I would double check whether that was because the therapist wasn’t cutting it, as a therapist has to gel with your personality and when you have trust issues like this, letting a therapist know this stuff is very hard, in the sense of being repulsive the same way letting a love in is repulsive. It’s the same problem, but the right therapist who doesn’t push too much too fast, trust could be built so these deep understandings can be made. 
It sounds like a case of, this will take a long time to heal, she’s young, and has a long way to go, and you’re not up for waiting an unknown amount of time, which may never come.
She gave it a go with a will, but having tried the energy of for size she’s uncomfortable and it’s not working for her.
You’re looking for a major personality change, and she might be young so her personality hasn’t finished forming yet, but then this time is critical that you don’t reinforce her reasoning or try to ignore her boundaries, that could just make her angry and push her away.
I would question if she feels love or just feels pressured to say that so you don’t react negatively?
I would also ask why she wants you attached though… This is confusing and conflicting and not really very fair to you. Does she not want to hurt your feelings, is she just not willing to give up the sex yet, are you sharing rent for a place… ?
This might also be part of her learning curve, if this is how she is, she has preconceived ideas that society tells us, “this is how to be in a relationship”, and she’s trying to shoehorn herself into this idea she doesn’t fit. Or maybe she just has reservations about the future ad doesn’t want to face that conversation.
And you only did this last night right? So now it’s good to “not lust for results” and let that magick work and see what happens.
I think magick can to an extent go where it’s needed and fix things you didn’t know were wrong to achieve a result. But if it’s the old “it’s not her, it’s you” and she just hasn’t been completely honest about that, then the intent of the working could be facing the wrong direction.
To be raw about it in terms of what worked for me, I think magickally speaking, the root might be twofold, first she had her heart badly broken at some point, and then, she didn’t heal it, it scarred over and she built an enormous “fuckoff” block around that hurt so tough nothing can get through. This is getting into energy working and healing…
So you need 2 things: to remove the block, and heal the scars. For this I would recommend healers like Marbas, Raphael, or Ebuhuel. 
I would also add Leraje for mental strength, Lucifuge for wisdom, because facing all the unblocked fallout is not going to be easy, and a raw heart will be very, sore, shall we say. She will need patience and positive reinforcement to relearn healthy connecting and not just rebuild the block.