So just a thought for OP @TheSaga , im agreeing with the majority of folks on here and simply put it as a parasite. Here’s some of my thoughts on the matter
the mystery school stuff always sounds cool when you’re starting out but is never what it should be, its limiting and confining towards a particular practice. Take the experience of this shit as a lesson to be more aware
have you tried evoking Jesus (better Jesus if you plan on it) in @C.Kendall method of My Experience With The Ascended Master Jesus
I found this to be a helpful guide in evoking the sun of god, may help you distinguish for yourself if its a parasite (I would evoke before hand at least MiChaEl, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael just as a means to keep the parasite out and as emissaries to the solar christ) -
here are other ideas I’ve thought about with this
If its a parasite and its causing you this harm why not call upon entities such as Lucifer to give you illumination upon the situation at hand.
Maybe think about calling Raphael and/or Marbas to help seperate and heal you from the parasite. Raphael mantra - success story
Belial to break these bonds both of the misery school and of leech Jesus
Belial Information and all you need to know when working with him
There are a multitude of options to actually make progress rather than live in stagnation and uncertainty. Also I find that parasites don’t enjoy when you tend to learn deeper about an entity that theyre impersonating. It breaks down their illusionary bond of authority and authenticity.