First Time scanning (CLOSED)

Prankster, not trickster. And yes, he can be very silly. I’m working with Hermes from the Greek pantheon.

Very good job there, Star.


May I please get a scan little one?

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May I please have a scan? Thank you.


Wow I’m impressed with myself XD and thank you bestie hugs you and Hermes together ^-^


Oh, you were also right that I was curious about something.

Yesterday was a research day in a topic, so add that yo your success.

You got this, so keep it on.


Glad to be of help ^^
And yes I’m taking rest so my scan is gonna take time now on wards


Ok now you can type in the title closed but don’t close the topic tho as i still need to scan some people after some break for myself
Thank you


I got you covered little one


Wait you can do that? Or your gonna ask someone big one bestie? Either way thanks so much ^-^


Every regular can move and rename threads.


Ah ok

Hey I tried to scan you but I can’t get anything from you sadly, sorry maybe try with someone else.

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You pushed yourself, try again later, relax now little one

I don’t know if I’ll have time to scan again as I’m busy so it would be best if you asked someone else.

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Thanks for trying anyways little one

I think your asking for a scan.
Well the first thing I saw you in a hat sitting at a cafe I guess it was the selfie you sent me before in pm and it was a yellow hat then I kept seeing this black dragon with sharp teeth coming near you and the black dragon had thorns on the end of it’s tail then I saw you levitating of the ground while the black dragon is on the left side of you watching you. I don’t know what it means but I did see alot of yellowish with a tint of red in it colours.

I’m getting a vibe that you need to shield yourself more don’t know why either

Hopefully i was accurate again



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Oh and that your stressed too.
Oof that was alot of info from you lol

Do you know what it means bestie?


im stressed a lot with money and worry regarding college.

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I think I saw light green at first then I saw a bakery with yellow light in it and then this one leaf with yellow,red and black colours on it and for some reason it looked like you were putting a white cream or lotion on it as if to heal the plant.
I also saw below the light green aura a crystallized whitish with a purple crystal colour on it just shining bright at me.

Have no idea what all of it meant so please do explain to me

Hope I was accurate