Experience and communication with My Succubus. I Need some guidance

Hi guys, I’m Zack, 35 years old. I like magic and reading spiritual material. Months ago I decided to practice some magic, so I’m a beginner. I want to narrate my experience with Succubus. Also I need some advice and guidance from experienced people.

Two days ago, I summoned 3 Succubus with an Intent Letter to Lilith. That night, I felt a strange sexual energy around me. After a while, I started to have intercourse with invisible energy.

The next day, when I woke up. I started to research how to communicate with a Succubus or spirits in general. I found some interesting articles about using a Pendulum board to communicate with them. One of them explains a kind of playbook to some basic Yes/No questions. ([Talking To Spirits Via Pendulum]()) which seems to me very useful.

So, I decided to do some experiments with this Pendulum board with the Alphabet method. Starting with basic questions, they answered me that there were 3 succubus. They were females.

They told me that they are demons. No animals like them and they are not human spirit. They are female and they are succubus. They don’t have sexual orientation. They look like females and their height is 7 feets. They have long green hair. Her hair is made from fire. They have two eyes which have 3 colors red, yellow and lilac with human pupils. They have dark skin, they told me their skins look like humans, one is black, the second orange and the third is purple or violet. They don’t have scales or fur. They have pointed teeth and ears like humans. They don’t have claws. They have nails.

Also they told me that they have boobs and vagina. They “maybe” look like humans. They have red wings which aren’t from fire but from feathers. They have a tail and horns. They have two arms and they can’t shapeshift but have human form or body.

After that I started to ask them about the relationship. I asked them if I could trust them. they answered me, “Maybe” and if they will harm me, they also answered “maybe”.

I asked them if they had a preferred type of offering, they answered me with “Incense” and when I asked them what type of incense they like, they answered me with “F” I searched in Google and I found “Frankincense” which is famous incense.

I asked them if there are specific ways that we can bond and they answered me with “Water” which I don’t understand, how can I do this and if this is safe?

So I asked them if they wanted a Vessel with Water, they told me yes. Also I don’t understand this. If anyone with experience in this kind of summoning can give some guidance?

Also I asked them, if they can help me with my life and magic staff, they answered with “yes”. As a test I asked them to bring me anything or some weed or arrange my book shelves they answered me yes but nothing happened!!

Finally, I asked them how I see them, they told me “dreams”. If anyone with experience in this kind of summoning can give some guidance? if all of this is my imagination (I don’t consume drugs or Alcohol) or is it real? I’m not only interested in sex stuff with succubus but also I want to order them some tasks such as home staff or bring me something. I want to ask if I’m dealing with succubus or another kind of spirit? How can I improve my communication with them to interact directly with them?


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Reminds me of three sisters, Lilith, Naamah and Eisheth Zenunim. But could be also impostors, so I would demand more specific information and identification before having any sexual interaction.

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Thanks. What kind of specific information and identification should I ask them more?

You could ask them to show their sigils, say their names and things like that at first. Also, if you wish to work with them, you’ll quickly notice if they deliver what you ask or not. It’s pretty much the same as if you’d call to some official bureau: You are asked to prove your identity. You could also do double check and “call” them through sigil contact.

You’d probably notice at some point anyway if they were parasitic spirits, but the problem is that it’s far more difficult to get rid of them after giving your energy so long. Speaking from experience :smile: There are a lot of parasites using sexual energy and if you just call anyone to have sex with you, you can be sure that request will be responded (but most often by not the ones you wanted)

Edit of the edit: My parasite wasn’t even through sexual energy, but it did present itself as another spirit later and tried sexual contact. Too bad for it, I knew the original spirit wouldn’t give that energy at all and it was exposed already earlier. I almost hope to meet it again so that I can slice it into small pieces :sweat_smile:


Thanks :blush: for your explanation. Seems very useful to me. Actually, I asked them their names, ages etc. When I made the call it was through the Lilith sigil and ritual. But for example, I don’t know how they can show me their sigil, through the Pendulum or black mirror? Or any method you recommend to me?
Also every night I tried to protect myself before starting any communication or ritual to avoid imposters. But at this point, as you recommend I’ll try again to confirm their identity. But what I noted these two days, I’m more calm and sense of improvements in my life in general.

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Sounds good, you’ve been careful! :slightly_smiling_face: It doesn’t harm to double check anyway. Sometimes it’s also possible that when you have started to work with the “real deal” spirit, an impostor sees an opportunity and sometimes contacts you instead of the original spirit. That’s actually what happened to me.

I think there are many methods and tools mentioned in the forum what people use for identification. If you search “identification”, you’ll find similar questions.

Personally I don’t use any tools (other than sigils) but there is no ‘correct’ way. I’ve been practicing my senses through meditation and noticed that parasites aren’t able to show specific signs, tell their names correctly nor show clear sigils through visions. Also, to me it helped that original spirits warned me.


Thanks a lot. I’ll search about how to perform the proper identification.

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I’ve only received a few sigils but in some cases I was simply shown some glowing lines that I drew out until it felt complete, and in other cases I just intuited how to draw them out. A line her, then here, this way, etc and there ya go!

It’s a very intuitive process.


I’ll try show them some sigils and make them choose with the Pendulum. I think this can show me if they are liars or not. Because they didn’t show up in my dreams

To be fair to them, as unknown entities it’sa Case of giving them a chance, or not. You won’t find out how any relationship goes until you try.

You can watch for signs such as fatigue, bad luck, strife in human relationships or illness that mean what you’re getting is not worth what you’re paying for it.

Prepare with known techniques for getting rid of them in a hurry if you need to: if it goes bad, the longer they stay with you the weaker you get and harder it becomes to get clear.


Thanks. Until now I have good signs, like I become more calm and mind is clear, I feel more concentrated in my daily tasks, my talks and relations improved at least with my family. I meditate more and my senses of feeling my environment increased. I think this could be a good signs?

I’m also try protect myself every day, and preparing to get rid of them in any moment if I figure out they are imposters.

Those are hopefully how it just is. However high level parasites have been known to play nicey nice at first to get you hooked, then weeks or months later after you have long let your guard down, and they wouldn’t be the first suspects, then it’s starts going downhill.

Humans are bad at spotting patterns when things are separated by time. I would suggest keeping a journal you can review, that can help, as you’ll write things that are forgotten.

I’m a fan of experience under the “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger “ trope and I’ve let even obvious parasites attack just to see what would happen :slight_smile: Knowing they’re there and that you can detach them if it doesn’t work out makes it more of a calculated risk that can be used to your advantage :slight_smile:


Very nice strategy :blush: Also I’ll try to contact Lilith to confirm that she sent them. I asked them about their sigil and they drew the sigil of Lilith. What make me suspecting that in these three days they didn’t show up in dreams, which I think is a bad sign.