EGREGORE manifestations

Hi guys,

So I have questions regarding Egregores, any kind of input will be appreciated.

  1. Egregores are created through collective thoughtforms of a group. In that case, God or Yahweh is an egregore? If so , then what about Daemons and Angels? Have we unconsciously created an egregore called Lucifer who now works autonomously without any assistance from the host or the host group and is now a Godform?

  2. Like for example, a cult that created an egregore like the people’s temple of Jonestown - how to make that egregore disappear or agree to an external servitor/egregore that doesn’t align with the group’s goals? Egregores do interact with other egregores harmonically or in a conflicting manner - what causes would make two different egregores interact harmonically and what would cause conflict?

  3. Celebrity egregores or corporate egregores - are their roles limited to just success and branding? If no then what assumed examples can be observed for such egregores - like extra things they do.

Thanks in advance.

An egregore is a thoughtform created by 2 or more people. One egregore, one thoughtform, same thing.

Depends what you mean by “god” or “yahweh”. There’s a lot of those about. :smiley:

If “god” is the All/Universe/Tao then no that’s not a thoughtform, it’s more like we are it’s thoughtforms. If yahweh means YHWH as the Tetragrammaton, that’s a concept similar to the tao and is also not a thoughtform. If yahweh means the deified Levantine war leader that became a desert war god, I’d say that’s a thoughtform. Search on this as we have many topic on the subject recently.

Personally I believe these are actual higher beings and not thoughtforms.

I personally do not subscribe to the concept of “godforms” per se, so I would say no, there’s no such thing. A godform based on my limited understanding f it is not a thoughtform. it’s more like a power you invoke to assume it’s abilities, but I could be way off base on that.

Work with the group, it’s their thoughtform, what they do with it is their business. People have to walk their own paths and sometimes that means you have to watch them do things that you would not.

Probably goals and what program they are running. If there’s a conflict in goals, like with people, then they could be working against each other. Then it comes down to a battle of will and ability between the people instructing the thoughtform.

No they aspect what they are designed to do. Corporates are not just a logo. Look at the entire organisation, which may have many thousands of humans all contributing dozens of hours a week toward the goals, and you can quickly imagine how complex this gets. Add facilities, supply chains, relationships with other businesses, contracts, the products, the departments… They are the spirit of the company. What the company can do, is all because they exist. And the company causes them to exist. They are inseparable.


I yet have to read a good defintion on what is a godform in a non-theistic belief system :face_with_monocle:

Angels and demons;

I think angels are real spititual beings. Spiritualists call them beings of light. For me are 100% positive entities. I have perceived very few of them.

I have perceived several types of what we call “demons”. For me are negative entities, real, sentient and abundant.

The concept of thoughtform is a great alternative non-theistic explanation for some entities. Can we humans autonomously create demons and angels?

Egregores have some psychological explanations like Jung’s collective unconscious theory.

I haven’t perceived any so far. But I’d like to hook up myself to one, just to test if they are a real thing.

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