I can’t tell you what it means because it wasn’t my dream, but I can give you some advice on how to interpret it yourself:
Answer these questions for yourself if you can remember the answers; don’t force it. You don’t have to post your responses to these.
1 - What was the most prominent part of the dream? What stood out to you or stuck the most after you woke up? Was it something visual, a sound, a scent, a taste, a texture or touch, or an emotion, or something else? Keep it simple and try not to overthink it. See if you can find a reason why your mind would be so focused on that.
2 - You can use symbolism as interpreted by other people, but I wouldn’t suggest relying on it first. In my opinion, it’s better if someone thinks through their dream and comes up with their own meaning for things first, and then if you’re still stumped, you can turn to external sources and see if that knocks something loose. It is true that many symbols have very common meanings in dreams, but ultimately they are still unique to the dreamer, even if only in a small way. For instance, for one person a wolf may be a symbol of terror, while for others it may be a sign of protection.
3 - The above is why it’s important to focus on the feelings you had in the dream. Did you have any remarkable emotions, and what were they?
4 - Assess your current life situation. Has anything been bothering you? Are you anticipating anything, anxious for anything? Have you been dwelling a lot on something from the past lately? Could this be relating to that? Is there any part of the dream you’ve seen before, in waking life?
5 - After the above, consider a psionic explanation. Have you ever had visions before? Did this feel like your previous experiences with them? If no, disregard this one.
6 - Have you been in contact with any entities lately? Do you have reason to believe one may try to contact you? Again, if no, disregard this.
7 - If the dream felt like a memory, would you say it’s from a past life, should you believe in them? Once again, if no, this one doesn’t matter. (Just keeping the options open.)
8 - And finally, when asking yourself what meaning this dream has to you, what gut feeling, if any, do you get? Even if it’s not something you can put into words. It’s alright if you don’t feel anything, there’s nothing wrong with you.
Consider all of that, and see what sort of conclusion you come to. I’d suggest writing it all down, too, on paper, or in a word document or memo, to help sort your thoughts and look for patterns. In the future, it’s also helpful to keep a journal by your bed to write down your dreams while they’re fresh, so you can record all your feelings. I hope this helps you find an answer, but I’m sorry it’s not very personalized. I can give you more advice in a PM if you want (or if you’re fine with answering more personal questions out in the open, on this thread - but don’t answer anything you’re not completely comfortable with), but it won’t be more than helping to guide you through your own thoughts, as I believe you’re the only one who can truly discern the meaning of your own dreams. Best of luck to you.