Does Use Of Pornography Harm One's Magick?

This might be the best thread I’ve ever read.
I come back every day (sometimes multiple times) to see how it’s progressed.
I agree with whomever posted last!
I am even more confused than ever yet strangely more clear than ever.
I quit fapping and then fap again hourly.
All from a simple question!
I love you all!


I don’t deserve praise for speaking from experience. There are times I think I almost died from masturbating so much that I increased my cortisol to dangerous levels and stopped being able to sleep because of it.


Okay when i jerked off for more than six times a day, i felt extremely weak and migraines that are unbearable

Try something else (anything that interests you) when you feel like lets masturbate today.

It is masturbation that affects your desired goals and magick not pornography.

Worst thing is your dick wont stay erect for long and your sex life would become worse.

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Who jerks off once a month or even once a week. The point is you cant get laid at that same frequency so you shouldnt be short circuiting your dopamine systems so that you can feel good. And most men masturbate with porn which is bad for their brains.

Why men feel the need to reward themselves for feelings they did not earn I have no idea.

Most men cant make it past 30 days once a year (NO fap November) if you cant stop something for 30 days you are clearly addicted far more than you’d like to admit.


The answer is simple. The defined process for earning it is absurd. Society simply can’t support the amount if violence it would cost.

Oh I earned it alright. I put the cardio in.


I have always wondered why “sex workers” do not call themselves prostitutes and/or strippers. Surely if you get paid for turning your nakedness or sexual activities into a consumable product you are one or both of the aforementioned terms? Why do you feel that you need a shiny new term to identify your occupation?

Then isn’t one allowed to speak on your behalf or your “community” if they have the “right” to speak, regardless of if they express misinformation or negativity?


Its similar to an appeal to authority fallacy, if you are not X (within said group or classification) then your opinion is irrelevant because you do not have the authority (given you are not part of said group).

In this form of logic only sex workers have authority or the right to speak on their given topics. The equivalent would be a professional athlete saying “if you are not a professional athlete you dont get to speak on behalf of me or the other athletes” this would make all the commentators and coaches irrelevant because they are not the specific group.

Another example can be used, teachers.
A teacher argues capital punishment is okay because kids get to wild in class. A parent says capital punishment is not okay for teachers.
The teacher says “you dont get to speak on behalf of me or my community. Though, you still have a right to speak”. It makes no sense, freedom of speech is freedom to speak on any subject regardless of if you were apart of said group. That’s how humans hold each other accountable and prevent the downfall of society.

Freedom of speech is great.

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Not this shit again :neutral_face:


I’m responding to a comment. I’ll type as long as I please, Little Shart :slight_smile:


Alright, so as the original poster of this thread, I’d like to step in here and veer things back on course. This thread has derailed too much into a debate over the legitimacy of sex work as a viable career path, versus the effect of porn on ones results in magick. If you’re a sex worker, you need to avoid letting your personal feelings get in the way of reaching the truth of this question. I’d like for the thread to continue on without comments like this:

I don’t want the thread getting hijacked by folks who feel like their industry is under attack. This isn’t really about you, Personally, i don’t really care what your career path is. You do you. But I do care about this thread staying on topic, as I am very interested in finding the answer to this question


:point_up: This.

We don’t get outraged butchers showing up on threads about whether a vegetarian or vegan diet benefits magick, nor do we get vegans derailing threads about animal sacrifice. If that happened, the right to freely discuss these things without being accused of thoughtcrimes would take priority.

So please let’s get this back on the rails now, OP has spoken and I will remove further derailments.

Cheers! :+1:


I was merely addressing the people conversing about moral codes of sex workers when the topic is clearly on use of pornography consumption. As these comments I believe we’re off topic as well
If I have derailed the post then I shall delete the comment and will expect the content to continue concerning the use of, consumption of or effects of PORNOGRAPHY on magick vs what SEX WORKERS are doing with their lives

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That would be nice, thank you. :+1:


I’d rather go back to a homeless shelter personally. :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: If one night stands on occasion are indication of how I would feel about participating in prostitution, then I’d rather go back to the homeless shelter.

I’m disabled. Check my history if you need details. :woman_shrugging: :roll_eyes:

As far as effecting my practice, I think good sex in a healthy relationship helped. Sometimes we watched porn, but not often. I sometimes watch it all by my lonesome, and don’t really notice an effect, but I don’t watch it daily or even weekly by any means.

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The only negative magical effect I’ve experienced related to porn was that time Lilith made me post a pic of my belly button in the middle of a succubus bonding ritual. Of course this thread was on top when I came in, and of course lady Eva was trying to keep things classy when I posted it.

Honestly… I’m not very comfortable with the human form and the various ways people enjoy it. I’ve always tried to be sentimental and monogamous about sexuality, but I’ve been taken for granted and abused and demonized and all sorts of mean nasty things in the process. Almost every job is done by someone who would rather not be doing it.

As far as prostitution goes, the money is the dirty part. I would prefer if sexual favors were the common currency. Gold standard be damned.


Again this is on use of pornography not sex work, let’s stay on topic :slightly_smiling_face:

I believe that pornography as a whole will also take away from the reward of actual sex if used in to much abundance. This could in turn effect ritual magick if one is unable to achieve sexual simulation without use of pornography.

Just going to assume you didn’t wait for me to finish editing my comment and see my way out, as clearly there is an agenda here on several counts :slight_smile:

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Had no idea you were editing
That’s more like it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe the answer is if you are work with very dense fields of energy it might help.

Other than that I think porn is pretty parasitic mentally spiritually emotionally . It’s a very synthetic kind of engagement.

Most of my answers about things here in context of esoterica are considered new age I guess but I’m just gonna tell you what I think .

The most parasitic beings I’ve encountered in beginning mistakes love these kinds of dense fields of energy , porn , trauma , negative emotions , jt makes their presence grow , as if these are all vibrating on some kind of lower grid they can sustain themselves on.

The most powerful alchemy U will tap into is from the divinity layered in u from our creator, doesn’t even matter what kind of native vibration your soul aligns with , Angelic, infernal, Sirius , whatever . It makes you feel at home and rooted it comes from source when you vibrate through channels that make you feel good at the level of the spirit good things happen , not carnal desires