Excercises to better see entities better in evocations

Do any veterans here have any excercises that have been really helpful in this area? The most I’ve ever got from the entities that I’m working with is a sort of shimmering outline, and this wasnt during an evocation when I saw that. So I’d be very interested in improving my vision and hearing.

Things that I am currently doing are some bija mantra meditations such as the Ah meditation meant to streingthen the third eye, I also use open door water on my third eye and throat chakras before trying to meet with them during evocations and scrying.

There is a chapter in Works of Darkness that specifically covers that. It’s basically ‘guided’ scrying with entities especialized in vision and hearing. It’s pretty cool, maybe you should check it out.

Cool, I’m going to have to go back and read that part again.

Hi Defectron! This is not an exercise nor any type of training, just somethin’ that happened with me … My dominant perceptory sense is Sentience - always has been. It used to frustrate the HELL OUTA ME that I could KNOW things, but not see or hear them. I felt cheated & damn well determined I would see and hear if it killed me. At this point you gotta know the harder I tried, the harder I failed. Then one day I pitched a big-ass fit and said “Screw You! Enough! I’m DONE!!!” And I really, really … REALLY meant it.

A week later, I began to see & to hear. Not every time, but fairly regular. Go figure …

So maybe one way to do this is to completely release all desire to do so? Well I don’t try as hard as I used to but I still do think I have some desire to do this.
I did actually have one really clear vision in scrying the other day, but it was pretty symbolic. Ideally I would like to be able to have a clear conversation with entities and take all the guesswork out of it as alot of what they tell me is either in the form of symbolic images or its in a patchwork of sentances I hear in my head that arent entirely clear.

Both vision and communication clarity went up a bit after both of the special rituals I did earlier. Maybe if I try to focus on that in the next one that may also help in this area.

But Defectron! The symbolism and the patchy sentences are Communication! PROGRESS!! Have a glass of wine - celebrate!

Y’know, I think keepin on keepin on is the big ‘secret’ - I really do. Sometimes we forget to recognize the success after success after success because they’re SO SMALL. But they’re not small at all. And when you get excited over them and do it again & again, you gain that all important Momentum. Momentum maintained leads to acceleration … you see where I’m going with this? (Yeah, You do!) Z

Yes, that certainly is true, even if it keeps at this slow pace I’m sure I’ll get where I’m trying to go sooner or later.

I have been the training on mastering of evocation , i am about to start the fire, water and mirror scrying . What is/are the best time of the day to do the above scrying . On section 5 of the mastering of evocation you never said the best time to do it. Please , can you help me with that .

Shouldn’t matter what time it is.

[quote=“defectron, post:1, topic:74”]Do any veterans here have any excercises that have been really helpful in this area? The most I’ve ever got from the entities that I’m working with is a sort of shimmering outline, and this wasnt during an evocation when I saw that. So I’d be very interested in improving my vision and hearing.

Things that I am currently doing are some bija mantra meditations such as the Ah meditation meant to streingthen the third eye, I also use open door water on my third eye and throat chakras before trying to meet with them during evocations and scrying.[/quote]

P.M me.
I have exercises for sight, hearing and touch.I would post but I’m a guest here and I’m not sure what I have a right to.

[quote=“Magus shadow, post:10, topic:74”][quote=“defectron, post:1, topic:74”]Do any veterans here have any excercises that have been really helpful in this area? The most I’ve ever got from the entities that I’m working with is a sort of shimmering outline, and this wasnt during an evocation when I saw that. So I’d be very interested in improving my vision and hearing.

Things that I am currently doing are some bija mantra meditations such as the Ah meditation meant to streingthen the third eye, I also use open door water on my third eye and throat chakras before trying to meet with them during evocations and scrying.[/quote]

P.M me.
I have exercises for sight, hearing and touch.I would post but I’m a guest here and I’m not sure what I have a right to.[/quote]

i’m pretty sure you have the right to lay down everything you know :slight_smile:

I’d rather have E.A’s OK.its his forum and I’m not sure what if anything is supposed to be for “experienced users” only.

I’ve had several sad experiences with “kids” who suddenly thought the “rules” did not apply to them.

[quote=“Magus shadow, post:12, topic:74”]I’d rather have E.A’s OK.its his forum and I’m not sure what if anything is supposed to be for “experienced users” only.

I’ve had several sad experiences with “kids” who suddenly thought the “rules” did not apply to them.[/quote]

EA’s been pretty outspoken about sharing all techniques, so unless you got these from some entity or master who said not to post them here it should be ok. I’ve actually come a long way since making this post back when the forum started, but there’s still room for improvement so if you like feel free to send me anything if you don’t want to post it here.

Defectron - you have brought on some very interesting points about the “vision and the voice”, so I will throw in some thoughts of my own on here.

Numero uno: Practicing scrying and astral development,along with various “ploys” to enhance your visions and astral hearing such as chakra/yoga empowerment are a wonderful way to become a true magus…but…the one thing missing from every grimoire is one very simple concept that apparently no one wants to use nor believe.

The so called “Magickal imagination” in my opinion is the magickal act of separating the mundane everyday self from the imaginative/magickal self in order to act out any ritual to “receive” that which you desire.

Numero Dos: Spirits are pure consciousness. For us to communicate with them we too must become pure consciousness. One way would be to let go of all pre-disposed beliefs of adulthood and enter your “circle” as a child with fresh new eyes. The adult criticizes, the child accepts that which is magickal. I should know this as i have been lingering through my Golden Dawn rituals like a blueprint from an electrical engineer, making sure all the components are correct, but never appreciating the true art behind it. Magick is art, thus treat it as wonder through the eyes of a child within(sounds cheesy and new age but its something that has worked for me).

Numero Tres: Magickal Procedure is obsolete…by this i mean that following a strict paradigm, or a better word for this is a magickal diet, of tools,books,circle,etc…is only there as a “guide” and nothing more. You want to see and hear/speak to spirits?, then let go of any paradigm and throw yourself into the fire. If you’ve read any of my posts then you would see that I use very very little “ornaments”. They are simply there to “sparkle” my child-like imagination and nothing more.

I have been most successful with just a small cheap cloth, a mirror, and one candle…thats it. The rest comes from me acting out a scene from Dungeons and dragons.

Physical evocations is just the soapstone and Copal resin and me. Nothing else. Strip away the blinds and let the light come through.

In other words, I have fun fun fun when I enter my magickal state of mind and enter the circle of power, and not as i previously did, being so fucking pious and in a state of fear for not properly speaking the correct tongue of the ancients. Pathetic

Separate one from the other

Numero Quatro: Belief is 99% and one percent is effort. When I am about to perform any evocation I have already seen in my mind the outcome and know that its true. Nothing will change that fact. Know where you are going is the magickal act of getting there. As adults, our belief system is so full of misinformation and BS that we have at this point believed that its the truth. Do not set your expectations so high that you create a barrier between you and spirits. Instead, let everything go and evoke,…evoke daily…improv your rites. Learn to gaze and open your mind. Adults are closed minded and judgmental, children accept everything as truth.

As an update since working with EA’s particular brand of modern spirituality, let me list what my accomplishments have been thus far (no BS here folks…this shit is real)

1.) practicing evocation daily bringing me closer and closer to any entity of my choosing thanks to EA encouragement.

2.) evoked beings to bring me certain material needs that for many fucking years I wished and pondered upon.

2a.) Obtained all three guitars I was lusting after(Steingberg Headless bass, steinberg headless guitar, a used Semick bass, a Kramer 80’s guitar…to name a few…) notice that I didn’t say I received money to obtain these…

3.) evoked many undines never on print before. and because of that…

3a.) regularly meeting and starting out many relationships with various attractive women. Yes…fuck me!..im actually dating…after sooooo many years…and to think I was to become a lonesome unic …

4.) Wanted to become a published occult writer but what topic?..never…forget…but wait…how about Haniel?..and sooo

4a.) working on my first ever completed book on modern evocation through elemental forces to obtain certain alchemical knowledge that would escalate yourself unto higher planes…who knows…but at least im writing it daily, as well as five other titles.

and for all that success I always believe to give back more of what I received. I started out an online evocation project which Im working on video tutorials and personal writings.

I purchased the circle of pacts rug which just arrived today. Still in the plastic but I will use it. I bought it not because I need it but to show appreciation to EA and BALG for what i received. Life is about give and take…otherwise it becomes a glass of half-filled water.

Evoke daily and do not think about what or how you will see/hear. Just keep evoking and soon that shadow you wanted will appear in the corner of your eye.

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Awesome post S.V.E., you brought up a great point about imagination, we see more than we realize its just we don’t want to accept what we see. Let go and let it come to you.

I found the exercises in Evoking Eternity (the one working with wandering spirits) really helpful in building up my ability to see the other side. Many get caught up expecting to see a being materialize in front of them like a scene from a movie, while that would be cool it hasn’t been my experience. I have not been able to hear them in an auditory sense but rather receive info consciously. I may only catch passing glimpses of a spirit along with colors and words visually popping into my head but it is communication none the less. Some may call it mental masturbation but it works so who cares.

Great post S.V.E (as always). I can’t wait to read your published works!

Great posts, everyone!

[quote=“Magus shadow, post:10, topic:74”][quote=“defectron, post:1, topic:74”]Do any veterans here have any excercises that have been really helpful in this area? The most I’ve ever got from the entities that I’m working with is a sort of shimmering outline, and this wasnt during an evocation when I saw that. So I’d be very interested in improving my vision and hearing.

Things that I am currently doing are some bija mantra meditations such as the Ah meditation meant to streingthen the third eye, I also use open door water on my third eye and throat chakras before trying to meet with them during evocations and scrying.[/quote]

P.M me.
I have exercises for sight, hearing and touch.I would post but I’m a guest here and I’m not sure what I have a right to.[/quote]

Echoing what defectron said - don’t be shy with what you know.

As you become more familiar with the forums, you’ll see that about the only thing the admins frown upon is taking large sections from the books and posting them, or posting links to the whole books, haha.

If you know it and can explain it in your own words, it’s your knowledge and you can share. So share! :slight_smile:

Great posting …sve.
You have been a great source of inspiration …
I still working on entity materalization …
Still no voices no shadows yet. …
But I ll keep on evoking until I bust thee doors of eternity

okee dokee.

Developing astral senses.

Sit alone in a room and place yourself into 1000 yard stare mode,that is,stareing without focousing on anything.and slowly visualize the color fadeing from the room,hold this image of a black @ white room for a few moments,then slowly allow the color to return,any beings present will usually show up when this is done,please note,this condition is not permeanant and must be done several times a week to maintain it,try to remember that nothing you see hurt you when it was invisible to you,it won’t hurt you now.

This is a bit harder as it requires imagination rather than visualization skills,Imagine you are standing next to a jet airplane and the engine begins to whine for take off,it gets louder and louder until it is unbearable,then softly it fades out.now listen!if any beings are present,ask them to communicate verbally,as before,you need to do this exersize several times a week to maintain it.

This one’s a must for astral sex kids!
hold both hands out in front of you like you are holding a good size ball,visualize a bowling ball,imagine you feel its texture and it’s weight.it gets heavier and heavier until you can no longer hold it up,then let it get lighter slowly until it is like a balloon.you may have to do this several times to get it right,at this point,ask any being present to allow you to touch them.

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I’ve noticed improvement in visualization by performing “astrally” or in my imagination rituals. The more I practice the clearer images I get