Dream interpretation

Good morning,

I have woke up from a strange dream and need an interpretation or an opinion to the meaning. I was approached by a beautiful woman who was really tall and I hugged her the she started to braid my Afro into cornrows but she just did one, we were talking I was telling her I was working really hard to make money to move… As we are talking I noticed this wasn’t a true woman. I wasn’t scared just surprised and there was another person that was talking to us both but I can’t remember, the strangest part of my dream was when I was trying to talk the one cornrow the trans braided came through my mouth and I was freaking out I was like there is a long braid cord of hair inside the cheek of my mouth as I was talking the beings I was talking to stood there and looked at me and were saying something then I woke up.

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I can’t tell you what it means because it wasn’t my dream, but I can give you some advice on how to interpret it yourself:

Answer these questions for yourself if you can remember the answers; don’t force it. You don’t have to post your responses to these.

1 - What was the most prominent part of the dream? What stood out to you or stuck the most after you woke up? Was it something visual, a sound, a scent, a taste, a texture or touch, or an emotion, or something else? Keep it simple and try not to overthink it. See if you can find a reason why your mind would be so focused on that.

2 - You can use symbolism as interpreted by other people, but I wouldn’t suggest relying on it first. In my opinion, it’s better if someone thinks through their dream and comes up with their own meaning for things first, and then if you’re still stumped, you can turn to external sources and see if that knocks something loose. It is true that many symbols have very common meanings in dreams, but ultimately they are still unique to the dreamer, even if only in a small way. For instance, for one person a wolf may be a symbol of terror, while for others it may be a sign of protection.

3 - The above is why it’s important to focus on the feelings you had in the dream. Did you have any remarkable emotions, and what were they?

4 - Assess your current life situation. Has anything been bothering you? Are you anticipating anything, anxious for anything? Have you been dwelling a lot on something from the past lately? Could this be relating to that? Is there any part of the dream you’ve seen before, in waking life?

5 - After the above, consider a psionic explanation. Have you ever had visions before? Did this feel like your previous experiences with them? If no, disregard this one.

6 - Have you been in contact with any entities lately? Do you have reason to believe one may try to contact you? Again, if no, disregard this.

7 - If the dream felt like a memory, would you say it’s from a past life, should you believe in them? Once again, if no, this one doesn’t matter. (Just keeping the options open.)

8 - And finally, when asking yourself what meaning this dream has to you, what gut feeling, if any, do you get? Even if it’s not something you can put into words. It’s alright if you don’t feel anything, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Consider all of that, and see what sort of conclusion you come to. I’d suggest writing it all down, too, on paper, or in a word document or memo, to help sort your thoughts and look for patterns. In the future, it’s also helpful to keep a journal by your bed to write down your dreams while they’re fresh, so you can record all your feelings. I hope this helps you find an answer, but I’m sorry it’s not very personalized. I can give you more advice in a PM if you want (or if you’re fine with answering more personal questions out in the open, on this thread - but don’t answer anything you’re not completely comfortable with), but it won’t be more than helping to guide you through your own thoughts, as I believe you’re the only one who can truly discern the meaning of your own dreams. Best of luck to you.


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Thank you for the response, it was the hair in the inside cheek that weirded me out because it wasn’t there initially and my feelings was it shouldn’t be there, so my feeling was bewilderment


The vision is about communication and stress, this dream is a message to try to restore your balance and confront the issues you are experiencing and get rid of something unpleasant. Maybe that refers to something you did or said, and now you want to erase that event completely. In some cases, that can be something you are perhaps refusing to admit to.

In the interest of learning and bettering my own craft, would you mind telling me how you came to these conclusions - which parts of the dream mean what? I’ve never had much opportunity to talk to others who work with dreams, so I would really appreciate it.


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It’s no problem, and I hope you’re able to find what it means to you. But also remember that not all dreams have an important meaning, and to not stress over it if it isn’t clear to you right away. If it takes some time to figure out, that’s alright.


Your visions or trance state dreams are messages and symbols being sent telepathically to your mind, from beyond the veil.

Many demons use symbols as a way of communicating there identity, or a message of something they wish to communicate, the deity uses colors as an identifier and assorted clothing, facial features to convey a message, announcing there presence and that you have been heard as well as verbal statements.

His vision is don’t fear my message, it is my gift to you, one of prescience.

When you receive a sign from spirit and you’re not sure of the meaning I recommend asking them! If the presence of the spirit is unnerving, sit down and ask them who they are and what are they doing.

Take a few deep breaths and sit in silence for a few minutes; ponder the ritual or deity in question, the answer is likely to come right then and there. If it doesn’t however, wait and you may get a response within several weeks.

Many signs and symbols given by a spirit are universal and can be seen across many different traditions. Ask them and find out.

In this case you have two friends, a tall woman you hugged, talking, communication and relationships. Than the real heart of the messsge her mouth opens, again communications and her hair braid comes through her mouth, something unpleasant, stressful and personnal. All symbols of communication and stress.

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Nod Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me, including the background information. Would you also say all dreams come from spirits/demons? Or that there are different kinds, and only some are messages?


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Great question. Not all dreams are visions, some are stress related and are not associated with a ritual or deity but come from your subconscious mind, alerting you that your concerns or worries are taking hold. Try to focus on the details of the dream or vision and find the meaning of the message and you will find an answer.

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Thank you again, that makes perfect sense to me. But, how do you tell if a dream is a message or not? Is there a particular feeling to it?

Also, I’ve had a theory for a while that the subconscious is, in some ways, tied to another plane or what could be called the collective unconscious, and that some subconscious “symbols” come through in this way, but others are only related to your own mind and nothing external. No one is quite sure why dreams happen or how the mind is able to conceive of them, and the subconscious is very poorly understood. I was curious what you thought of this idea, and how you see things. I’d love to compare theories.


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This woman has visited me before I see her a lot and often times when I’m not engaged in sexual activity or watching porn so there is a pattern but Law I admit there are no symbols or colors or any indentifiers that I can remember so because you stated that I’m pretty confident my dreams may not be from the spirit realm but whose to say I could be dense

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She braided my hair and the hair was my own in pocket or inner cheek of my mouth and was was like what is this? She was speaking but I woke up as I was trying to hear her also I’m a lucid dream and I am aware of when I am dreaming and have somewhat control over my dreams especially in situations where I can fly

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Dreams coming from your subconscious mind usually deal with every day problems that you will encounter with no unusual features other than the stress of daily life and your minds stress relief.

Sometimes the biggest threats to our subconscious goals are inner conflicts and struggles, take time to search deep down at what our own demons may be. Sometimes it’s not comfortable to look at your faults or weaknesses, but being able to look at these problems can help you to better understand what you should do to improve, that is why our subconscious fears are important indicators from our own mind.

The power of Rasputin. On the other hand a vision sent to your mind from a spirit force, be it your higher self or perhaps from a deity or the demonic has many additional indicators with your ritual requests were heard with a message using symbols about your spiritual journey and may be a warning of challenges and obstacles that will appear or perhaps messages to improve or not transgress.

How can you tell the difference between a dream from your mind as opposed to a vision from another source can be hard to define? It is up to the receiver to decipher depending on many different circumstances. From my own experience you will know as to what preceded the vision will all be indicators.

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I’m of the belief now more than ever spirits if coming to you will leave clues or out right tell you as law clerk has told me. I have been through a lot of emotionally traumatic things the last few months and they have broken my ego down not to mention pride and financially to. With that being said I do feel I am on a path of change and am in a testing period. My faith in Christ is being tested I truly believe the occult is waiting for Me to come to the other side it’s just I haven’t initiated due to my insecurity and distrust of spiritual matters. However I am noticing this in my real life that I am more determined to conform with the world I desire the freedom to live how I want to live I don’t want to tied down materialistically but don’t also want to have what little I have taken from me. I’m starting to feel like There are no rules except the ones we make for ourselves which makes me feel guilty because it conflicts with what the word says.

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That’s very sound advice to me. Thank you for explaining, again. I can’t reply again today, but to go off topic a little, do you think past life memories can also appear in dreams? I’ve had personal experience with this, but I’d like to hear your opinion.


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Ah… we went through the same thing not long ago. Specifically about Christ, a lot of turbulence in life, distrust of spiritual things, etc… we’ll offer you what we did to get through it, but we won’t tell you what to do. You don’t even have to read this if you don’t want to. Well, except for one thing. We just want to say that you don’t have to be “initiated” into anything occult to be invested in spiritual things. No one has ultimate secrets, and we believe spiritual subjects should be taken with a salt shaker, and to trust your personal experiences and feelings above what others say, just because there hasn’t been a reliable way to study it yet. Stay safe. But anyway.

We’ve been through an awful lot these last few years, but especially this last one has been… phoo. It’s been a thing. Aside from everything we went through, our faith in Christ was also put into question by a number of personal experiences; unrelated to the other things (our faith has always grown stronger in trying times). We started church when we were young, so we didn’t know what else could be trusted at all. We did a lot of research both on Christianity and other subjects, and spent a lot of time thinking and experimenting, and having discussions with open-minded people who were willing to see both sides of the decision. We did a lot of thinking back on what we believed when we were little, and what has always felt “right” to us, where we’ve gotten responses from the universe, and so on. It wasn’t easy, and it was a very slow process that took years of waffling about on it. We’d say we’ve been in the process for almost a decade, actually. We came to the conclusion that we always knew God/Source/Creator/etc, and that we ended up stacking Christianity on top of that. It’s a long story, but let us know if you want to hear more of it. (Warning: We are extremely long-winded.) We firmly believe that God/etc is fully loving, and wouldn’t hate someone for having doubts about what humans have written and said, or for being curious and wanting to learn about things. We believe that if God/Creator/etc truly did create everything, then everything must be theirs. So it would be impossible to choose a faction or sect against them, and if magick/spirituality/etc is indeed a part of the world like we think it is, then that would also naturally be part of God’s creation. In times past, humanity thought it would be a sin to fly, and the invention of the plane was slowed by this. The ability was there, it could be achieved, and while it could be used for wrong, it could also be used for great things - such as delivering food to a starving country for the sake of God’s work, just as one example. Many people still see music and art as a sin. In our opinion, these things, and magick, are just discoveries about the world; a science and an art that can be used by a people who have free will. Some people will do wrong with it because of that, but it isn’t the fault of the practice itself. In a similar argument, it could be said that if magick can be used to cause harm, then it should be taken from everyone and contained. But you can’t take magick away from a person, because the magick comes from them. We would say it’s an incredible natural occurrence and is pretty much what runs existence; we’re just able to harness it in small ways. In our experience, there is no actual need for ritual, objects or prayer, but all of those things can assist you with magick. It originates from your thoughts, desires and willpower, and that seems to be an inherently human trait, from what we’ve seen and heard. But, we don’t actually see Christianity as being at odds with magick. For quite a while, we practiced magick in Christ’s name and asked him for help with our practice, and that worked quite well. We only decided to stop calling ourselves Christian because we’ve been approached by other deities, and they’ve done a lot of good for us; we didn’t want to be dishonest to others and insulting to those deities by lying and denying them. But that doesn’t mean we hate or “disowned” Christ. It just wasn’t accurate to call ourselves “Christian” anymore, by the definition of the church. We believe he’s an important part of the world, but far from the only one. In the end, we did come to believe that it comes down to your own will and your passions. But we don’t think it’s possible to really go “against” God. You can obviously still commit wrong (but not sin, in our eyes), but then you just have to use your best judgement to determine what is right and wrong to do. Be wise and think through your choices carefully before deciding (be sure to do your research, too), but don’t avoid making them at all. That’s what we decided on. That and, if we’re curious about something and want to learn about it, we will. Life’s too short to let those opportunities and passions go, especially out of aimless fear (our fear was). We know that well. Those are our thoughts. Ignore them if you feel they don’t apply to you. We’re happy to hear what you have to say and think, whether you disagree or not. If you want to talk more, let us know, but we’re off for the day.

At your convenience I’d like to hear more.

No idea really, no experience or research.

There is a great thread about dreams you might want to post on the established thread, see this link:

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Sure thing. What specifically would you like to hear more about?