Fiance's soul in danger

All the more reason to take the advice that was given and banish…


Sorry kiddo, I had no idea I was going to sacrifice you for my life… said pretty much no one ever.

I’d tell any entity that confirmed that told get the fck out of my space and try again for one that didn’t want to use me for food personally…

I know I sound harsh, but the shit you’re spewing is either a real good story you made up for fun, or you need to learn to protect yourself before playing anymore with demons and shapeshifters imop.


Ok so there’s nothing wrong with your fiance at all.

Why do you let this nobody of a woman scare you? She can’t “sacrifice” souls that don’t belong to her, that’s not a real thing, it’s a myth.
Honestly, the number of bad practitioners out there that just love to larp it up. You’ve definitely been conned.

I agree with Keteriya, banish, cleanse, get an unhexing in for good measure, and MOST of all, get your head straight between what’s real and what’s not.

I think fapa had a great suggestion summon Satanachia and ask him if he knows anything. If he says no, great, you’re done. If he says yes, ask him how to undo it.
Have no doubt that you are in charge over your own persons, and you will be.


WTF you mean Belial is not in the Goetia? His seal can be found in the lesser key of Solomon. (like I said we can debate seals, books, accuracy, if they are all really demonized “gods” etc.)

Being part of it doesn’t prevent him from being something older as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pazuzu is also called a demon now a days, and if I’m not mistaken there is pretty good evidence he started out in Sumeria as well isn’t there?

How about Azazel, you can go way back with the watchers and his history but we still call him a demon…

or Lilith for that matter… :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep. That’s a fact. He is considered one these days.

Edit add: I don’t read Sumerian so I can’t say if what people say about what was written about pazuzu back then is true or not but he’s at least that old.


Same, I’ve only read a few of the translated documents, and of course the debates around here, I’ve not personally studied the subject. My spouse has more interest in Sumerian than I do lol. He sometimes watches that cursed youtube spam on it, that I really don’t believe…


I saw them with my own eyes. he has video of me stepping out in the back porch, walking past them, and then walking towards him. when I got to him, I saw them too. it was a man and a woman on what seemed to be a loop. look at each other, talk, look back at me. I had binoculars (my property is pretty spaced out) and I saw my roommates face in the female as she looked over at us. this shit is so complex and I just wish I could explain it all to you guys. but I obviously look like a child and I seem crazy :upside_down_face:

Nope. You look like someone with bad spiritual hygiene who lacks practical experience. Your discernment abilities seem to be on the naive/lackluster side. :confused:

Seeing things doesn’t always mean it’s spiritual. It can be everything from the mind and the imagination, to medication, drugs, alcohol, and mental illness. Not to mention reflection on surfaces, scrying and I’m sure other possibilities. :grinning:

Refusing to protect and banish yourself, just to be on the safe side, as well as establish you are the operator and it is your property not theirs, merely indicates you came here looking to share but not for help.

Continuing to add to the story in hopes of a different answer, just makes you seems like it’s not really a problem at all, or you have a well seated parasitic problem of some sort, mental illness etc, or whatever else causes people to insist upon the answers they received are not going to work, before they try any of them.

Good luck :+1::grinning:


I never once said I wasn’t going to take advice. Like I’ve said before, I’m new to this. I’m adding details in case there’s anything that might make sense. But I really appreciate your hospitality and want to make me feel welcomed. Thank you SO much for wanting to educate me and not talking down on me.


Actually, Pazuzu has a;ways been considered a demon. In fact, in Mesopotamia, he was called upon for protection from other demons, particularly Lamashtu.


Hmm. Thank you, I’m the worst with history and keeping it all straight. I was just trying to say, I’ve read of others that we call demons that trace back to other things previously and farked it up!

Note to self: Petition the gods for the type of memory our resident historian possesses.


Agree, I’m of Pervuian descent and they worship/recognized Pazuzu due to German influence as a demon as well.

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I saw them with my own eyes. he has video of me stepping out in the back porch, walking past them, and then walking towards him. when I got to him, I saw them too. it was a man and a woman on what seemed to be a loop. look at each other, talk, look back at me. I had binoculars (my property is pretty spaced out) and I saw my roommates face in the female as she looked over at us.

Shapeshifters in person, as in your roommate is a shifter or in vision? Shapeshifters in person are really bad news. The only time time came up here as a real thing, it was in discussion about the Native American kind, the evil ones that sell a child in the family to torture and death to become one. You don’t deal with these you get away from them or you find a way to get them gone from your life.

You didn’t tell us how your roommate is related to the evil woman though. No healer trades health for health, leaving you with a zero sum game, so that’s not what she was doing.


Belial is number nine in the Goetia. He’s not a Sumerian god.

As stated by others above banish, do the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.

It’ll get rid of the surrounding “demons” and get rid of the one, uh haunting him.

Lets go back to the Christian roots – you can cleanse the inner and outer courtyard (your house and the land), by walking the perimeter, preferably with saltwater and frankincense. Get some annointing oil and draw an even armed cross on each window, door, wall, ceiling and floor. Recite Psalms 91 as you do so at each cross. Also give a license to depart.