Easy curses to kill someone?

You need to ask your self. Does it worth it? Does it worth my energy and time. If this dude really that bad or are you over emotional and reactive ?


You are 14 years old, you are underage, dealing with people who are how old here?

If I recall your intro was about wanting to learn magick to heal your father yet so far not one post you’ve written has indicated any work towards this. Wasting your energy on someone who is completely insignificant to your future is somehow more important than your schoolwork or father.

I won’t be responding further giving you the opportunity for the petulant final word on the matter.


I’m already doing water healing spells from him, did a evocation of marbas… ANDDD… found him so mundane medical shit for him to try out


water healing spell not done yet, but soon. But the others didnt work out too well


does the age really matter tho??

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Correct. It’s not good to screw up an innocent person’s life through that.

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Everyone giving you a hard time here, I understand where they are coming from and they offer good advice especially considering your age.

With that in mind, we are all Black Magi here and we will do as we do as we want. However, just know the moment you connect with darker forces or darker intentions it may make your more positive intentions: as everyone here as said healing your father, that much harder to accomplish. Magick is kind of a one road at a time path and Hateful rage doesn’t mix well with loving healing energy. Just keep that in mind.

I’m all for the killings and healings though so don’t get me wrong.


No more than when any of us were in school. Just throwing out Death is showing a lack of imagination on the Magician’s part, specially for something that doesn’t warrant it.
Being a good Black Magician means having an extensive imagination.


Thanks for the advice

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Not trying to judge and can’t tell you what to do. My opinion is… when you’re old enough to legally own a gun, you can start using magick to kill someone.

For now, curse him, make his life a living hell until every moment of his existence is pure pain and endless torture. Then few years later, when you can kill him, take a look at him first and decide if that’s what you want to do or not. In most cases, killing him at that point would actually be an act of mercy, not revenge.

On the other hand, life is not black and white… sometimes in life we may have to break our own rules. If someone killed or caused death-like pain to you or someone you care about, and you’re absolutely sure of your target… curse to kill, without thinking twice about it.

Age is irrelevant here. When people tells you to wait or think, it’s only because they believe you may need to master your power first before taking it to that extreme level. Without proper experience and enough practice. The same power you used to kill someone, could use you and destroy you. Not because it’s evil… only because that’s what it naturally does. I hope I’m making sense. Good luck


Thank you so much @PrinceX


Wait! If I ask a spirit to help me curse someone! Is that the same as using ur own energy to curse and will the three fold law happen? Cuz that should be he spirits energy to do something right?

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Dude, just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

I feel where you’re coming from, because i got caught up in the same. Your ego is in full control, and the amount of fucks given to anyone else around you is none.

Youre focussing on this person as a symbol of your sorrow. Dealing with a parent having cancer hurts on a lot of different levels, and its just straight up easier to look at something else and hate it*, rather than realize you fucking HATE the fact youre watching the person who taught you how to be a person die.

You dont have control over the situation atm, thats why youre desiring control over this person. To prove you have a degree of it. Its like using drugs to cope. I know your pain very well, Ive done the same.

TL;DR Youre sad and its coming out as anger towards someone random. Dont use magick as a drug to take your mind off things. Do normal drugs, that way you interfere more with your personal sphere rather than spreading the pain into others’


And with questions concerning the threefold law, id say hit up google and the search bar up here. You cant just halfass a death ritual.

You should save those for a rainy day, not a peer talking shit


Ok, Dude my grandpa have experienced similar cancer problem, I have bought him gem of health put it in his pocket and I have tried to keep him happy, Make sure he is always positive and in high frequency and find a way either by his friends visiting him and make sure he is happy.
Use to Salt clear negative energy burn a sage.
You can get to enlightenment your self by projecting to him positivity and love, This is the best treatment plus healthy diet with Vitamins less dairy products low carbs, No process food but mainly make sure he is taking vitamin c and a lot he will be cured I promise, If my grandpa did so is your dad.


Thank you for the advice dude!

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I’ll try that! Thank you

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Three fold is BS, but if you’re worried about it then you shouldn’t even be thinking of death curses or curses at all.
All you’re going to do is shoot yourself in the foot.


Yeah I guess

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No “I guess”, that’s how it works. YOU make the bad shit happen to yourself through doubt and fear and belief of “karma”.
Karma is bigger than that but for three fold that’s how it works.

This attitude will just hurt you, work on changing it for your own well being.