You can use the circle, it won’t hurt anything. I don’t personally use circles, but it’s not conflicting imop.
I get better results when I do the rituals on the days as Hargrove lists them, but I’ve used them on other days, usually because I had to for an emergency situation, and have still garnered results in most cases.
I know he quotes the book at 50/50 for results. I think he’d be stupid do anything else if he’s giving numbers, because some people won’t follow directions, some won’t jive with the djinn etc. But I see much higher results with his works, probably 80% or so overall, though the works I do for myself garner results more often than those I do for others, so just throwing this out here as an average for the combined.
The most important thing I’ve noticed with working with the djinn and especially this book, is how you word your request. He talks about making it sound ridiculous, like if you want $200 asking for some ridiculous amount instead- he’s 100% correct.
When I just say what I want, I’m lucky to get results. When I make it sound like a grand request, that only the djinn that the djinn king assigns to the task can possible ever make happen, I get results. Make it sound like it’s a grand quest worth their time, but keep it short.
As far as the reason you give goes, I pretty much always say it would make me feel better, regardless of which ritual it is.
Not offhand, I’m sure you could google it, they are the kings you find in most djinn magic literature, so I’m sure the information is out there.