First successful(?) evocation

About 4-5 hours ago I attempted to evoke Lucifer using @Lady_Eva 's Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide. There were parts that I didn’t do and skipped because of various reasons but all went well in the end I believe.
I got his sigil, memorized his enn, and had my journal. I started reciting his enn while rocking back and forth. At first, I wasn’t gazing at his sigil but after a bit I did.
I kept this process going and visualized a man in front of me. The man, whom I shall call Lucifer, raised his left hand while watching it rise. I’ve no idea if that symbolizes anything. Perhaps Left-Hand Path?
I asked him if he could guide me down my path as a black magician and in response, Lucifer said yes. I heard this in my head. As I was unsure whether that was me creating a response I’d like to hear and telling myself that or if it was actually Lucifer actually answering me I requested if we could meet within my dreams to confirm it.
In preparation for this event, I held off on both eating and masturbation(It’s a problem at this point…) for a couple of days. I was charging the sigil I used a bunch and also consecrated(I’ve no idea if that was even needed but I did it anyway.) It was a crimson red after I finished.

All in all, it was something short and not as grand as some other evocation stories on here but it was important to me. I hope that after this I will finally stop being an armchair magician and actually get to put my knowledge into practice.

Now then, are there any thoughts that anyone would like to share? Or perhaps suggestions on what I should do next? I’ll leave it to you to say anything.


sounds like things went relatively smoothly given that it was your first time. First time is always awkward. Keep it up, it gets easier. Magick is a muscle. you gotta work it out to start seeing truly impressive things. And meditate daily

As to where to go next, I could give you some suggestions if I knew a bit more about you and your interests. But all in all, where you go from here is ultimately up to you


I’m mainly interested in Necromancy. I don’t intend to stop any time soon so hopefully I get somewhere along my path.


Sounds like the ritual went well, nicely done. Now that you have made contact with Lucifer, he will be with you to guide you along your path. Whatever your next steps may be, more than anything it is important to just keep doing magick. There’s no need to worry about whether you’re doings things right. Just keep practicing.

If you have any questions, remember that you can always summon Lucifer and ask for wisdom and clarity.


Here’s how my dream went:
Starting at the important part, me and a whole bunch of other students where locked up in our stairs area. The area was different to how it is in reality, but that’s unimportant. There were three cops. I assume they locked us up for something related to drugs(It’s a problem in my school.). That was wrong. After they gave each one of us a piece of paper we were told to go sit down on the stairs. At that point I was starting to get a really bad feeling. I tried to get someone to call for help using their phone but in the end nobody did. The 3 supposed cops even had something that could detect phones. I tried to hide mine from getting detected. At that point that bad feeling only got worse and a little bit later everyone on the stairs started to attack the three cops. I, mainly, focused on the only dude there, and I think he was the boss of this little group. I literally grabbed him and beat him back and forth like a rag doll. When I was finished there were feathers everywhere. No body. No blood. Only feathers and a weird looking hide that I think had wings.
After that, the girl that I think I like was covered in all kinds of weird markings. I only noticed her so I don’t know about every one else.
Now, on to the the main and final point. After the end of the fight, everyone became frozen except me. Then there emerged a being, celestial it felt like. It was a womanly presence. But nonetheless it was there. I assume this being was Lucifer. Why he gave a womanly presence I’m not sure. Luckily, my dream lasted to that point. I woke up literally right after. I never got a good look at the being, or Lucifer.
I take this as a confirmation of the ritual yesterday.


I used to dream of police all the time. I was curious about it and brought it up with the spirits that I work with. There insight was pretty much unanimous. Apparently there is a form of celestial entity (Angelic and of the false light) that operates within the onieros (dream world). They are quite literally thought police, and will dissuade a person from behaving in a certain way, or even altering their thoughts to create illogical fears, or terror of the infernal, or doubt in ones abilities.

The fact that the other dream projections attacked the cops, would to me indicate that you are fighting against programing. The fact that Lucifer showed up (he often DOES appear as a female) would to me indicate that he helped you out.

I find it interesting that after the tussle there was a bunch of feathers (see my first paragraph about angelic dream police)


That certainly would explain a few things. Thank you, that has been helpful.


@otherion and @SITHISIT I did a search for this issue and found this thread instead of making my own “dream police” thread because I always search first.

I am dreaming more and more about authority figures, police in general. I find that I am hounded by them in dreams where I want to get certain things done but can’t every time in these situations because I have to either escape or battle and I usually choose to take flight. I am no noob to the astral and I am very good at it so when I dream recall that they messed with me I go back in to fight back. It’s a cycle that seems to repeat itself and when I’m caught which is rare I have past enemies residing over the buildings I’m in. It is a very negative experience but often times I find a way to escape.

I usually tear open a portal and jump in, they can’t follow, but they are a total nuisance. I am thinking of burning an anti jinx candle along with maybe a vanvan oil candle and then meditate on Marbas to heal my psyche from tyrannical authority “dream police”. That’s my plan currently. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as these feathered friends waste countless days in astral time that I could be using for better purposes.

Edit: I just started some heavy work with Belial and I know he is one to emphasize no master, something I’ve been starting to embrace. These dream police seem to have started up around this time.

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@DrifterOfDarkness My suggestion would be to work with an entity known for dreams or psychic ability to help you veil your dreams from intrusion. Such as Lilith, Hecate, or Leviathan. Hecate in particular is a fierce protector. Regardless of who you work with, it is imperative you start tripling your protections. You are under siege by beings that may and probably will resort to violence if they can’t successfully police your mind.


@Otherion thank you for the advice, I will be tripling protection and looking into Hecate.

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