Evoking Duke Sallos

I’ll let you know how everything works out. That SOB is gonna wish he had never been born for one thing…

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Please do. I have a ritual that involves him I’ve been wanting to try

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Sure, btw I have to ask, how do I… I mean do I just say to him that “this the guy, please make him wish he were dead”???

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Here’s a good start: How To Start Using Spirit Sigils To Get Anything You Want - Become A Living God

You can also chant his name and gaze at the sigil until you feel his presence, then greet him and ask for your intention. When he agrees, thank and dismiss him… Offerings are always appreciated

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Thanks for asking. Respect (most important), intend, sigil, name or enn.

Circle works only if you believe. So you can make a circle imaginary or with salt or chalk.

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So physical circle not important… concept of belief and of respect are very important. I should hope respect is the most important, in any interaction you dont get what you want by being disrespectful to the one who can give it to you.


Yes I was thinking about the offerings… what kind would be best?

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For him? Not sure. Some like food. Some like drink. Usually if you feel you should offer something, its you being told what theyd like

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Well then thats good.

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Thieves and stolen goods…who deals with them??

Depends on your energy and what you feel. Some people swear with a circle. But if you manifest protection yourself then that’s fine. And the rest you already figured out :wink:

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How do you mean?

Well if someone has stolen something from me… which entity should I turn to?

Are you wanting the object back or hell to the person

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Well I don’t buy into that stuff about the entities wanting to hurt you, I think the circle…if its for protection is just more for peace of mind than anything else…like you said focus…

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Like I said respect and no fear is most important! Give us feedback of your evocation :slight_smile:. Don’t doubt the first time, wait a while if things are changing and believe that you have it in you!

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Will do, and thank you very much.

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And thank you for taking the time to help.

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I just had big success with Duke Sallos. I had a sigil, 1 red and 1 black candle, dont let the tools keep you back. If you call he will come.