Dream interpretation

I wasn’t sure on which section to post this.
I had a dream when I was very young. It is about silvery/white spiders and that dimension where those beings exist. Silver/white spiders are rarely mentioned or known. Only recently I decided to paint what I saw on some canvas. That way it’s energy gets transported on this dimension, because now it is on a painting. I firmly believe that. This is what I painted, it’s a sort of energy/ritualistic form of expression
It has symbols on it. many I do not understand yet. If someone had similar dreams or soul-journey and they saw silver spiders, please share.


That’s a really good painting. You have talent :slightly_smiling_face:


Really? Thanks! I always wondered what it could represents, besides the spider. I appreciate the feedback, I don’t often get a chance to get some. //0)

Update; I forgot to mention that some automatic writting/painting was done while doing the painting.


Yes absolutely, I can see a lot of imagery and emotions in there :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes it’s true. I always paint with a deep reason/passion for it and motives. Sometimes I cannot remember my dreams but most of the time yes. It’s why I have a pen and paper ready if I wake up in the middle of the night.


Well I can see you paint with reason and passion and it’s interesting you said some automatic writing and painting was going on there.

Apart from the silver spider I can see flames and smoke. Just above the spider is a lady’s head with long hair in the image of flame, her right shoulder and arm, she’s facing away from view at the moment and right above her head is what looks like a name or something written across the top in smoke. Her name maybe or a message of some kind?

On the right hand side it looks like an image of a face, kind of questioning, maybe frustrated and what’s that on the mouth? Some kind of symbols but it looks like parts from inside a transistor radio or a computer, like the face is giving a sense of trying to communicate, trying to say something…


Very observant but yes, the text above the spider is this name ‘‘Newton’’ and in my dream, somewhere in North America there is a small city called ‘‘Newton’’ and between 02h00 and 04h00 a portal opens up and a person can have access to their dimension. I know it is real for real because years latter an american woman that stays in Seatle told me she saw actual ‘‘silvery’’ spiders near a location she knew and that she was deeply disturbed and surprised that the spiders where talking in her head saying ‘‘we are back’’’ she never knew what they meant and when I told her about my dreams about the silver/white spiders, she nearly had a heart attack lol. I soul travel so much during my sleep that at times I stumble on something wild like this. And yes the woman like you say above the spider is perhaps one of the women who uses to travel in that portal, between here and their planet at times. For obscure reasons or agenda. I think they are curious of our advancements - maybe it is why the electronic-looking symbol I have painted means. It is about matrix this dream and how to travel. I guess.

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We generally consider dream interpretation a form of divination, so most of the dreamwork stuff is over in the Divination category, mostly because can search in just a category, so people searching for dream work posts have an easier time of finding what they want.

I popped it over there for you :slight_smile: :+1:

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