Dream interpretation

If any of you think this dream means something , please share your opinions on it and what it means .

The dream : a pretty dark place with around 5 to 6 people seated on the floor dressed in black and it seemed if some ritual was going on . I was one of them , from what i can remember, i was the youngest . A man among us spoke 'yes , i see it ’ . I was scared though curious , i told ‘could you give me your hand im scared’ and they did , and i looked at the direction they saw , i saw a black skull with horns with some smoke filling the area . I woke up immediately.

Have you been watching videos with scenes like this? There’s not much going on to pick up as having a lot of meaning other than memory sorting.

Nah, i had it in the midst of an exam season , got no time for watching anything. Thank you for responding.