leg circles (2 sets, 10 reps)
30 seconds of quad stretches with wall
30 seconds of knee to chest stretches

Iā€™ve discovered that I can do squat movements with a certain angle and a certain pace without getting the torn meniscus flap locked in between my knee joints.

Starting my Krav Maga course this week, it will be weekly for 2 hours additional to the training. I feel super excited for this :sweat_smile: