Energy System

Are energy systems subjective or does one automatically developes an energetical system from birth, if the latter is true then can one change one’s energy system?

Speaking as an energy worker and qigong practitioner, I would say the human energy system is fairly fundamental the same for all (NOT subjective), as fundamental people usually having have two legs two arms and a head, with muscles, fascia, nerves and skin. You have one or you would not be alive, it exists as an energy body and you essentially have two bodies: the energy body and the physical body.

Notice, as different people are different sizes an shapes, so energy bodies are not all uniform either. As different people have different amounts and development of muscle, different people have different strength in the energy body.

However, working with that system via physical senses is difficult, and most people don’t register that they have other senses.

So over time different models of the energy body have developed by people working with the energy using the subtle senses. You work with them using the mind. Energy follows mind. These models include yoga and qigong, but there are others working with some or all of the system in different ways.

You have an energy system from before birth, but you can also develop it with our mind, just as you can go to the gym and build your body.


Hm, could one re-design the energy body, just as one can genetically modify the physical body. Also, what energy sytem do you recommend to work with or should one create one’s own system?

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I always recommend qigong. Why reinvent the wheel? I would suggest learning your system in a working state before trying to change it: don’t waste time fixing what isn’t broken.


Hm, is the energy system made from energy itself and if so then from what type of energy is it constructed from, if not then what is it constructed from and can it re-invented with a diffrent type of energy or material?

Sorry I didn’t get the notification of your question until today for some reason…

Yes the energy system is made of energy, it’s made of Ren (human) QI energy. In terms of modern physics, the Chinese have extensive research on qi and report (that we’re allowed to see) that it’s a mix of electromagnetic and mechanical (sound) waves, but mostly EM (I suspect the sound is an effect, of qi work done on Earth, an energy being in space isn’t going to have the medium available to propagate sound).

I would not think so, no.

However, bear in mind there are three types of qi: Cosmic qi, Human qi and Earth qi. The study of qigong is only specifically for human qi. Fung Shui addresses Earth qi.

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I love the Yi Jin Jing excersize for this, although that might be more focussed on the physical. It should also help improve the qi circulation in your body (Please correct me if I’m wrong, Mulberry)

It helped me regain massive amounts of balance and flexibility after recovering from a severely broken foot and 4 surgeries to try and fix it, somewhat. More than any other fysiotherapy did. It was not my intention, but I’ve also noticed consideral improvement in my energy levels and recuperation whenever I was disciplined enough to do this excesize regularly.

The “Shaolin Temple Europe” Youtube has an awesome video explaining the postures and a good guided video in terms of breathing, if you’re interested.

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What a coincidence, this was my last post on this forum, and i decided to randomly check it again after a long time, and I see that you have answered the question at the same time randomly. Thanks for the answer though, coming here randomly might not have been so random, maybe meant to be after all.

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Lol that’s amazing. We has some kind of forum software update which studenly gave me a bunch of notifications that it hasn’t before. I always check all replies, so I followed up on this unusual influx so find many were up to 2 months old.

The way I see it, being an animist, the forum itself as an entity was watching over us there :smiley: Thanks Mr. Silvera!

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I see. I recently saw a series wherein they talk about animism for a good moment, about places like the desert being alive and accepting offerings so, again, another beautiful coincidence?

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Maybe! You could have an invitation there to look deeper into animism and maybe shamanic perspectives in general.

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Yeah, I looked into it, watching this whole series was a ritual in itself.

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Do you have a linkable source for this info? Sounds tremendously fascinating.

There’s thousands, you can literally search google (well, maybe not google, maybe a less censorious search engine, I use Ecosia) for “Chinese study qigong” and find white papers in the tp results.

The gotcha is, the really good ones are not translated from Chinese, as they are done in Chinese universities. So I hear from Chinese speaking qigong practitioners.


Perfect, now I have to learn Chinese :joy:

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