Experienced Magicians Debunk "Selling Your Soul"

I don’t think this was brought up but I want to throw it out there. I recently watched one of EAs short videos promoting the book of mephisto and In his video he clearly says " this book tells you how to sell your soul to the devil". Or something to that degree

However I also thought he has said that one can’t sell their soul and that it’s Hollywood bullshit. Many others on this forum claim the same thing?!

If this is the case then what he says is contradictory and I don’t see why he would say that even if he is trying to promote something for $$

Im still reading the book of mephisto so I can’t comment on that fully, nor do I plan to sell my soul BTW lol… Yet that is lol jk

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In my opinion, it is both an accurate statement and hyperbole, because Mephisto has always been portrayed as the stereotypical devil (thanks to Goethe’s Faust) so working with him on any level could be seen as “selling your soul,” far more so than working with the spirits of the Goetia, for example.


Yea makes sense. Most of what I read so far in that book seems to me to be hyperbole but that’s just my perception. I havent manifested any big so called miracles yet… But oh I shall! :grin:


You CAN sell your soul insofar as you enter into a binding pact with a spirit to be eternally subsumed in their current, unless you bring good dowry (like a lot of power and magickal skill of your own earned through extensive hard work), you’re going to end up a drone, or lunch, or worse, in many cases.

BUT the reasons people join here asking how to “sell their souls” are usually exceptionally stupid and short-term things like a passing crush based on pheromones, so as ideas go, this one is only popular due to extreme ignorance of the far BETTER options out there.

If power was money, “selling your soul” would be like signing up to a loan-shark whose interest rates are so high you can never pay them off, whereas normal magick is more like being a bit strapped for cash and instead of doing anything stupid, getting a grant that’s yours to invest.


Yes, one of the members on this forum (I forget which), sold his soul to Satan in a previous life because it was all he knew back then.

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My relative who’s now Varnaxis did the same, for the same reasons, BUT he was a kickass mage already with multiple lifetimes of experience and building hois own power, and got himself true ascent through that method, so he did okay with the deal.

I realise almost everyone thinks they’re like the one true avatar of whatever or child of whatever but to be honest anyone over the age of like ten reading this and thinking of selling your soul, you’re NOT, sorry, the guy who became Varnaxis was a small child when this happened, to be in the kind of desperate and witless state to over-commit like this as a teenager or adult by definition for most people rules them out of that group.

Not going to try and dress that up, just be careful what you commit to people. :man_shrugging:

You can always go further over time, but almost never get to take anything back once it’s given freely.


Ok so i’m not trying to be an ass but even if you did sell your soul what is a spirit going to do with it?

Imagine you had a robotic servant that would do anything you told it, totally belonged to you. That’s just the human version, and that kind of object-like servitude seems to await many people who go that route.

Thing about spirits (and this btw holds true even for those who think of them like programs or aspects of the mass subconscious) is they can influence people, we know this, there are many people who have worked successfully using this ability, they can keep you out of jail or get you a promotion, so once you let them in, in a very substantial manner like this and surrendering your own freedom, they’re going to start influencing YOU, and so you may even come to welcome serving them.


One thing im always trying to understand is what is this slanderous crap with Christianity? Like ok its wrong for all of us to be using magick (for whatever reason) but if your praying to god for an angel to help you how is that no different than summoning?

IMO it’s not, but you would need one of our resident Christian/ex-Christian magicians to really answer properly on that, I think.

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The only difference between praying to a god and evocation is that with prayer, you’re ultimately submitting to an entity, whereas with evocation you’re submitting an entity to you. But both get results if done correctly.


Thank you, I am really need to know about selling soul, I grow up with a lot Christian mindset teaching, I have a lot wrong thoughts and wrong understanding about the things I know for many years, I get mislead by religion or some movies I watched.

This thread and the video is like a big slap to my face, is like out of sudden slap me to make me realize myself so stupid and naive that always thoughts we can sell our souls to get something impossible to get or make some impossible task to be done, and I even have a thinking to ignored about we must work hard for what we want.

I was in middle of some difficult time in my life, I facing a lot issues and problems, to be honest, I really can’t solve them all by myself, everything is just go lost control, and what I can do is just see things fails, see things gone, see things broke and broken and is like I am really hard to go on…living.

Is all my own fault, stupid and mistakes, I have to face it myself, and I am so lost my way on how to rebuild everything that already the facts now. I know is time for me to really grow up, and not to keep dreaming all the impossible things…I need time, I need guidance.

I wish to get on track on how to do, step by step to getting things become better, learn from my mistakes and keeps myself away for not doing the same again. I need to accept myself, yes, from all things that happened show that I am failed, but this is not the reason I can keeps on continue to feed my weak. Keep crying and sad all day, not sleep, not eat, go working without heart and soul…is not the way. I am not weak, I have to get up from all of this now…I will try my best…


You have found your way here and not rejected the information you found, so you are already ahead of the game: things may be tough, I cannot imagine your circumstances and will not try to comment, but you possess the birthright of doing magick in whatever form YOU choose, you do not need to give away that which is priceless, your freedom, in order to improve your situation and become happier and stronger. :+1:

I have faith in you. :smiley:


I made a contract regarding my soul and gave mine over just so I know whats happening to me once I pass over. I made sure it was only with a being I fully trust to not abuse this, and made sure the terms were solid. I dont think this a method for say… 99% of people, but it works for some


Bumping this



With a little addition.



A post was split to a new topic: How to make effective contract to sell soul?

You can most definitely sell your soul! The soul is the thing that makes sense of perceptions- it’s why we’re standing on a planet as opposed to floating in a sea of vibrations- and by selling it you give the buyer control over what and how you perceive. It takes a lot of trust to do something like that, since the one you sell it to essentially owns your individuality! :slight_smile:


Bump from beyond :alien:

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Or as i liked to say:

What do you mean selling your Soul.

You think that’s worth anything?
Have you seen it?

Well what do you expect in for “nothing”, then. xD


Make it worth something,
and you might not be such interested in giving away your soul anymore.


