Experiences with the Djinn

Sharing my personal experience about this…

Hargrove’s Practical Djinn Magic - Been using it for 2 months now. Bec of their reputation, i was careful and made sure i searched on here and read about them as much as I could before actually trying anything out. It was one of Keteriya’s posts/comments that tipped the scale for me. Hargrove pretty much structured the ritual to keep it “safe” and Keteriya did say they do work fast!

Nuggets of gold in this thread! Anyone experience with the Book Practical Jinn Magick? - #6 by Keteriya

Personally…i would do 1 ritual a night, respecting and following the days of the week stated in the book. I like that the ritual is pretty straightforward and all i need is a space and a candle.

I added some steps based on suggestions from here. I repurposed a chessboard to create an altar for the Djinn elders, 7 kings and to represent the 3 djinns. I would move the Djinn King for the day front and center and underneath it put the paper I wrote my petition on.

Hargroves ritual structure ends with you putting off the candle. I added a fire ritual to cap it off. I take the paper, go outdoor, put in a small cast iron cauldron, douse w alcohol or kerosene and let it burn away. The djinns love fire and seeing it dance w the wind makes me feel good about it. Sometimes i add my hair or nails. End of ritual.

Results - Id say at least 10% im certain has manifested. The 70% i wouldnt know unless the target tells me about it, which may be too personal for him to share atm. The 20% ive gotten context clues from conversations that yes they happened/happening.