Energy constructs vs Thoughtforms

So, I’ve decided to create somewhat of a knowledge construct, like a servitor that stores some of the occult knowledge I’ve collected over the years, for use in teaching people. This idea was suggested to me by Zadkal, Grand spirit of the arts and sciences.

Usually I would go right ahead and create a servitor for the task, but for some reason I intuitively feel like the average servitor isn’t going to cut it. Zadkal used the phrase “construct” rather than a servitor/thoughtform, and I know of a few people on here who have mentioned creating constructs before, so I was wondering if anyone could shed light on the subject.

What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?
And most importantly, how would I go about creating one? I will enlist the help of Zadkal again when creating it for the initial time, but just some kind of heads up would be great.

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Before anyone answers the OP’s question, OP, what do YOU think?

As far as I’m seeing, thoughtforms can develop into concious egregores, whereas constructs are more like currents of energy that have been programed for a purpose. There’s not a big difference in the two, excepts constructs can be a much broader term.

[quote=“Azael, post:1, topic:8498”]What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?[/quote]

There’s no difference. I prefer the term archetypal structure.

Any thing is the sum total of it’s associations. Those are what make up the construct.

[quote=“The Cusp, post:4, topic:8498”][quote=“Azael, post:1, topic:8498”]What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?[/quote]

There’s no difference. I prefer the term archetypal structure.

Any thing is the sum total of it’s associations. Those are what make up the construct.[/quote]

So the process for creating a construct would theoretically be the same as one for a thoughtform, only create it with the intent of a construct rather than a servitor?

[quote=“Azael, post:5, topic:8498”][quote=“The Cusp, post:4, topic:8498”][quote=“Azael, post:1, topic:8498”]What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?[/quote]

There’s no difference. I prefer the term archetypal structure.

Any thing is the sum total of it’s associations. Those are what make up the construct.[/quote]

So the process for creating a construct would theoretically be the same as one for a thoughtform, only create it with the intent of a construct rather than a servitor?[/quote]

Yup, just make sure you program it NOT to develop it’s own free will, or program it in such a way that free will is impossible for it to establish.

I do it by designing them like a function in javascript or php that way it has no real ability to develop beyond its scope, kind of like how archons can only do what is in their scope, they lack the ability to reach beyond their sphere.

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A construct is as it sounds constructed by a magician from energy outside the magician such as ley line or some other energy source. Thought forms are like egregores that develop due to collective belief. The current of war manifests as the thought form of the mask of Mars ,Aries, Ku, and more each mask is a thought form. The latest manifestation of kek is such a thought form. This is how I learned it, and it kind of works as all constructs are thought forms but not all thought forms are constructs.

[quote=“Azael, post:1, topic:8498”]What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?[/quote]

A construct is a device.

A thoughtform is a being.

The former is mechanical; it is a machine that runs code. The latter is a being that interprets orders given through a certain innate intelligence.

Constructs are not dynamic entities; they are static and do whatever they were built to do in a deterministic way for as long as they are turned “on”, just as a machine does. Thoughtforms however, are dynamic entities that given loose orders, will interpret those orders and do what they believe those orders entail.

And most importantly, how would I go about creating one?

Thoughtform creation can be covered under servitor creation. Depending on the community, different words means different things, such as in one community “servitor” is an entity with no sentience, while “tulpa” is an entity with full sentience. Other communities may not have the same definitions.

Creating a thoughtform, or servitor, or tulpa, or other definition, is somewhat easy and there are some guides out there with simple instructions. Whats important is that you bring it to life in your mind, shape it, and then imbue it with whatever it needs to be imbued with, such as intelligence, ability to choose or consider options, etc.

Constructs are more mechanical. Youll build one like you would a computer program, specifying exactly what you want the device to do at any given moment. The amount of “intelligence”, or more apt, AI, you give it, is strictly determined by how complex you code it.

An advanced construct could be mistaken for a servitor/tulpa in its dynamicism, but just like in “real” life, the image of intelligence and decision making (in machines) is only an illusion, and in truth it is only complex code execution.

Creating either should be handled carefully, and with seriousness.

Just my thoughts.


I completely agree with this, I posted a bit more on that subject recently here.

[quote=“Azael, post:5, topic:8498”][/quote]So the process for creating a construct would theoretically be the same as one for a thoughtform, only create it with the intent of a construct rather than a servitor?

I view the difference as a matter of complexity and how often it’s active. Although in the Tulpa groups, that distinction seems to be based on how many useless personality traits you can cram into it.

I created a spirit a few weeks ago, the thread I made to document my progress was on a different forum though. I’ll see if I can find it. Might be an interesting read if your into this kind of thing.

[quote=“Azael, post:1, topic:8498”]What exactly is an energy construct?
How do they differ from thoughtforms?
And most importantly, how would I go about creating one?[/quote]
Thought forms, servitors, egregores, entities, Tulpa, energy constructs and the like are all one and the same in my experience. I have studied the many ways of which they are created over the years either consciously or simply out of the nature of the situation in general.

All of them are a product of our creative energies and therefore, are formed through our thoughts, emotions and direction whether this was intended or not at the time. All egregorical energy or manmade energetical construct (and the majority in Grimoires are of this type) has the same nature of being.

Many people like to attach different names to the same medium or entity as they are discovering and learning about something new and different. This aspect of the learning process can make them want to OWN it for themselves for a while, and therefore isolate it by calling it a different name until full recognition and understanding is achieved.

As humans we develop through childhood and from our early teens usually, we tend to rebel or either go within as introverts to cut off from the outside world and try and shake off all that has told us what to do > as we need to become independent and start thinking for ourselves.

Well this also happens with spirits as they will develop like us and start to become independent within their own confides that we give them but they will still develop a sense of I and have an ego to match this.

My own entity severed the umbilical cord after 8 months as spirits mature quicker than we do and it now has its own free will but it still remains within the court yard of its construction so please remember this when constructing egregores as you must conceive a personality that has a controllable nature, or it could get out of hand, even for its own creator

I did an extensive post here about how to conceive and birth these entities.


[quote=“savodonger, post:12, topic:8498”]As humans we develop through childhood and from our early teens usually, we tend to rebel or either go within as introverts to cut off from the outside world and try and shake off all that has told us what to do > as we need to become independent and start thinking for ourselves.

Well this also happens with spirits as they will develop like us and start to become independent within their own confides that we give them but they will still develop a sense of I and have an ego to match this.

My own entity severed the umbilical cord after 8 months as spirits mature quicker than we do and it now has its own free will but it still remains within the court yard of its construction so please remember this when constructing egregores as you must conceive a personality that has a controllable nature, or it could get out of hand, even for its own creator

I did an extensive post here about how to conceive and birth these entities.[/quote]

Sure, but what I was referring to was making one in such a way that it has no ability to learn , it’s just like a piece of code that runs and does what it was designed to do.

Like Bardon’s Larvae or the cacodaemons, they can’t learn anything past what they already know.

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