Exorcism gone wrong

Long story short: 2 weeks ago my friend carried out exorcism of a particularly fucked up being (who doesn’t have that level of power on me as he used to have though) on me. It didn’t work, or kind of only partially (although I kind of feel more powerful now, less blocked) but things can actually become worse: now this entity attached itself to HIM, my friend, manipulating him by ‘acting nice’ while also still trying to affect me.
And it’s fucking Nyarlathotep, which makes it… well, fucked up shit.

Long story: So, if you check my post history you’ll know I had problem with this being for some time. This whole story started in November 2022, when I became fascinated with Lovecraftian magick and decided to contact Nyarlathotep… not a good idea, I was manipulated, abused, and vampirised energetically, when two different people confirmed that I have spirit attachment I said enough and managed to banish him from my auric field with help of the Goddess Morrigan. Then after 5 months he went back unexpectedly, attacking me during the ritual to the goddess. Banished again, but this time I wasn’t so sure if he really left, I had horrible anxiety for a week, then faced him again, I was cutting any remaining ties and then was cut from my astral senses… this was very strange. And for a year I felt something is wrong. I experienced psychic attacks, but only for time to time. There were months when nothing happened. Also, people told me they don’t see any attachments in my aura anymore. And then, this former friend who claimed he saw beings following me and trying to attack him, he tried to blame me for this so we’re no longer friends and I think I really should also cut any cords to him because it still affects me emotionally too much…

So, some of people are like “you definitely have many harmful entities around you, do something about it” and others “nah, I don’t see anything wrong now, it’s just your fear and trauma” so confusing…
But then my other friend suggested I came to him, and he will check if there’s any negative spirit around me using spirit communication devices (k2 and sb7) and if it is he can exorcise it. It was hard to find time suiting everyone (also third person, who agreed to come with me… and her phone was stolen on her way, so she couln’t get there, and then phone was found 3 days later. Really weird, this is exactly N. fucked up sense of humour.)

During the actual exorcism I heard a lot of awful things in my head… “I will slaughter your mother and set her on fire” amongst them. Not a pleasant experience… but we thought it worked. My friend even did hypnosis on me so I could be less/not affected by harmful influences from the Outside.

But just next day after I’m back home I feel this burning sensation in my head I felt always when I was being psychically attacked. And I’m still feeling watched and followed, going out of house. I realize something is wrong and ask tarot cards if I managed to get rid of the entity. 5 of Pentacles was first card. Oops…
Valgard (my friend) pulled even worse cards: 9 of swords, Ace of cups (only one positive seeming card here), 3 of swords, reversed knight of swords, 5 of pentacles, 5 of cups, World reversed. Doesn’t seem like a good time… :grimacing:

He still claimed “those are not so bad” and even now after I told him that I experienced awful psychic attack at night (I wanted to cry and was mocked, this entity loves pain and suffering, it’s the fucking reason why I started having problems with expressing emotions while this never was my problem, but I can’t cry without feeling like there’s something exploiting my moment of weakness and having to be constantly super strong…) he told me it now speaks to him, and he can feel it, BUT NOTHING BAD HAPPENS?! Seriously?! I was showed a vision of you burning alive!!! And you say oh okay, that’s fucked up he is nice to me?! Because you are his food now!!! Aaargh I actaully feel worried about him :confused: and about myself… I can’t help him now, but I must take care of myself…

This being is kind of like virus. It’s impossible to be destroyed or trapped in a spirit trap permanently because it mutates, constantly changes forms, and infects your mind. That’s what makes it so hard to free yourself from… it is even possible? Please tell me that it is :sob:

I’m scared honestly. I constantly hear “you will never be able to get rid of me, I will never leave” and it pissess me off. I decided not to be afraid. I want be free of it, and I will…

I decided to do tonight this rite to Murmur from VK Jehannum’s blog. I actually found it on this forum. I’ll give it a try. But please, give me all your banishings, cleansings, protections, advice, whatever you have… I also want to protect my family and friends because you never know, the way he threatened to hurt them to scare me…
I’m tired of all this.

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I think that’s the right attitude. These things do nothing but lie, so you can safely assume that by telling you that, the opposite it true. or it wouldn’t have to try so hard or bother to talk to you at all.

I just updated the parasites thread with my go-to “kill it with fire” technique - two can play at that game but you can do it for real. :slight_smile: But there are many other less upfront-and-personal techniques in that list as well.

As I said the other day, if he’s going to behave like a parasite, you can treat him like one.

So, once you have trapped it, (and I like to envision a sort of thick, transparent metal type stuff) then yeet that whole container with him in it into the sun. In the middle of the sun is a portal directly to the black hole in the center of the galaxy - nothing gets out of that intact. Send it into that and watch as it shrinks to nothing and a few farts of stardust get expelled from the poles of the black hole. It will not be able to reform in your personal universe. Other people can still talk to it, but it’s cut off from you. The immortal spirit doesn’t die, but it’s effectively lost all useful shells and doesn’t even know who it is any more.

Yes. The heirachy of the Universe is thus: The Operator, then everything else in existence - Azazel. You have to believe you’re better and nastier, and you are. It’s tough being human and none of us are here because we’re lightweight fluffy bunnies. :slight_smile:


Not sure what is happening… I did ritual to Murmur and he helped me to remove it I think? I even got a spirit from his legion for protection. But I already don’t feel him… and I just saw something attached to my aura and ask Morrigan to remove and cleanse it. It keeps coming back… but what’s worst is I feel horrible anxiety, like when I’ve heard it was banished I was very skeptical and didn’t believe it, I’m looking for signs it’s not gone and looks like it indeed isn’t, but I’m not even sure what is real and sign of attack and what is my fear/imagination. I know my fear is drawing him and feel like I’m stuck in a cycle. I want to not care about him but I also don’t want to let it be attached to me in any way shape of form!

I keep having burning sensation at the back on my head and feel like there is a gaping wound in this place. I saw Murmur forcibly removing something awful from there. And now I see astral wound I don’t know what to do with, how to heal and close it so nothing can attach there again…
How can I completely heal energetically, remove fear and become immune to this? :sob:

I think about rite to Belial on winter solstice…

I am in the fucking same situation. And none of the entities whom I evoked could show their sigil. My connections are compromised, the protection sigils aren’t working and I have no idea what to do.

When is winter solistice by the way? Belial is associated with winter solistice??? I was thinking about evoking Jesus or Michael or Yahweh in any on the local churches on Christmas. Their energies are the most potent then. Btw are you sure you connections aren’t compromised? Have you asked the spirits you summoned to show their sigil or write their name astrally? I mean years of parasitic attachments is enough to compromise your connections