Evocation versus Invocation - Which is better for Starters, Intermediate Practicers and Experts

A thread to discuss which way of calling a spirit is better for beginners, intermediate practicers and experts.

Feel free to express your opinions and thoughts amongst each other. I do recommend including what you think are the positives and negatives of doing either at each stage. This will help many others in making their decision on which to do in whatever stage they are in.



@meow @Mercurius_Maximus

Feel free to continue your discussion here. I am sure a lot of people would be interested in your ideas. It will give them an idea on which method to approach pending their skill level.


Well @meow since you are the evocation advocate then i suppose I’ll open you up to do me in with your experienced opinion, because I’m nothing but an early phase initiate into goetic invocations. Let me go edit first and ask you a question then. What traditions if any would you recommend learning from in order to be able to “conjure” entities withour inviting them into your aura field?

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Different strokes for different folks? :thinking:


I think to begin with we need to agree not all classes of spirit are the same.

Invocation of angelic entities is usually a safe proposition. Same with some deities as well.

Invoking a Goetic spirit…there could be serious consequences with that if it goes sideways.

Just my opinion.


Duly noted, and i don’t happen to agree though. To equate angels with benevolence and “demons” not with benevolence by default seems a bit sketchy.


Instead of making blanket claims about other forum members without evidence, you can take a quote from another thread by popping onto that thread, highlighting the text you’d like to quote, and hitting ‘q’ or “quote.” That way, others can understand context and what was truly said instead of being misled.

I don’t know. And I also have never said anything about contacting entities without allowing them into one’s field, not sure why you are under the impression that I have such advice to give.

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You’re absolute right, and i should not be loosely quoting your thoughts from another thread segment on this. And now i know how to quote people more aptly. Thank you. That should help me out from now on, since I’ve failed to look into how that should have been done.

And are you basing that on your two decades of experience working with those classes of experience? I am.

You’re free to think what you want though.


Since when does ‘safe proposition’ equals to benevolance?


Of course not, simply a misunderstanding.

Are we including the Solomonic approach for beginners in reference to the OP? Or the Demons of Magic approach? Or methods from books like Lilewskis, Constantinos, etc? The names may be misspelled, but Ive remembered the names without reading them for some reason. Or Hine, or Bardon in terms of methodical approach?

I think it’s great for most practitioners to start out with evocation. That way they can get a feel for the spirit’s energy without it being intricately tied to their own.

Invocations are more personal, and I think they can become dangerous if done foolheartedly or by those with less experience in the general realm of magick.


Also, are we talking invocation in the sense of partial possession, channeling, prayer, or willful requests(petition spells for instance)? I think all could be classified as invocation.


It depends on what you mean by invocation and evocation. I have seen certain rituals that are named as invocations which have the purpose of taking on the qualities of the spirits being invoked. That is the result being sought - to take on qualities, not any external manifestations.

In my experience, it doesn’t matter what method you use, if you connect with a spirit intentionally for magickal purposes, you will take on its powers and qualities. If you evoke demons, you will take on their powers and qualities. I have yet to experience any demon, even the darkest, most baneful of demons, that is more vile than many human beings I have personally known. Maybe, maybe if you banish and banish and put up protections and walls you could avoid this, but then why are you even summoning a demon? Why not work with an angel instead, which is supposedly safer than a demon? On that note - not even in baneful terms, many angels can genuinely cause insanity and permanent mental health damage to one who is not prepared or does not have the psychological skills to handle the energy. If “fuck yeah” is your response, you are either ignorant beyond your awareness and will get fucked up bad, or you are ready. I say that with no sense of joking or bravado. Magick is real.

Evocation is good for a stronger connection to the spirit being evoked, be it a demon or an archangel. Simple sigil magick usually does not yield the same degree of immediate experience of the spirit being present with you. If you want that level of experience, evocation is one way to achieve that. I would say that Pathworking (mental journeying) is another method.

I am of the belief that for most all practical results, simple sigil magick is effective, or invocations for results if you want to use that term. You can do a 2 minute ritual and get very fine and profound results.

More advanced methods such as full evocations, highly rich in sensory detail Pathworkings, and dream methods require more practice and cultivation, but offer experiences that are certainly more supernatural. If you want to evoke as a complete beginner, have at it, but just realize that practice is needed to develop occult skills that may not always be strictly practical in nature. There is no reason to get obsessed about having conversations with demons as that will do little good. Evoking for results that you want to manifest in your life is the more effective approach.

I feel that it is worth noting a less commonly known method - Enochian Loagaeth tables, which I have shared a method for in the thread I post in. I have little experience with this magick, but what experience I do have has made me come to believe that these tables are perhaps one of the most effective ways to achieve externally visible forms of spirits in the space around you. I experienced this relatively frequently with great clarity while involved with the tables. I have seen spirits manifested before, but not as regularly, as long, or as clearly as with these energies. The magick doesn’t seem to be the most practical in the sense of material results, but if what you want is extraordinarily mystical experiences, and you are willing to do supporting practices like meditation, energy work, and dream yoga, this is the method I would use.


Interesting point. I’ve often wondered what, if any, difference their was between invoking an entity for a specific purpose, and evoking and asking them to make the change in you.

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I don’t think this can be answered with blanket statements. Generalities aren’t really useful, when a person has to decide for themselves. There’s also the issue that different systems use the same word for different meanings. Invocation in Demonolatry is not the same as invocation, say in Henry Archer’s books. Same with evocation.

As for what’s better, this doesn’t consider the nuances of the experiences the person has already had, latent “gifts”, or personal preference. But there’s largely a good guess that beginners are less suited to take advantage of the experiences and then have to work on several things to be able to fully interact with the situation they’re producing (assuming full success here).


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