Every 11th- Join Us in Shattering the Shackles

a body of smoke


I think the point of this is to make it so that spirits manifest very strongly without any base.
Meaning they can become more physical. If a fire spirit is able to have extremely powerful manifestations, to the point where people who have never developed their senses can see and hear them, what would stop them from burning down a building they are evoked in.

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So dont evoke fire spirits in a wooden building heard.

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I read my signals wrong.

I’ll post again on 10/12 about my experience.

Was about to say there are draconian starseeds lol



I see. I will look into this.

Thank You.


Cosmic events leading up to 10/11

Please note: I did not find any major cosmic events happening on 10/11

Mars conjunct Eris:

On October 3, Mars will conjunct Eris. Eris will inspire us to defend ourselves and reclaim our powers. The energies of Eris and Mars might be a little too strong for some so keep other people’s feelings in mind as well.

Pluto stationing direct:

Since April, Pluto has been in retrograde. On October 4, it will station direct. Under this cosmic event, we could witness the past events of April revisiting us. Pluto will also encourage us to raise our collective consciousness.

Mars closest to Earth:

On October 6, Mars will be closest to Earth. We will feel the energies of Mars intensified, which could increase tensions and/or passions. There is also a strong possibility of extreme weather conditions.

Mars square Pluto:

Three Mars-Pluto squares are planned this year. On October 9, Mars will square Pluto for the second time. Under this cosmic event, we will witness power abuse and power struggles. The energies released will also encourage people to take action and take back what is theirs. Even in the domestic sphere, the oppressed will rise up.


Moon Patterns

Phase Details For - October 11, 2020

Phase: Waning Crescent
Illumination: 35%
Moon Age: 23.62 days
Moon Angle: 0.52
Moon Distance: 380,115.02 km
Sun Angle: 0.53
Sun Distance: 149,293,869.45 km

What this means for you!

Waning Crescent

Just like the waning gibbous phase, the illuminated portion of the Moon is decreasing towards the New Moon. In this phase, we see only a sliver of the illuminated Moon.

What this means for you

The light is almost gone and you’re ready for rest and recuperation.

How to make the most of this phase

Surrender to the universe and take some time to align yourself with the energy of calm. Relax, relinquish your need to control everyone and everything, and trust that all will be well. Now’s a beautiful time to bring out your crystals, close your eyes, and absorb all that pure, high-vibe energy.


Sunday, October 11 pre-dawn—Waning Moon Meets Messier 44


Messier 44: Beehive Cluster
Messier 44 (M44), also known as the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe (the Manger), is an open star cluster in the constellation Cancer.

Praesepe is a bright, large cluster with an apparent magnitude of 3.7. It lies at a distance of 577 light years from Earth. It has the designation NGC 2632 in the New General Catalogue.

M44 is one of the nearest open clusters to Earth and can easily be seen without binoculars. It appears as a blurry patch of light to the naked eye. The cluster is best seen in binoculars and small telescopes. Occupying an area 95 arc minutes across, it fits in the field of view of binoculars and low power telescopes. Larger telescopes reveal more than 200 stars in the cluster.


More information on the Beehive Cluster

Hope this helps!

Lordy, I’ve gone bat shit crazy!

Set an intention on what chains you are wanting to break off. Remember to relax and take me time at some point of the day. Even 15 minutes will work.

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ROLLS THE DICE :game_die:

And it’s a persons right to break our own shackles and to meditate on those things we need to change about ourselves.

I, for one, honestly believe that what happens in the cosmos and in the universe can have some cause/effect on us. For one, a sunny day may bring joy and hope. While another person may see the sun as something else.

There are energy fields all around us.



Please note, this is what I will be doing on 10/11

Some interesting point of view:

Commit to Focused Discipline

It’s easy to get distracted with the present. Business people are just that–busy! There is always a fire to put out or a new critical opportunity to distract you. True discipline is about making yourself emotionally commit time and effort to your benefit regardless of external factors. I knew I had to make myself accountable for my actions with what the late, great Chet Holmes called “Pig Headed Discipline.” I cleared out every distraction and vowed to add nothing new to my plate until I made progress. Make the obstacle the No. 1 priority and focus on it every day until it’s gone.


Run your life as a business.

We do have to do shadow work in order to break our own shackles.

How to Let Go of Things from the Past

It’s a question many of us ask ourselves each time we experience heartache or emotional pain: how do you let go of past hurts and move on?

Holding on to the past can be a conscious decision just like letting go and moving forward can be a conscious decision.

Tips for letting go

One thing that connects us as human beings is our ability to feel pain. Whether that pain is physical or emotional, we all have experiences of being hurt. What separates us though, is how we deal with that pain.

Experts have found that when emotional pain prevents you from healing from a situation, it’s a sign that we aren’t moving forward in a growth-oriented way.

One of the best ways to heal from hurts is to learn lessons from the situation and use those to focus on growth and forward momentum. If we get stuck in thinking about what “should have been,” we can become immobilized in painful feelings and memories.

If you’re trying to move forward from a painful experience, but you’re not sure how to get started, here are 12 tips to help you let go.

1. Create a positive mantra to counter the painful thoughts

How you talk to yourself can either move you forward or keep you stuck. Often, having a mantra that you tell yourself in times of emotional pain can help you reframe your thoughts.

For example, says clinical psychologist Carla Manly, PhD, instead of getting stuck in, “I can’t believe this happened to me!” try a positive mantra such as, “I am fortunate to be able to find a new path in life — one that is good for me.”

2. Create physical distance

It’s not uncommon to hear someone say that you should distance yourself from the person or situation that is causing you to be upset.

According to clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula, PhD, that’s not such a bad idea. “Creating physical or psychological distance between ourselves and the person or situation can help with letting go for the simple reason that we are not having to think about it, process it, or being reminded of it as much,” she explains.

3. Do your own work

Focusing on yourself is important. You have to make the choice to address the hurt that you’ve experienced. When you think about a person who caused you pain, bring yourself back to the present. Then, focus on something that you’re grateful for.

4. Practice mindfulness

The more we can bring our focus to the present moment, says Lisa Olivera, a licensed marriage and family therapist, the less impact our past or future has on us.

“When we start practicing being present, our hurts have less control over us, and we have more freedom to choose how we want to respond to our lives,” she adds.

5. Be gentle with yourself

If your first response to not being able to let go of a painful situation is to criticize yourself, it’s time to show yourself some kindness and compassion.

Olivera says this looks like treating ourselves like we would treat a friend, offering ourselves self-compassion, and avoiding comparisons between our journey and those of others.

“Hurt is inevitable, and we may not be able to able to avoid pain; however, we can choose to treat ourselves kindly and lovingly when it comes,” Olivera explains.

6. Allow the negative emotions to flow

If you’re fear of feeling negative emotions is causing you to avoid them, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, Durvasula says that many times, people are afraid of feelings such as grief, anger, disappointment, or sadness.

Rather than feeling them, people just try to shut them out, which can disrupt the process of letting go. “These negative emotions are like riptides,” explains Durvasula. “Let them flow out of you… It may require mental health intervention, but fighting them can leave you stuck,” she adds.

7. Accept that the other person may not apologize

Waiting for an apology from the person who hurt you will slow down the process of letting go. If you’re experiencing hurt and pain, it’s important you take care of your own healing, which may mean accepting that the person who hurt you isn’t going to apologize.

8. Engage in self-care

When we are hurting, it often feels like there is nothing but hurt. Olivera says practicing self-care can look like setting boundaries, saying no, doing the things that bring us joy and comfort, and listening to our own needs first.

“The more we can implement self-care into our daily lives, the more empowered we are. From that space, our hurts don’t feel as overwhelming,” she adds.

9. Surround yourself with people who fill you up

This simple yet powerful tip can help carry you through a lot of hurt.

We can’t do life alone, and we can’t expect ourselves to get through our hurts alone, either, explains Manly. “Allowing ourselves to lean on loved ones and their support is such a wonderful way of not only limiting isolation but of reminding us of the good that is in our lives.”

10. Give yourself permission to talk about it

When you’re dealing with painful feelings or a situation that hurt you, it’s important to give yourself permission to talk about it.

Durvasula says sometimes people can’t let go because they feel they aren’t allowed to talk about it. “This may be because the people around them no longer want to hear about it or [the person is] embarrassed or ashamed to keep talking about it,” she explains.

But talking it out is important. That’s why Durvasula recommends finding a friend or therapist who is patient and accepting as well as willing to be your sounding board.

11. Give yourself permission to forgive

Since waiting for the other person to apologize can stall the process of letting go, you may have to work on your own forgiveness.

Forgiveness is vital to the healing process because it allows you to let go of anger, guilt, shame, sadness, or any other feeling you may be experiencing and move on.

12. Seek professional help

If you’re struggling to let go of a painful experience, you may benefit from talking to a professional. Sometimes it’s difficult to implement these tips on your own, and you need an experienced professional to help guide you through the process.


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The Power of 3:40

Biggest takeaway from this, become aware with yourself and universe.

Have to come up with a ritual for this 11th.

You are the ritual. :slightly_smiling_face::heart::slightly_smiling_face:

You are the ONLY thing you need to break the chains of your own life and the will power of your mind.

If we’re constantly telling ourselves we are ugly, it is what we will believe.

However, what if we looked in the mirror and told ourselves we are beautiful?

Although, working with your main Goddess/God will help too.

Peace. :v:


This will be my last time to bump this thread, until next month.

I simply just say this:

May the emissions of your toxic energy unleashing from your own body to break the chains of silence make your enemies sick.

Don’t mess with a gypsy heart.

Tootles! :partying_face: Peace. :v:

4 days left. We will be ready :wink:

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2 days left

Bumping because the anniversaryish of it is near

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Do you guys want the cosmos map for this one? If so, I’m happy to bring it up.

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Not quite sure that is, but sounds like it’d be interesting so sure!

It’s the location of the stars.

It’ll be posted by Sunday night.