I called on Dantalion last night as part of a layered spell and definitely felt intense energy surge when doing my request. Now, I didn’t ask for any signs during the ritual but I did briefly think about a sign of movement 20min after the ritual. I dreamt my ex and I had reconciled, a vivid dream and remember all details this morning when i woke up. Am I reading into this too much or could this actually be a sign? Bearing in mind I have not dreamt about her before but she has been in my thoughts often. Thoughts on this?
it happens after this type of workings. whether it’s a sign or not, is a bit soon to tell. Maybe you should try not to lust for the result, and take it as a good omen!
thank you. I have been trying to not lust for results, more after knowing if it’s a sign or perhaps just subconscious dreaming.
I had a similar experience with Dantalion, he likes to use dreams to send a message. For me it was not for love Magick, but for charisma. Well, I dreamed a very “scary” dream but immediately after I woke up I understood the real message behind it.
So he does use our dreams for messages. I’m not sure how to interpret my dream. Kinda ‘is it…is it not’ situation.
I agree with @Eliade - It’s too soon to tell. But if I had to bet I’d call it a wish-fulfilment dream. You’ve put so much thought and emotion into the concepts your subconscious is thinking it over as well. It’s a good sign I think that your conscious mind and subconscious are in alignment - that means your magick is going in the right direction. After that the unknown factor is whether the target will allow themselves to be persuaded.
@Mulberry by saying wish-fullfilment dream, meaning?
Meaning you want it so you dreamed about getting it.