Good evening to everyone, I’m in a crisis with the esoteric world. I have never practised because I want to have a strong base of theory before. In these months I’ve been studying a lot, many cults, religions, entities, beliefs, rituals. But I miss the most important thing. Every time I read things like “intent is the most important thing” “a spell works in your mind because your will and your power move energy”. I read about will and the difference with a wish, but it’s all about theory and I don’t know how to convert those things in practice, so I arrived at a point in which I don’t know even what to search anymore. In few words, if I want to cast a spell, how can I put there my will, my power and how can I “move” energy? For example, if someone hurts me and I want to put an hex on them, how can I direct my energy in that moment to make the spell work? How do I know if my will, intent and power are strong enough? Obviously the same thing for love. Sorry if I explained myself badly but I don’t even know how to explain my doubts.
@kruegerwaffen Beyond a certain point you will feel an electric surge or some other blatant physical energy running through you. It’s kind of obvious then.
This is a fair example of why too mucb theory is not a good thing. But a good result of this ia a knowledge of many systems. I would suggest picm one of those systems that you have felt a connection with and just focus on the basic foundation work for a few months.
“Will,intent, power” in term of magick these are spiritual muscles. As such you need to build them up just as you would the physical muscles. The foundation practices in most systems if they know what they are doing are meant to get you used to using these things so you can manipulate and perceive the forces of reality in various ways.
@kruegerwaffen[quote=“kruegerwaffen, post:1, topic:21315”]
how can I put there my will
Just focus on the intended outcome. Speak your intent. Create a sigil maybe.[quote=“kruegerwaffen, post:1, topic:21315”]
how can I “move” energy?
That is largely like moving a muscle. You just do it and a surge of raw power runs through you and out. It’s a blatantly physical feeling so you will notice it. In order to get to that point a lot of work with meditation, energy work, raising the Kunda force, invocation etc. is required.
How would one create a sigil for a intended desire?
@DragonPhoenix777 Either channel it or make a Skeleton sigil Chaos magick style.
It’s actually relatively simple. You put your desire in a sentence (“I want to have extra money in my bank account”, for example) and then delete repeating letters (So now you have “IWANTOHVEXRMYBKCU”) and then re-arrange them in an artistic way on blank paper to create a sigil that you like.
You may want to keep the desire in present tense. Used to do this format and all that seemed to manifest was the desire for more money, the want.
Beautifully succinct…
Isn’t there an app that does that for you using that method? If so, does anyone know what app that is?
The funny thing is I have the Simon Necronomicon right next to my copy of Liber Null & Psyconaut. I guess the sigil does work to an extent.
I found the app on Google Play Store it’s called Uniquefy. It uses the removal of repeated letters and create a sigil.
Search for a PDF by Robert Bruce called new energy ways
Eye of the Oracle is great for directed energy work and psychic powers though I found even the basic meditations quite hard to perform.
I’m gonna look that one up. Can u pn me some of those meditations?
Basic chaos sigil construction. It is easier than even candle magick IMO simply because all you need is a pen and paper, and more effective too.
Apps are cool and it is good to know people are making use of the tech available for occultists. I would only suggest drawing it by hand once you generate it. For some it does not matter, but I have found there is a difference when I touch pen to paper. Books are the same way for me, i.e. reading them in pdf format as opposed to actually holding the book.
Nice example, but I would simplify it. You could collapse a few repetitive themes in that example and make it easier to burn into the subconscious. Also, @asbjorntorvol just did a podcast with a guy who incorporates a lot of symbolism into his sigils. I am giving this a go since I watched it; I can’t see how it could not work.