Dreaming about Belial, not a clear message

I haven’t been working with Belial for a good while, life caught me up. I have been thinking of him though here and there sometimes.

Yesterday I had a dream, me and my mother was in our apartment. She said “It’s still haunted here.” I replied “But we just moved?”
(My former apartment was haunted, I never cleansed after rituals etc. Only sometimes when I felt that I needed to. We moved to this new apartment 1 year ago and the energy there is so calm, no shit like before.)

Then again in the dream after replying that, I thought for myself “Damn I didn’t cleanse after invoking” Then out of nowhere - A big room, crystal/stone wall and floor, pure white. A huge big sigil of Belial in black in the middle of the wall and I was sitting in front of the sigil on the floor, (not facing the sigil) and then I woke up, I remember thinking for myself the second I woke up “Was the sigil Beleth’s or Belial…” Then I was awake and forgot, 1 hour later I remembered my dream and was like shit. Then I started to analyze to know who’s sigil it was, I have never worked with Beleth before so I looked up his sigil, as I remember the details of the sigil it was not his, it was Belials.

The energy of the dream was really close to a nightmare, the dream itself wasn’t scary but the energy was dark and heavy.

Then now this night I don’t remember the dream at all, only one bit. I feel like it’s related to the first dream but there was this talking about Invocation.

Could it just be so simple as Belial wanting me to invoke him or what are your thoughts?

My impression is Belial is warning you to take control or there are things that could bind you - he is the breaker of chains.

Party because this dark energy seems to have a clear cause, and Belial can be aggressive but not dark or malevolent, he’s larger than life, very bright and yang as beings go. But we know doing magick lights you up and attracts all sort of nasties - that’s why you banish not necessarily to get rid of who you just called but to drive off parasites, “shadow beings” etc attracted by the activity. Unless you put up wards to stop them which it sounds like you don’t.

So here is the obvious red flag for this:


So you left a mess for the people at the old apartment and now you’re dirtying up a new one? :joy:

So, yeaaah - maybe not for long with this MO. I would say Belial or whoever’s using his symbolism is doing you a solid, and warning you to fix your spiritual hygiene asap. They should not have noticed you or been able to come that close without your permission, so your whole life could be wide open for anyone to play silly buggers with you.

Sounds to me like a warning from your subconscious that you’ve already attracted something you don’t want around, and it may have followed you, who knows? If you like the peace and want to keep it like that going forward, you probably want to maintain it with a little more housekeeping :slight_smile:

Here’s some more tutorials we have for this:


Lmaoooo I’m a mess for doing that :laughing: Yeah it’s more nasty than a mess there, some guests that aren’t involved with these things even said that they don’t like the atmosphere there and there was such a different energy compared to our new place.

That doesn’t even surprise me honestly, thank you for the link I’d rather not make this place nasty, no more parties for parasites.

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