Dungeons & Dragons: Deities & Demons

So, as the total nerd that I am, I played Dungeons & Dragons as a kid, and I still occasionally play with friends when we all have some time for a session.

I can’t remember what exactly I was doing, I must have been looking through some character sheets or saw my Player’s Handbook sitting on my desk, when the best idea ever dawned on me (bwahaha) … why not evoke and work with the gods and demons of D&D?

There are TONS of D&D players world wide. Not just that, but a good solid portion of them get really really into their game play. Now, I’ve never been the type to dress up for a session or start going by the name of my favorite character. However, there are plenty who do. With that many people putting so much energy into the world of D&D, the characters of that world, including the gods and demons, are sure to have taken on some very real astral and mental forms, and taking on some very real archetypical rolls and function.

So, if anyone else is interested, here’s the wikipedia list of the D&D gods and demons:


Most of them have their own wikipedia page which can be accessed simply by clicking on their names in the above posted link, some with a description of their sigil.

I know this is more on the Chaos Magick side of things, but fuuuck, how can I resist such a freakin’ awesome idea? I mean seriously? Working with the spirits of Dungeons & Dragons? heeeeell yeeeeah! :slight_smile:

===== EDIT =====
So yeah - I’m going to go ahead and work with Boccob, since he’s the god of the mages, see if I can get any kind of reaction - and I’ll report back :slight_smile:
And for any of you who are also D&Dorks, feel free to join me. You never know what might be discovered. :slight_smile:

===== EDIT II =====
Also, many of the D&D entities are legit entities, having their names taken from real world occult literature and ideals. So … I dunno - something fun and different to mess with for a little bit :wink:

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This is genius. Let’s do it. If this works, it will completely change my perception of entities altogether.

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That is quite an interesting paradigm to explore. I know several chaos magicians who work within the D&D egregore. They have even gotten themselves to where they can invoke their characters to the acheivement of some marvelous effects.

I figured this is something Chaos Magicians would be into. :slight_smile: I’ve always had a bent knee for Chaos Magick, but never really got into it. I’m definitely interested to hear more if you or your friends have any stories particular to D&D entities?

I can pick their brains for you about it though I don’t think you’ll get much in the way of evocation. It’s sort of a reality they’re afraid they wouldn’t be able to control. Though out of curiosity what steers you away from it? The pathworking in itsself is quite useful and I’m gonna post a topic on here in the next 24 hours that’ll tell you why.

Nothing in specific has really ever steered me away from it. I’ve just been so involved in my hermetics and chi gong studies that I’ve found very little time to play with chaos. However, I have read a few books and implemented many of the ideals into my magickal repertoire. It probably is about time I hang a few things up and really dive into chaos though. I’ve been wanting to for a while - I just keep bumping into this or that and get side tracked. heh

That’s the beauty of chaos magick. Sounds like you’re already on the path. Finding what works for you, personalizing it to make it your own and then moving on to something completely new and different. It’s exhiliarating in the way that you truly get to look at magick in its most raw form and dive into what really makes the whole of creation tick.

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“Now, I’ve never been the type to dress up for a session or start going by the name of my favorite character. However, there are plenty who do. With that many people putting so much energy into the world of D&D, the characters of that world, including the gods and demons, are sure to have taken on some very real astral and mental forms, and taking on some very real archetypical rolls and function.”

@DKM…your statement above is how I see some of the stories about JE-ZEUS developing within the Christian religion.

Uncle Fester

@DKM…your statement above is how I see some of the stories about JE-ZEUS developing within the Christian religion.

Uncle Fester

Y’know, once I successfully deprogrammed my southern baptist indoctrination, I actually set out to meet & get to know the personality of the Real JC … he’s actually quite appraochable, and more than willing to fly in the face of all the misinterpretations surrounding his persona, his purposes & his work … keep in mind that during his time, he was ridiculed, ostracized, considered an extreme radical & a heretic … just throwing that out there … :wink: Z

i have a serious issue of having no hope nor direction in life. i don’t have any guidance, parental or divine. only my intuition, which is also roaming around looking for meaning. in a gameworld of drama and great risks, i had a quest. i don’t know what is my quest here, on material Earth. so, in searching for purpose, dissapointed by religion, i rturned to magick.
i have been itching to ask a dnd related evocation question, but i thought the forum might consider it to be silly, so i just kinda hoped to learn evocation good enougj to gather the courage and evoke Him, my spiritual beacon and personal light, Bahamut.

now i see that you are all mad, and i feel slightly better.

if all this could lead to me actually evoking him, or better yet, to travel to his realm and behold him in all glory, my state of being would invert.

DKM, you lunatic, if you pull this off with Boccob, i will love you long time.


Lunatic indeed! :smiley:

@Maxx - I agree. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if a good solid portion of Mormons are actually going to end up in a mass-delusion created Celestial Kingdom with the LDS Eloheim, and a Jesus that sits on a little throne at his right hand. The Astral is so malleable. I even wonder how many of the entities in the broad stretch of grimoires out there are thought forms or entities made by magicians for specific reasons and never given a termination date?

@Zoe - haha, yeah. I’ve done something similar with Joseph Smith. Got his essence in the triangle and started questioning him about all the aspects of the LDS church. It was definitely an astral shell. It was “sleeping” most of the time, I had to wake it up and remind it of my question. Really strange encounter to say the least. I dunno if I’ve put this out there, but I used to be LDS, served a mission to the Philippines and everything. My intimate relationship with the Mormon church has actually brought me to a new understanding of energy, how it works, how it can be used to deceive people, etc. So, as fucked up as the LDS church is, being raised in it has actually lent me quite a helpful hand in understanding occult principles, philosophy, ritual, and actual works. So I guess “Thanks” but, yeah, “No Thanks” :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

Not to get waaay off topic, but I had some missionaries knock on my door about a year ago. I invited them in. They bore their testimonies of the truth of the church, one of them started crying, and the energy in the room skyrocketed. Then one of them said, “that feeling you feel right now, that’s the spirit telling you that you need to come back to church.”

… ah, so THAT’s how they get people!!!

Had I not had my recent occult training I would have never realized what just happened.

Lucky for me, I had already been a good 2 years into my magickal training and could tell instantly that the energy was coming directly from them, pouring out of their chakras. Without their knowing nonetheless. It was NOT coming from the divine source. However, they believe in the church so strongly, that they literally emit massive amounts of energy during a testimony because they simply believe that when one bears their testimony, the spirit of god will bear witness to the truth of it. And because they believe it so fervently in their minds, their spirit actually opens up and pours out as much of the best feeling most euphoric energy it can.
And that’s the craziness behind the LDS conversion cycle of accidental deception. Although, on some level, they surely know they’re doing it. Which might make for the high incident of depression, pedophilia, and “porn/masturbation” addiction in the LDS church.

Another point of interest is the insane amount of energy in the temple’s celestial room. You have millions of believers who believe that the celestial room is the ONLY place on earth God and JC will come in person. that it is THE holiest place on earth. The energy in there is immense. And honestly, I have considered getting back into good standings with the church just to get back into that room. As an aspiring black magician, that amount of raw, unbound, pulsating energy could be directed and used toward any goal. Seriously. That’s some good shit there. However, there have been times where I’ve gotten the level of energy in my home to surpass that during my chi gong sessions. So - it’s not as appealing now as it used to be. Pretty interesting though, the strange dynamics of energy and how it’s natural form and function literally plays into the deception of an entire religious organization.
I’m convinced that the LDS prophets and the 12 apostles are privy to certain meditations and exercises though. I mean, those guys have pulled off some pretty interesting stunts. And if it’s not all out fraud, it’s stuff you can’t very well do without some level of occult training.

Sorry for that rant :stuck_out_tongue:

Just got a bit excited there - some subject matter I’m fascinated with :smiley:


I too had my deep encounter with the mormon faith at about 12 and 13 sometime in there. My occult training and intuition brought me to the same conclusions you did but since my stepdad was a mormon I played along at least for a while and went faithfully into that paradigm until they started telling me the dalai llama was going to hell because he didn’t beleive in god. I left shortly after they offered to induct me into what they called the elderly priesthood because after feeling into that current it utterly disgusted me for reasons I still don’t quite understand. It felt more like a suicide cult than a religion to me upon further reflection and maybe that’s why I went the other way so hard after that.

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DKM we love your rants! You truly are skilled in two of the most desirable qualities for a teacher to have: Solid, well researched knowledge AND vivid humor in the delivery!.. its an irresistible blend ! :wink: Z

DKM…interesting session with the prophet…I want to throw something out there for you to go back over in your mind in that one and some others that you associated with in the Mormon group…A Spirit of Lethargy…

I dealt with it upon realizing how it was associated with sleepiness affliated with that group years ago…


Why thank you Zoe :slight_smile:

Kitari, thanks for sharing that. It’s good to have some confirmation in the matter. I definitely am glad to know that there are others who can back this up.

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[quote=“Maxx, post:15, topic:199”]DKM…interesting session with the prophet…I want to throw something out there for you to go back over in your mind in that one and some others that you associated with in the Mormon group…A Spirit of Lethargy…

I dealt with it upon realizing how it was associated with sleepiness affliated with that group years ago…


Dude, totally. I think I know exactly what you’re talking about. And honestly, it’s one of those energies that tags along long after you leave that church. It takes a lot of work to get it off your coattails.

Yeah, Maxx, DKM, I’m with ya on the sticky-won’t-frickin-go-away “church” type energies … altho the Deep South “utterly submissive subject to a demanding & punitive God” evangelical southern baptist will give one nightmares while attempting to unplug from it!!! It takes so damn long to get out of those habitual mental patterns once they’ve taken hold … tends to make a Person stronger than blue twisted steel … :wink: Z

Let’s see who is the first one to evoke Lolth

Regarding that, if the quantity of D&D followers has created a real impression upon Astral Plane, through collective unconscious then the traits of this entities will be reflected as well.

So, as an example, if you call upon Lolth, you could be calling an extreme malevolence into your life.

EA has talked a bit about “Truly Demonic Entities” which embody no other thing than ruin and animosity, even towards the magician who evokes them.

Just because that’s what they are and represent in the whole of things. And perhaps calling them it’s not the smartest thing.

What do you think about it?

I think as well Chaos Gods of WK40 could be incorporated within this.

I’d love to meet and chat with, Drizzt Do’Urden! However haven’t played D&D… I think this is a project that would be successful and would love to see your progress on it DKM! Not to mention I just have a soft spot for nerds so this makes me super happy.

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