So, as the total nerd that I am, I played Dungeons & Dragons as a kid, and I still occasionally play with friends when we all have some time for a session.
I can’t remember what exactly I was doing, I must have been looking through some character sheets or saw my Player’s Handbook sitting on my desk, when the best idea ever dawned on me (bwahaha) … why not evoke and work with the gods and demons of D&D?
There are TONS of D&D players world wide. Not just that, but a good solid portion of them get really really into their game play. Now, I’ve never been the type to dress up for a session or start going by the name of my favorite character. However, there are plenty who do. With that many people putting so much energy into the world of D&D, the characters of that world, including the gods and demons, are sure to have taken on some very real astral and mental forms, and taking on some very real archetypical rolls and function.
So, if anyone else is interested, here’s the wikipedia list of the D&D gods and demons:
Most of them have their own wikipedia page which can be accessed simply by clicking on their names in the above posted link, some with a description of their sigil.
I know this is more on the Chaos Magick side of things, but fuuuck, how can I resist such a freakin’ awesome idea? I mean seriously? Working with the spirits of Dungeons & Dragons? heeeeell yeeeeah!
===== EDIT =====
So yeah - I’m going to go ahead and work with Boccob, since he’s the god of the mages, see if I can get any kind of reaction - and I’ll report back
And for any of you who are also D&Dorks, feel free to join me. You never know what might be discovered.
===== EDIT II =====
Also, many of the D&D entities are legit entities, having their names taken from real world occult literature and ideals. So … I dunno - something fun and different to mess with for a little bit