Experienced Magicians Debunk "Selling Your Soul"

Thank you, I am really need to know about selling soul, I grow up with a lot Christian mindset teaching, I have a lot wrong thoughts and wrong understanding about the things I know for many years, I get mislead by religion or some movies I watched.

This thread and the video is like a big slap to my face, is like out of sudden slap me to make me realize myself so stupid and naive that always thoughts we can sell our souls to get something impossible to get or make some impossible task to be done, and I even have a thinking to ignored about we must work hard for what we want.

I was in middle of some difficult time in my life, I facing a lot issues and problems, to be honest, I really can’t solve them all by myself, everything is just go lost control, and what I can do is just see things fails, see things gone, see things broke and broken and is like I am really hard to go on…living.

Is all my own fault, stupid and mistakes, I have to face it myself, and I am so lost my way on how to rebuild everything that already the facts now. I know is time for me to really grow up, and not to keep dreaming all the impossible things…I need time, I need guidance.

I wish to get on track on how to do, step by step to getting things become better, learn from my mistakes and keeps myself away for not doing the same again. I need to accept myself, yes, from all things that happened show that I am failed, but this is not the reason I can keeps on continue to feed my weak. Keep crying and sad all day, not sleep, not eat, go working without heart and soul…is not the way. I am not weak, I have to get up from all of this now…I will try my best…


You have found your way here and not rejected the information you found, so you are already ahead of the game: things may be tough, I cannot imagine your circumstances and will not try to comment, but you possess the birthright of doing magick in whatever form YOU choose, you do not need to give away that which is priceless, your freedom, in order to improve your situation and become happier and stronger. :+1:

I have faith in you. :smiley:


I made a contract regarding my soul and gave mine over just so I know whats happening to me once I pass over. I made sure it was only with a being I fully trust to not abuse this, and made sure the terms were solid. I dont think this a method for say… 99% of people, but it works for some


Bumping this



With a little addition.



A post was split to a new topic: How to make effective contract to sell soul?

You can most definitely sell your soul! The soul is the thing that makes sense of perceptions- it’s why we’re standing on a planet as opposed to floating in a sea of vibrations- and by selling it you give the buyer control over what and how you perceive. It takes a lot of trust to do something like that, since the one you sell it to essentially owns your individuality! :slight_smile:


Bump from beyond :alien:

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Or as i liked to say:

What do you mean selling your Soul.

You think that’s worth anything?
Have you seen it?

Well what do you expect in for “nothing”, then. xD


Make it worth something,
and you might not be such interested in giving away your soul anymore.





That was beautifully written :slight_smile:

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Bumps from the beyond.


Bumps from the beyond :alien:



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Because it has many good references and gets lost in the mire of posting history :stuck_out_tongue:


I remember at one time (as a kid) I wanted to sell my soul, because I was hoping that if I didn’t have so much moral integrity, I could do stuff I wanted and go along with the crowd, get people to like me etc. (and ironically get in less trouble with authority figures.) What I didn’t realize then is who my demonic patrons were, and how much they already were influencing me.

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Bumps from the outer realms. :fire::skull::fire:


Bumps from the outer realms :fire::skull::fire:


Bumps from the beyond


It’s what you do to show your Dedication, during Evocation, all the Gatekeepers and others beings for anything especially with an offering. It’s like that you enter into an agreement and if you choose this path won’t your soul change anyways?

just out of curiousity, whod you sell it to? an Infernal King?