Project: Your Magickal Script-Paper
I am an animist, which means that I believe all objects have a soul. Manufactured and natural objects also possess a soul connected to the purpose for which they were created.
Secondly, I have worked with Ahriman, posts covering that here and here - in that system, as well as some others, discarded or used objects, such as nail clippings and shed hair, are believed to have specific properties linked to magick.
Worn-out shoes, umbilical cords, used tealeaves, even urine, are all things in that same category, and all are used in magick.
I use shed hair to attune some of my magickal tools, because it is of my essence, it carries my vibration, and I use it to protect them and keep them in harmony with my Will.
Something else I use is envelopes which have arrived in the post. These are made of paper, which is used for a large number of magickal workings, and they have also become a blank slate which has served its purpose.
This week, try keeping in a file any envelopes that arrive to you in the post, and at the weekend, cut, or better yet, fold and then tear, the clear spaces of paper which have no writing on, and keep them in a box (or another envelope, ideally one that brought good news, or money).
You can use these dharmically-neutral pieces of paper for spellworking, A.O. Spare style sigils, magickal art and spirit seals, etc.
Don’t use envelopes from banking, insurance/welfare, or medical letters for curses or baneful work, only use junk mail that is not connected to your personal life for that
Link the paper to the cause: banking, insurance/welfare payments, and any other kind of incoming money is great for making Jupiter sigils, for example
If you receive some unexpected good news or money in future, keep the envelope for future special works to bring good luck and other blessings, to yourself and others.