Does Use Of Pornography Harm One's Magick?

That’s exactly what evolution is, its you in a dominance hierarchy performing actions to rise to power, live a good life and pass your genes. The dominance hierarchy is very old, its older then trees actually, theres a part of your brain that keeps track of how well you are doing in a dominance hierarchy.

In stoicism there is an idea that luck is blessings from the gods if you are doing everything right its the same story in cain and abel, one brothers sacrifices are suffient and the other is doing a poor job and sin is actively aroused waiting for him to stop so they can have fun.

So yes, I am an upstanding spiritual man because Im able to do things other are unwilling to do, imagine we were in a tribe and someone had to sacrafice himself to get the hunt, if he succeeds he dies a hero, if he fails he still died doing a heroic act. In the modern world our challenges and window for heroic acts have become much more abstract, just as the enemies have.

NOW in the modern world are greatest threats are bills, homework, and annoying co-workers but you still deal with those things as if they were predatory BECAUSE THEY ARE, they threaten your homeostasis.
THERFORE to be prepared for the stress and work load of the future we must make sacrafices in the present so that we can be favored by the gods, we request something then hold up our end of the bargan by sacrificing or transmuting energy, you make the event likely to occur.

BUT like I said semen retention is a all sum game, you cant be lukewarm on your stance, its a rite of passage and huge commitment many dont make it past 30 days, let along 60.
My 139 day streak is a testament myself, the universe and my pacts that I am actively playing a role and doing my best to optimize myself.

Example: request weight loss from a demon
Expected fulfillment: -10lbs
Action: Nothing


request weight loss from a demon
Expected fulfillment: -10 lbs
Action: Change of diet and cardio

The person who made the greater sacrifice is more likely to be blessed with great results.


That’s all well and good Titan, and i don’t deny that some people find benefits from not masturbating at all. The thing you haven’t been able to come up with an explanation for though is the rest of the 95% of us who don’t practice noFap in the occult who still not only get results, but incredible results. Most of us here have sex lives, and are letting our semen fly. That was really the crux of my question. Giving up a vice can be helpful to anyone, but that isn’t really porn specific. There are a multitude of vices that one could give up and be viewed favorably by the universe. But your argument seems to be that the universe is concerned with just this one vice. This all starts to sound like peoples beliefs in karma,.this idea that the universe is hyper concerned with how you behave…therefore you should never do baneful magick else the 3-fold law/rule of 3 or w/e is gonna come around and smack you. With all due respect to your belief in noFap (and i do respect your choice to do it)…it sounds like the same b.s. when it filters through my ears

P.S. also…when you start talking about earning the favor of gods, my eyes kinda glaze over, if im being honest…because it once again sounds like more religious dogma which seems to be the crux of where these noFap arguments originate from


Im not saying semen retention is a mandatory perquisite for amazing results.

No this sacrifice for a better outcome applies to all vices, its rather common sense I think.

My argument for why semen retention may be more important would be sexual transmutation is another form or aspect of manifestation. Also semen has the potential to create life with one drop so its very valuable it is the potential for life itself. Respecting this and practicing semen retention may lead to a better life and better results, however many will never experiment and find out because they are unable to make it past 30 days.

Well that was probably the most relevant to your question lol. I dont think its religious dogma I believe its an archetypal idea thats been portrayed in ancient stories that we co-evolved with. You dont have to believe or worship a specific god to apply the principle of the religion to your life. I say I practice brahmacharya but I do not work with hindu or indian gods. Furthermore its about experimentation, you are seeing if the dogmatic presuppositions hold true in your personal experience.

BUT AGAIN: Semen retention is an all sum game, you have to be all in to play most people cant make it to 30 days.


So much so that it…

Which makes the ongoing purpose of porn…

It’s a never ending loop for people to get trapped into and degrade an otherwise proactive and productive mind.
Yes porn has been around since the year dot but never has it been so easily accessible as it has been in recent years. Open to all, whatever the age of the viewer.

Cam girl opens her show and doesn’t give a care to how many viewers could be underage, wouldn’t give a care if the viewer is addicted to porn and ruining his life, why would she care if she’s taking the money?

Ok so it’s the viewer’s choice until that viewer becomes addicted and then he’s stuck in that loop of distress and that is where the energy starts to become rotten, aided and promoted by whoever is showing their body for an easy gain.


I wonder if part of the answer is in the overall health of the person and how their own body functions given that there is some depletion of energy to be considered with any exertion. What does your body get and retain and produce from the food you personally consume? A no fap routine would then benefit some more than others.

Back in the 1960’s there was an English football player called George Best who was so good he didn’t have to try, he was considered among the worlds best players and he could stay out all night drinking and partying and then go and score more goals against the best teams the following day running rings around his opponents. Why? How? Who knows.


I did no fap for a whole 12 months before I joined Balg and I did notice the difference in how I felt and operated. I noticed a stronger determination, more physical and mental energy reserves when I needed it and a better sense of confidence overall. A greater sense of self appreciation in that I felt I could deal with anything life threw at me.

So I would say that no fap is a good health choice for whatever period of time you continue for. It’s a good all round refresher, clearer thinking with the knowledge that you can refrain from something that would normally pressure you into having to do that thing, which then gives you that same ability in other areas of life.


I do not believe pornography when used in moderation is a bad thing. Just like (almost) anything else basically. So I dont see how it would affect magick negatively.


Everybody is allowed to make their OWN choices.


I agree and disagree.

Is a heroine addict capable of making their own choices when someone enables them by offering them heroine?


LoL you switching words here budy, i said Everybody is ALLOWED to make their own choices. never in my post did i mentioned the word of/or something similar to the word: capable

Idk no, i tend not to generalize people. as everybody is different some people beat their addiction completely , some people die and still being addicted to the substance you mentioned.
Its like saying a retarded person with a IQ of 50. is the same as a person that holds multiple master degrees. because everybody in his/her core is the same. well no thats not true. everybody is different so i cant say if a heroin addict is capable of turning off the free heroin.


So no matter what the circumstances are you believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want?

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uhm… of course, so long it dont causes conflict with other people. Heck idk why i am here rn, maybe my higher self knows i needed to learn a few IMPORTANT lessons. the same goes for your heroin addict example. maybe his/her higher self saw it was necessary. I am not going to act here that i am the holder of all truth in existence. i just stay grounded and say i dont know, i am just here to learn just as many others :wink:

This list could be compared with the thought of painting.
I could imagine for instance:
No.1 being something akin to Picasso painting a beautiful picture, all the way down to
No.5 being the half assed effort of painting a wall all in one colour that you don’t even like and only because you have to with lumpy old paint.

The perfect pleasure, intensity and positive energy has to be with the Picasso example wouldn’t you think?

There could be a no. 6 to the list:
Further than end stage masturbation where the user gets so entrained into needing his fix that he will spend every single spare moment looking for the perfect porn, like upwards of say 10 hours a day if possible looking for an exact replica of ‘her’ doing ‘that thing’ just right for long enough to… oh no, have to keep searching again and again.

Where there is no pleasure and worse than just a routine, and the ‘fix’ is only to finally be able to rest.

It’s not always a case of the porn having to be more extreme as time goes on, an addict can become a kind of connoisseur looking for the finer details and battle against things like what she’s wearing or the look on her face or what’s going on in the background.

The disengagement from normal life with viewing porn can end up being extreme just from what is considered as standard porn.

Sexual energy is good. Porn, not so good.

Sex with a partner or on your own can be life enhancing and used for creative purpose. Masturbation can be creative, your own imagination is the tool to use, not porn, because I think there is a difference in energy when you build it from within yourself compared to something you see on a screen.

I agree with Lady Eva, there is an imprint of energy from what you see on screen that you take in, the negativity of that person’s life, along with the combined negativity of the other viewers. You might not notice it but it is there and why would you want that?


Hiya Verdo,

I’d thought I’d attempt an explanation that is somewhat rational on this whole phenomenon.

Earlier or on the thread, I wrote about the practice of Urhdvareta, which is an important component of tantric practice and I think we can both agree that’s hardly RHP or mainstream religious. BTW, in tantra, sexual intercourse with a suitable partner and having dry orgasms is encouraged, it is the loss of semen that is discouraged.

This is because it is said to contain a concentrated form of life energy, prana, which when ejaculated, is precious energy lost. The theory goes that this is required to create life, it is what gives the soul the seed energy it needs to form into a human being upon conception. This is a lot of energy that would normally be lost with people that ejaculate regularly, which can be used for other purposes, mostly to raise Kundalini and achieve illumination and mystical experiences.

Back in the day when I still produced semen (I am now in a permanent state of Urdhvareta, so it is sucked up into the spinal fluid automatically, without me having to do anything about it, as a result of years of ongoing Kundalini activity and transformation), I did notice an effect, if I stopped ejaculating even just for a few days, or sometimes a couple of weeks, my psychic abilities and senses were much enhanced and when I had a big project going on, such as daily channellings, and healing sessions, I felt the innate need to forego ejaculation, so that I could channel that energy into creative uses.

This is also why monks and priests do it I believe, though they probably aren’t always aware of the actual reason behind it, or perhaps just feel the need to do so instinctually. It is also a well-known fact that top athletes have to forego sex a couple of days before a big event, for the same reason and some artists have also noticed an increased flow of creativity and inspiration when they went without orgasms for a while.

It all has to do with the way the Kundalini mechanism works and it is worth studying for this reason. Freud had an inkling of it with his ideas on the libido, but he didn’t fully understand the phenomenon. Jung went much further and it was Gopi Krishna and his friend and co-author, the famous quantum physicist Friedrich von Weizsacker that brought the whole idea and phenomenon into mainstream scientific consciousness.


You raise some interesting points Chris. I’ll look into it


So, I was thinking about this. Does that mean that technically you are impotent? Or would you be capable of ejaculating if you wanted to?

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I don’t produce any semen, but technically it would be possible to reverse this process, I just don’t know how yet. Some tantric texts mention it though.

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Interesting. I think thats definitely something to keep in mind if you are thinking of starting this practice. At least im taking note of it.


Some monks and priests do it, others pretend to do it so they can have somewhere to belong, and sneak the gratification. I don’t know the ratio. Some top athletes forego sex before a big even, others like Mike Tyson mandate sex before a big event because they can’t think straight otherwise. Some artists have increased flow of creativity when they go without orgasm. I have a decreased flow of creativity when I go without orgasm.


Could be. I don’t see it as an absolute, rather a complement to existing practice. There certainly is some unwarranted religious mysticism surrounding the subject. As far as I know, in RHP religious traditions celibacy is required from monastic traditions, certainly in Christianity, Buddhism and even Hinduism. Tantra subverts that somewhat by encouraging sexual cultivation with a partner, but without ejaculation.


Slightly off-topic, but these videos really illustrate the funny in the pornification of our everyday lives…