Evoking Abaddon

Who said anything about tradition?

And me and Divinator made our points. EGREGORES vs. THE REAL THING. It’s not so much about sigils, but about what is called through the energy signature of the sigils.[/quote]

That was not in reference to you but to Poete and his dislike for Runyon and his camp as well as Daemonalatry.

As far as the sigils go you made no points, you posted some sigils from an author who not long ago said the sigils were unreliable and were not the entities they were listed as. You know what you can explain it better than I can…

Make up your mind Elison, they’re fake, they work, they’re egregores, they’re authentic…which is it? So what did you get from the energy signatures besides confusion? With the endless list of spirits you say you’ve worked with surely you shouldn’t have such a difficult time knowing one from the other.

As for Divinator he said the sigils were bullshit…no explanation why, just bullshit. Elison, judging from your beyond weak debating skills you’ve displayed here and on other forums I’m sure you found that explanation more than sufficient but the reality is no evidence was even hinted at to explain this stance.
If Divinator would like to share with everybody his reasons for coming to these conclusions he is more than welcome. I’m well aware of the reasons why he feels the way he does but was asked to keep silent and will honor his wishes out of mutual respect.

The point I was making in my previous post was that people are attempting to debate something that is completely subjective and unverifiable. You can not argue another persons experience. The same stance you’ve used as a defense when called out by other magicians here and on another forum. You can not prove that someone else using a sigil you had no response from did not provide them with a response. Just because you like Folger’s over Taster’s Choice does not mean the person drinking Taster’s Choice is not drinking coffee.

Yes one can tell a difference between an actual spirit and an egregore, if you can’t your probably brain dead. The difference is massive, an authentic spirit will nearly knock you over with the amount of energy their presence brings, an egregore does not come close.

Damn it Orismen, you beat me to it. Damn my slow sexy typing fingers.

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