Escaping Prison Planet Earth & The Truth about Angels, Demons and YOU

Recently, a seeking forum member asked me for guidance. I wrote him a lengthy response that I also want to share with you.

I am not saying this is the absolute Truth.
Feel free to only accept what resonates with you.

Share your knowledge with others too when you’re ready. If you desire freedom, knowledge and illumination, I truly hope this lights a spark within and helps you.

Blessed Be.

I wrote:

I’ve been on the path for a very long time, with the focus on knowledge and understanding about this reality. The truth is very, very depressing. Only continue reading if you really want to know. Remember this is only my opinion and what I found out over the years.

You asked me what entities you can trust, and the truth is that you can trust nobody but yourself. You are your own higher self, and there’s no God, benevolent beings, or higher order to look out for you. Most humans and beings are incredibly evil and selfish.

If you’re not spiritually advanced, that means your astral body is probably trapped somewhere by the Archons. I recommend sitting at your altar with a candle and some natural incense stick burning and praying to a Demon to help you be free. Just say “___ I call on you, I ask that you help me ___ (be free)”. Say this a few times and maybe you can feel their presence. If so, just try to listen with your psychic abilities. If you perceive nothing, this is fine. Then I would start doing a chakra meditation, where you draw down energy from source through your body. You can ask the demon to help you remove anything that is inhibiting your abilities, and to strengthen your energy body. A tip: Always say less than necessary, and always give thanks after you’re finished, no matter what.

Archangels are Archons that work for the Demiurge as you know. Their goal is to keep humanity ignornant, doubtful and addicted to the physical realm through pleasure and desire, to trap you in duality. They also harvest loosh. Earth is basically a farm. If you ask me, Archangels and Demons are like the “good cop, bad cop” dynamic. They’re both evil and don’t care about us at all. They both say that they hate each other, but that could be a deception to keep humanity trapped. This world is their paradise, and our hell. We must suffer so they can thrive. Duality. We are the light, and they are both darkness.

Demons are, just like Archangels, proud, narcissistic, sadistic, petty and entitled beings. They will do a favor for you when you ask for the first time, after that they require an impossible amount of adoration and worship. They are extremely skilled and charming liars, and will make you believe that they really care about you, but I promise you, they don’t. They will give you breadcrumbs, tell you “you are god”, but then won’t give any more detailed information. They withhold knowledge on purpose, because they’re jealous.

They are bored and like to cause havoc in people’s lives. But, if you’re willing to accept that, then I can recommend to you a few Demons to work with, especially when it comes to strengthening your psychic abilities.

Lucifer - he calls himself “the true god” and “savior of humanity”. The demiurge calls him a “spoiled brat”. Nevertheless, he is the most powerful of all demons, the counterpart to Yaldabaoth, and can help you advance spiritually, but he is sadistic and demands heavy worship. I don’t like him personally. A tip: He is very susceptible to flattery.

Azazel - he is very chaotic, highy manipulative and charming, but you can learn a lot from him if you have the time. WARNING: He’s vengeful and possessive, and once you invite him in, it’s almost impossible to get rid of him, he will “ride” you for the rest of your life for his sadistic entertainment. No joke.

Astaroth - she has many names, like Ishtar, Isis and Innanna… She can give insights and improve your psychic abilities. She is a demon and can be a bitch in my opinion, so be careful.

Hecate - She’s not really a demon, but behaves a bit like a mother figure. You can ask her the same things you would ask from a demon.

Gaia, Mother Earth - I highly recommend working with Gaia and her children (animals, plants, rocks…). This planet has been infested with all the negative beings using humanity as slaves and cattle. While you can’t ask her to grant your desires, she can do so many things for you, like answer a few questions about the history of the planet, and help you with your magic. You can work with herb spirits to help achieve your goals and improve your abilities, you can use crystals and ask animal spirits for help. When you draw down energy from source (your higher self), you can channel divine energy from the top of the universe through your chakras, and then into the Earth to help replenish Gaia. She is very depleted and needs help. Always give thanks to Gaia for your food. She will highly appreciate it and bless you. As long as you are incarnated, she will take care of you like a loving mother, and you should treat her like that.

You have the Potential to be a real “Angel” (not those fake angels/archons, but a real ANGEL of the MOST high god, which is you). There is an infinity inside of you. Become completely independent from the outside world. This won’t stop the torture going on in the physical… but once you become anchored in yourself, your own universe, far far away from this world, you know that your current self is only a projection into Hell.

I hope this helps. Blessed Be.


Just to confirm: this is a point of view coming from the perspective of Gnosticism and the Gnostic religion, is that right?

I added the tag “gnostic” to help with searches for people looking for that subject, but I’ll remove it if I’m mistaken.


I’d say it’s a bit of a simplified view, but yeah this is based in Gnosticism.

I would like to give a tip to those who would like to walk a gnostic spiritual path in a more classical sense. The more energy and attention you give a principle like an external “the Demiurge Tyrant” the more power and control you give it over you. To truly progress, best thing is to take it for a possible fact but ignore it for the rest, focus on defeating/ disarming the demiurge within. A bit like the clue to “Revolt Of The Angels” by Anatole France

My experience with a bunch of the mentioned spirits is very different, however.
None of them have seemed jealous and possessive to me so far, in fact a lot of times I’ve been happily referred to another spirit or deity when the spirit I am working with figures another to be more effective for my intended goal.
And Lucifer, for instance. Is the complete opposite for me in terms of demanding worship. He seems not to like at all, or let me rephrase that… He seems not to respect you for it at all. My main reason for starting my occult journey is to gain knowledge and power under Lucifer’s tutelage .The impression and lesson he gave me at the very start of my occult journey is “Stand up, little one, and raise your head. The deeper you bow, the quicker you kneel, the more we’ll take advantage of you instead of teach you.”


I’m not a gnostic but I 100% agree with this, and it’s a principle understood to be practical and useful in qigong.

Energy follows mind, and what you fear is what you find. You can end up shooting yourself in the foot, metaphorically speaking, by putting your own attention and hence energy into fearing something is more powerful than you - you actively work to make that true through your belief.

This is how many curses by the laziest of mages work, the ones that just tell you they’ve cursed you are relying on your own fear to harm yourself.

My understanding of these is also rather different. I suspect the OP has met more than a few impostors, potentially, or is superimposing his own expectations into the encounter. This is why I’m in two minds about immersive preparation. If you cannot keep an open mind when meeting someone for the first time, don’t read up about them in advance.

  • Lucifer - ok guy, means well, bit self important but he’s earned it.
  • Azazel - awesome dude but very very busy
  • Astaroth - don’t know, but as a goddess of fertility I wouldn’t call her a “bitch”, seems kind of petty
  • Hecate - yes, not a “demon” but an evolution of Heka the personification of magick itself, not really human but very yin. I don’t get on with her, I found her pushy and assumptive.
  • Gaia - Can’t stand it, ime doesn’t give a flying fuck about the life crawling on it’s surface, and there’s not really anything it can do about us any more than we can do much about the bacteria on our skins. But to be fair it can’t as it’s geologically unstable and wipes out most life about every 6k years. It wouldn’t be useful for it to care. This is 100% egregoric new age nonsense.

Imo most humans are already higher beings incarnate, if there’s a prison at all, (I’m on the fence) this is a prison for those higher beings - we are bound into forms that restrict access to ability and have our minds wiped as to who we are.

We know there’s more but can’t reach it, and that’s why we make up so much silly bullshit about how great we are. Escaping is the only obligation of a prisoner, this I agree with.

The ones that are not higher beings are the ones who are not fully functional, ie the born psychopaths. Lesser entities can take human bodies too. They’re very obviously bad at being human though while showing all the signs of being remorseless astral parasites incarnate. There’s no such thing as “angels” that’s myth based on judaic lore which is fiction based on an inability to understand what they were looking at at the time. Following anything based in judaism is going to lead you up the garden path and is not a basis for understanding reality, imo.

That’s my 2 cents.


Agreed, an older, once LHP friend of mine who ended up becoming a christian again had the same views about these beings, almost certain he adopted his old christian views and had his mental projections fill in the rest, likely some impostors too.

Especially with Lucifer, I’ve never really felt the “true god” or “I should be worshipped” vibe from him and he’s only ever really helped.

Besides, like you and LvxMferre said, feeding into it like they do isn’t a good idea. If this demiurge isn’t a “real god” then why even acknowledge him? Treating him with indifference would be far more effective especially since he’s a being who demands worship and sees none but himself, I imagine that’d hurt his ego much more.


Well, this demiurge does have a large degree of control over the physical plane where we reside. It’s like a miniature version of reality to them, like a dollhouse. They are very, very powerful and I’ve seen them drive people crazy over long periods of time through all kinds of coincidences, sleep deprivation, exploiting weaknesses, targeting, blocking, harassment etc.

For us forced to reside in human vessels, it’s really hard and difficult to enter the astral plane, so we are to a degree helpless. Not completely helpless, but at a severe disadvantage.

I call these archons and beings “negative”, because they must lower others so they feel elevated. Instead of working on themselves, they must keep others down. Whether it’s an “angel” or a demon.

I agree not giving them much importance. But they do rule the dimension above us, and are exerting more and more control over the physical as well. The best advice I can give is to detach, and be anchored within yourself / your higher self, your private domain.

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I’m not sure about that. Him calling you “little one” is a bit condescending don’t you think?

Sure, he wants you to be confident and grow, but not bigger than him. As long as you’re no threat to him, he’ll probably treat you like “his little one”. We are like little dolls for them to play with.

Demons are very much in love with themselves, while “angels” love the demiurge. As long as you’re willing to submit to their hierarchy, everything’s fine. You’re only able to work with either of them if you’re the one that’s clearly beneath them so they can belittle you. They need this, because they’re negative entities that must lower others to feel elevated themselves.

But there are people incarnated on this Earth right now, due to the heavy darkness and imbalance in the world, that are so bright that these entities get jealous. Demons and angels are stuck in the dimension above Earth. Why else wouldn’t they move on to higher dimensions? Because they want to rule over our world.

As soon as they start seeing you as a threat, they will stop helping you. This is a world of duality, and if you aren’t beneath them, they can’t be above you.

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In my opinion it’s always a big game of correspondence. Great darkness is always a catalyst to inspire great light, which usually crystalizes and decays over time and inspires great darkness, which in turn inspires great light etc. etc
It’s part of the nature of this “prison universe” and part of how we grow

You’re right. It does sound condescending, but it didn’t really feel condescending. It fit the moment, the nature of the connection at that point and my journey so far. There’s a lot more that was going on there and it’s just a quote. That part isn’t even the important part of it. The important part was that right in my first (succesfull) ritual I got a lesson on how to deal with these entities in order to be treated as a student or even as kin. Instead of being looked at as potential prey.
I’m not blind to the nature of these beings, but my experience is just not how you experienced them. Even the ones that do kinda act narcisistic seem to acknowledge it and respect it very much when someone sees through it instead of immediately gaslighting you back into submission like a true narcisist would do. And that’s the whole thing from what I’ve experienced. Christians are not completely wrong that these beings are predatory in nature and tempt you and try to corrupt you. For most of them (or the ones I encountered so far at least) the endgoal is not to win souls for the underworld and make you their victim. It seems to be more about seeing if you can see through it and use that knowledge to learn about the fabric of existence.
In the most clinical way of viewing this. These are certain primal aspects of our psychology (individual and collective) and what keeps us from evolving in a spiritual sense. By summoning up and enhancing these aspects, you can either submit and fall prey to them while fully experiencing that or you can use the experience to see through them and learn about their nature so you can be a bit more free in knowing when and how to utilize them and when to discard them. Most of these aspects are pretty dark, aggressive and predatory. So I’m certainly not discounting your view of them. But… to go back to a more metaphysical way of putting it to words. These are the type of beings that persuaded us to eat the forbidden fruits in the first place and not the ones that were scared shitless because it made us become like them and rather wanted to get rid of us before we’d go eat from the “tree of life and death” as well and become eternal. That translates to the fact that I have not yet been treated as a threat when gaining more and deeper insights that enhance mundane life as well as my practice. Until now from that corner it only seems to be encouraged to take this evolution as far as I can.

After all this I’d like to make clear that I see myself as an average practioner, not pretending to be some special breed of sorcerer with a “chosen one” compex. I’m also not here to persuade you into agreeing with my opinion and abandoning your own, btw. Just saying that I have a different experience from you’ve had.