Every 11th- Join Us in Shattering the Shackles

Nothing major in the cosmos on 11/11/2020

If you’re going to do any rituals during this time; you may want to do them on 11/10 or 11/12.

On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the planet Mercury will reach a maximum angle of 19 degrees from the sun, and peak visibility for this morning apparition. Look for the swiftly-moving planet shining brightly very low in the east-southeastern sky between about 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. in your local time zone. In a telescope (inset) Mercury will exhibit a 58%-illuminated, waxing gibbous phase. Mercury’s position above the morning ecliptic (green line) will make this an excellent apparition for Northern Hemisphere observers, but a poor showing for those located near the Equator, and farther south.

Meteors from the Northern Taurids shower, which appear worldwide from Oct. 19 to Dec. 10 annually, will reach a peak of about 15 per hour on Thursday, Nov. 12. The long-lasting, weak shower is derived from debris dropped by the passage of periodic Comet 2P/Encke. The debris’ larger than average grain sizes often produce colorful fireballs. Although Earth will be traversing the densest part of the comet’s debris train during mid-day in the Americas, the best viewing time will occur hours earlier, at around 1 a.m. local time, when the shower’s radiant, located in central Taurus, will be high in the southern sky. On the peak night, a waning crescent moon will rise around 4 a.m. local time, leaving the post-midnight sky dark for meteor watching.



1+1+1+1+2+0+2+0 = 8

Turn the 8 sideways and you get :infinity: :evergreen_tree:


Lyrics: Trust in me is Trust in you

*Note: Snow fell in Northern and Southern Utah today.


Sadly it seems this year there won’t be nearly as many participants. There hasn’t even been word from @Qayos about this day. I’ll still do a ritual, but it sadly doesn’t seem that there will be much activity.

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I’m sorry!

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It’s not your fault, I guess it’s just been unlucky. There’s always the other 11ths I suppose.

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well, tomorrow apparently Mars goes direct (Aries)

sounds fun

I apologize but I have to step away from this for a while. Good luck and blessings to all involved.

No worries, I’m out too!

@Lady_Eva …thank you much for sharing that poem . As its now the second possibly third source of intelligent masses discussing the very fact that trolling the differences between ideologies and outlooks or belief systems simply feeds the system of oppression we are currently oppressed by …

The differences in belief should not only matter but meld into the curiosities of neuro pathways and habitual actions our beliefs and dogmatic perception tends to schism us from.

Belief benefits the individual ego so why should the difference in said belief between individual and rival or peer perception to begin with…

The system of control we are beginning to tear down wants us separated.

Revolution is the enemy of empire .
Which can only be the catalyst for change if the large majority of population of the controlled bands together despite ANY perceived animosity or resentments maintaining the skill of the pops foreshadowed revolution of change.

We all have been lied to.
Stigmatized and discriminated against dispite those differences to begin with…
So how can we not look past the little dogmatic uncomfortable, supposed differences of ascent and spiritual path…

Drop mind all.
We are all one.
Awakening to our original blueprint of Devine creation which is shared collectively…
Why can’t that Band us together enough to overthrow our systematic oppressors.

Darkest blessing all


Yes, I’m on the same page with that, now more than ever. :lion:


Little time left until December 11

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I’m hopping out of this. May the Dark Lord bless your endeavors.


Tomorrow is the day

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You’re still doing this?




Drop a post here tomorrow and ill make time for a working :+1:



Yes it will be late but it will happen thank you. Not sure what ill do ig ill let intuition take me