I thought I’d offer a small tip that helped me when I was learning: clairaudience is the art of perceiving sound through extra sensory ability. So having conversations with other practitioners via telepathy or with spirits is helpful. In other words, not only is opening those faculties within yourself important but also the practice. Which I believe you touched on earlier here.
To get to the point: @AdamThoth and I used to play this game way back when where I was working on clairvoyance. We would imagine this indigo tube going into each other’s third eyes and we would send each other shapes and we had to guess the shape.
Why not try that with words? Instead of shapes you could keep it to specific words like fire, water, earth and air. That game can help you refine your abilities and get you practice, as well as verify your practice and help you figure out what works for you.
I agree. I just need to make it able to like say words. Right now I only know I can hear vibrations. We should absolutely do this in the future
I am hearing indescribable noises from it. It’s a little freaky. Should I be layiing on this>
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Like something on the radio but fuzzy
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I am gonna have so much fucking fun with this ability
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Yes its Me😉
And how are you this afternoon?
Morgana is Morgan
My aspects are Minkasa the Dragon Ashala the priestess, I am Morrigain who is Morgana.
It was interesting to find out what and how and why i have these aspects
It’s been a while since I started to hear, after the meditations for the clairvoyance, a sound similar to that of the tinnitus, sometimes also of the Melodies. I thought I had some physical problems with my ear, but maybe I just need to tune in better.
I think I’m very close to it ! Every time I call a spirit I feel strong air pressure in my ears like what happens on the plane I’ll give it a go soon !
I was tired! And asleep! But for the most part? I was having the time of my life! I mean, clairaudience? It’s fucking bonkers!
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Update: My left ear APPEARS to hear better clairvoynantly than my right, but my intuition is telling me this is wrong. This is interesting, because my left ear is deaf.
Actually i think it makes sense to have better spiritual hearing in your deaf ear. It is less attuned to the material outside distractions and will be more sensative to the energies around you. I’ll be keeping an eye on this post. Awesome topic by the way.
Im pretty clairaudient already and id highly suggest working on your ear chakras
This thread is going to be great! I’ve been wanting something like this for Clairaudience for awhile now. I’ll be working with Mepsital and using meditations and others stuff. Very excited!
I so appreciate and want to join but I’m too lazy to work on it. Maybe I’m satisfied enough already that spirits give short and almost silent answers, I don’t really need them to speak louder
@maxwell how do you train it your way? Is there a life hack to this? Sorry for questioning but I’m so unbelievably lazy right now I can’t be bothered
Ear chakras? Does that even exist? How did you train to become good in clairaudience?
yes you have minor chakras in your inner ears. i was just born really clairaudient so im not really sure. I guess auditory vizualisation might help, for example i can imagine most songs i like in my head incredibly accurately, almost like they were actually playing.