Ennt. to get alpha male mind set

Wonder if there is an enn to make normal male to become alpha male including mind set and appearance.
Appearance - masculine face lines, facial hairs etc.
Mind set - it hard to describe but some long time ago in case of taking some pills ( natural herbs) and much binural listetnig i could receive this wonderful state for some hours. So much confidence, clear mind, brave, belief that nothing is imposiblle.

Since then i tried to acquire again this state but with no effect.

Anyone maybe?


Enns are for calling entities under the religion of Demonolatry. So you want to pick and enn for an entity that can work with you on your confidence and such.

Lots of demons don’t have enns because Demonolaters haven’t given them one yet, so you can either pick an entity known to have an enn, or make an enn through channeling.

I’d go with Belial myself, he’s great at breaking chains including inhibitions that are holding you back, and has an enn. I don’t know what it is offhand, but I think if you search for “belial enn” on here it should pop up right away. :slight_smile:


I second Belial.

Another option is the archangel Samael. He also deals with “masculine issues.”


Belial, Asmodai. Zepar

Better yet make the call and start reading stuff that stirs the feeling within you and take action. Everyone will have their own version and it will change with time

I began with Bold and Determined and Danger & Play (archive links still work)

I later got into Good Looking Loser and Black Dragon blog. It all has a place for different backgrounds.

Be extremely mindful of the “victim mentality” blackpill aspect of the manosphere. A lot of it is geared towards making you feel like the situation is dire and it’s really just feminism for dudes. Be very very mindful of this. True power transcends the “wull aktchully!” stuff. None of the statistics matter when you have your mission figured out and you live according to it. It works in spite of it

Aim for feeling like your evolution, your progress on being sexually dimorphic in body mind and soul is a gift to those around you because you can handle things not everyone can and set the tone in ways they appreciate yet never suspected. It’s less about war and more about building an empire. A pocket of heaven to thrive in

Call on them and feast on some food for thought that resonates within you. “Alpha” is happy and thriving on all levels. Not a lame Subaru and muscle shirts with a loud attitude about being seen and heard


maybe a dumb question, but why do you feel you need to be alpha?
being a leader is not the same as being a “tough guy alpha type” and the classic alpha are not that great to be around or work with imo.

have faith in your instincts and decisions and know that every leader makes mistakes and deep down are afraid of failing their responsibility

make a decision and own it, make a mistake and own it, learn from the mistake and grow, don’t be afraid of making mistakes or taking responsibility

not really an enn :stuck_out_tongue: sorry
but more practical experience


need changes to go up life ladder :slight_smile:

Here is a chant to lose yourself in.


You need to pick and choose. You can have a feminine look to the face and still kick someones ass. This is more glamour magic and hitting the gym every day.

Mindset - All older males/single males I knew, were natural scrappers/fighters, with hot tempers. Did they have the looks and get the girl? Yes. Did it last? No.
However, responsible generally, avid studyers/workers.
Start with a good character and work ethic and call on King Asmodeus, ruler of the sphere of Mars/Geburah/Golochab


You rang? :stuck_out_tongue:


I second this. If your goal is too become a “alpha male” he will whip you into shape with emphasis on the “whip” part.



Satanachia is deffinitly the one you need.
He helps transforming yourself into a more masculine archetypes, he works on develloping pheromone and dominant (upon humans and animals) attributes.


Top as many men as possible. It will work.

My tendencies would be to repeat “I become an alpha male”, work out, practice mewing, use binaurals and a few healthy tricks to get hunter eyes and warrior skull (but of course, it may be already so, and anyway taking these issues with a grain of salt), besides looking into dating advices, NLP etc.
Also it isn’t so much a matter of following instructions about what to do and the type of things to say, but rather meditate on all of that in order to possess a certain mentality.

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If I may, I would like to suggest the following

To discard the unwanted from your life. You can choose to discard an attitude, a personality trait, or an infatuation. To eliminate what is bad about you and bring confidence and self-esteem.

To create an increase in personal beauty. People will notice a change in you, often suspecting you are in good health or have lost weight.

To encourages you to explore your desires and find the source of them and obtain that which you desire.
Desire motivates passion. Through Asmodai you are the master of your life and your world.


Perhaps Haagenti and Ipos could help, according ars goetia