How would someone go about this? Practical methods only please… also if you have information on how to evoke the god set I would be grateful.
hmm… one time I evoked Sif to find out, what is the deeper meaning, why
Loki cut off her golden hair. For this I used a egypt ritual. called “opening the mouth,” but there should be a nordic way also and I will look thru my northern magic stuff.
Using the Futhark runes could help you out with this. Multiple runes are connected with Norse gods, such as Teiwaz, which is connected with the god Tyr; or Ansuz which is connected to Odin.
If I were you I’d concentrate on the runes because I have had similar results with using runes in the same way one would use a sigil. They are quite usefull as gateways as well as weapons.
I have no information about the god Set though, besides the fact that one of my snakes is called Set.
[quote=“Bran, post:3, topic:126”]Using the Futhark runes could help you out with this. Multiple runes are connected with Norse gods, such as Teiwaz, which is connected with the god Tyr; or Ansuz which is connected to Odin.
If I were you I’d concentrate on the runes because I have had similar results with using runes in the same way one would use a sigil. They are quite usefull as gateways as well as weapons.
I have no information about the god Set though, besides the fact that one of my snakes is called Set.[/quote]
This is why I like this forum, I never thought of using the runes as sigils.
How would someone go about this? Practical methods only please... also if you have information on how to evoke the god set I would be grateful.
E.A. gives in Evoking Eternity an excellent method for evoking godforms. He even gives his experience with one of them who is refered as “D.”.
I’ve read it a few times but I really don’t know how to do it. It confuses me
If you are talking about E.A.'s method, I think you must have much experience with simple evocation to successfully evoke a God, which is a much more powerful entity than an angel or a demon. That’s not for beginners in evocation.
Normal evocation is easy but I can’t evoke without a sigil
I would also be extremely interested in this.
necromaster, would you like to try an experiment?
I’m going to attempt to make substantial contact with one of them and see if I can get some info. Would you be willing to try this as well. Afterward we can compare notes. Also - anyone else who is interested in this, please feel free to do this as well.
I’m in on this one most definitely. Been meaning to do something of this nature after reading evoking eternity cuz I’ve always wanted to pick odins brain.
When I get back from vacation I will try to evoke them. I’m 75 percent Norse and I’m trying to get back to my ancestral roots.
Though on a side note loki is pretty easy to get a hold of. Discordians love worshipping him.
E.A.'s method for evoking gods is quite different to a normal evocation. Therefore, you don’t need a sigil.
I can’t remember the exact method, but it can take days and it is necessary to contact entities subordinated to the God in order to get information.
It would be excellent to know what E.A. thinks about this.
I’m loving this Idea; when I decide Who I wish to evoke, I’ll get back with ya. Oh, I do love a fun new experiment!!! Z
Bran … Loki is the northern god for Seth.
The runes are a powerfull tool
DKM and necromaster I go in with the experience, the northern tradition is in my blood.
I’ve decided I’m going to go for the Dagda; its the Irish in me - The Children of D’anu … And, since the Celts are quite fond of the Runes, I’ve already worked with them quite a bit. Just shout out a reminder when we’ve got enuf people to play … Z
Ooh Zoe you’re in for a ride. Especially if you’ve got an affinity with nature. Actually I’d say start with meditating on the ogam (I think that’s how it’s spelled) sort of a celtic version of runes/letters. The Dagda is an awesome god. Used to ponder him often.
Mmmmm … yes … Z
Has anyone worked with loki, hel, or fenrir?
Hi Necromaster! I’ve worked with Haegl (Hagal, Hel) a bit. And I know a Lokian who is very familiar with Loki attributes & personality … help ya if I can. Z