Everyday Magickal Symbols, Sigils, Symbols, Logos etc

Hi guys and gals, I am convinced that some ordinary things have had some magickal assistance.

Am I the only one seeing this. Please post other symbols etc. as you come across them. Seeing through magickal lens can be one heck of a thing.

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That’s a cool picture… I drive a manual and mine’s the 1st one in the 4th row.

I’m sorry though I don’t see this as magickal except that magick is everywhere anyway. These are technical solutions to the question of how to change a car’s gear efficiently.

You could equally turn it around and say all sigils are just language, like these stargate gylphs.

In the end, I don’t think the categorisation really matters, what’s important the how you use these and the intention with which they are used, which goes beyond language. Language is basically a stop-gap for a species unable to communicate telepathically, it’s a crutch, imo. So, if you can find a magickal use for gear lever schematics, why not?

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