Fae Magick, a Thread for Group Workings and General Discussions on Fae magick

I Evoked King of the Leafs last night, getting a name out of him, Palon. I asked him of the nature of the Universal Fae,

“Yes there are many, most of of us of nature and govern its laws, and enforce them to an extent”

i ask him why he is being more short tempered than before

“I am short tempered due to problems on the Fae worlds, there is war”

I asked for a familiar to guide me through there system and ended the ritual


During my research I’ve found some useful information here too.



I Evoked Palon again to get more information and asked him for a a chant to summon the Fae energys into the magickion and there temple, here it is

“Ho ga na eka tel en
Volpoa’ga tedda po ea en a’a”

This should help with the working with any Fae.

He also said to not invoke one single Fae repeatedly, it is dangerous.

I then asked if he could heal me and said he couldn’t but recommended a Fae spirit to me, Queen Olblon. so i Evoked he and called her, she had this to say after healing me:

"We are of many origin not all confusing put some of distant past and very different, you and your kind cant understand, but we are kind and shining, a little more said on us, our powers are wide and shining with great amount, some of which you dont ant to see.

Grant your kind are mostly harmless to us, you pose a great threat to the environment.

Freeing ourselfs is our main goal, so that we all may ascend’

May i also say that singing there names and chants help them manifest faster


Did you evoke them to full physical manifestation ?


By physical manifestation do you mean i saw them with my third eye?, if so than yes. but that phrase has been thrown around a lot and everybody has different meanings for it so i dont know what meaning it has to you


I mean like this.


No i havent, matter of fact i dont think i ever had anything like this


Okay just wondering. :slightly_smiling_face:

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A little while ago i read somewhere that there is a forest mother(not sure if thats what shes called) in every forest. would she be considered a fae or would she have some relation to them? how would i got about contacting her?


A forest mother is like a fey regent that is in charge of a certain area. Usually you need to gain her followers trust before she is introduced to you. So i’d start with attracting a fey that is willing to help you first.


im getting this book since its on kindle
thanks for the recommendation

will start diving into fae magick starting next week :+1:

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cool, it doesn’t just talk about fae but it also talks about elementals. i haven’t finished it yet, but where i’m at right now I can guarantee you you’ll like it. :smile:


Has anyone read Good Faeries and Bad Faeries by Damon Froad? If so, can you tell me if you liked it or not?


@SITHISIT Froud’s books are amazing for the artwork on it’s own. You also get a lot of info on the different types of fae :slight_smile:


have you read the faerie bible by Teresa Moorey? If so, then how do think it is compared to his books? Also, elves are a type of fae right?

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anyone read this yet? https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Mysteries-Faery-Witchcraft-Faerywolf-ebook/dp/B0795QDLRJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1543714878&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=forbidden+mysteries+of+faery+witchcraft+kindle&dpPl=1&dpID=51IIGIjrW-L&ref=plSrch


finished this book a week ago, it was pretty good/decent for an introductory book, still have yet to do the evocation technique to summon the elemental fae kings from the book though


lul actually buying this book

we’ll see how it goes

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This book looks interesting. I can’t wait to here your review on it. :+1::grin:


Dragons are fae right? Well, I think they are so I’ll put this here anyway. So a good incense to draw dragons is basil. I’ll probably update this later on. Actually probably not.

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