I want to summon marbas and make sure i will communication with him.
What is the easiest most effective way in your opinion?
Hey OP! I’ve got some extremely good news!
Marbas is one of those spirits that honestly just appreciates a good effort. He’s very understanding of newbies and is very patient. In my experiences with him, play some relaxing music and bring him into mind, making sure to build up the image of a great but gentle Lion. Call for him. He’s not very picky and you’ll know when he’s there. Ask him if he prefers anything because some spirits prefer being called upon differently by different people
It’s important to just go with the flow! Don’t think too hard into it or you’ll spoil the experience
Good luck!
Ps please introduce yourself as well before the MODS have a stroke, and welcome to the forum
It’s ok if i listen to relaxing music with a headphone while summoning?
also what music do you suggest for summoning?
If it helps keep your mind focused, then go for it! And listen to whatever floats your boat. I personally listen to symphonic metal but it’s your personal preference.
I’m a big fan of Gordon Winterfields “Demons of magick” book. I’ve had a lot of success doing connective evocation rituals 2/3 methods he shares in the book.
The book contains powers on all 72 goetia demons as well as their 144 angelic emissaries.
Cool! I guess i’ll try it for other demons in future. :)‌
All I’ll say is avoid selecting a patron demon, in my opinion the power in working with demons is working with a wide variety (all 72) rather than worshiping and going to one for all your needs.
You dont want to become dependent or reliant on one particular deity.
Dont get me wrong I have favorites ( because I like their energy and the powers they offer) but I don’t worship them, beg them, or anything foolish like that. I conduct my evocations in a serious and energetic state and I make sure I wield the power. I am telling the demon what to do, politely but firmly.
When I first came to this forum I found it difficult to get demons to listen to me or obey my authority, since incorporating “demons of magick” into my life this is no longer a problem. I get what I want and the demons get their offerings.
My goal is learning math and physics easier and faster, I heard marbas can help me with this a lot. but I will not stick on marbas i get other demons help for other things too.
Thank you for this! Fortunately i heard it before i do the ritual. :))
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