Easy Spirit Summoning Technique

Great topic and explanation. Many thanks for sharing with your brothers and sister!
We need more people like you who are experienced, sharing their experiences.


So i tried this to talk with Dantalion, i was laying down on my back, every time i chanted their name my toes and my right trap muscle twitched, i took it as a sign they were there and made a request, my right shin started to warm up like it was being touched, after i made my request my hands felt like they were being pinned down, i thanked Dantalion for their time and the pressure on my hand waa immediately released.
Im not sure how to feel as after i sat back up i received a twitter notification from one of the targets of my request with an indirect reference to the other, but results could go either way.

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When you lay down and are still your body does weird things so you move it to see if you’re awake or asleep. Laying down usually isn’t recommended for evocation for various reasons, can you sit/stand? Exceptions might be (long) meditations, specific meditations where laying is preferred, astral rituals, and things like that. You do you, but remember that not everything that happens is a sign sometimes it’s your body doing what it’s biologically programmed to do.

thank you for the advice, I’m very new to this so it’s appreciated, I was hoping someone would tell me if I was doing something wrong or what the stuff I felt means.
I tried again tonight, sitting up this time, the feeling was completely different, my room felt very cold and I got goosebumps on my entire right side and a feeling like someone was running their fingers through my hair. I made a request and thanked them for their time.

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