Does universe teach lessons?

I’ve heard that before discovering magick as well as on this forum: that if the spell is not working, it must be the Universe is teaching you a lesson (I guess to either accept the situation or to work on yourself). Of course that limits the magick to only “justifiable” desires.
What are the thoughts of experienced magicians on this?

Sure does , also called synchronicity , just observe your reality and find what is and what isn’t resonating with you


Sometimes what we want isn’t actually what we need! Or getting what we want can hurt us in the long run! The only way to tell if its a lesson or something else is by time! Notice the events unfolding! Where did it lead you?

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In my case, it’s the jealosy towards the ex wife of my partner who sucks up to him and ignores me. I find his interactions with her to be a lack of loyalty for me, so their interaction can get me into a state of anger that just doesn’t go away. It’s been several years of the same. The solution I found is to destroy their relationship. Haven’t done the heavy stuff yet (Demons), but it’s been 2 months and they are still sweet with each other.
In theory I know that I’m supposed to work on myself, so that I’m not bothered or to forgive. But that would apply to any curse any magician does. There’s a choice to forgive/not to be bothered or to attack.
When would one know if there are supposed to work on themselves or when they take the attack approach?

Similar answer as before , whatever resonates with you and you what your intuition says , you can use your own imagination to fix the situation as well , demons I wouldn’t jump into without a couple months of basics protection , and other stuff

Technically no, the universe isn’t a sentient being it doesn’t teach anything, it’s just what people say to poorly explain what happens in their life. However, things do happen and those things lead to other things in which you can learn from or not but it’s not the universe doing anything.


The universe is one big conscious field of energy , in different forms , and all
Energy is conscious , so it can teach you stuff if your intune with it , but it really depends on perception and how you interprate it , so really subjective question

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I don’t believe that, not all energy is conscious, and no the universe is just a chaotic mass. It’s not a conscious entity going “ima teach this single person among an entire universe of beings a lesson on their life” The universe doesn’t and cannot care about the choices a single person makes in their life, that’s just one way a person chooses to interpret their life choices and the consequences of their actions by pushing the blame onto something that has no way of doing it.


My own belief is that universe is a part of a bigger system that doesn’t have counciousness.So,no,its kind of a saying that humans learn something from their experiences and throw the word universe in it.

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If you put an intention in the universe to show you something I have found it will , but it’s hard to explain , because one could say they just manifested that through their thought , so the universes energy and uour own thoughts is one in the same , so it’s just a futile argument Based on perception


That’s basically you manifesting what you want that’s not the universe doing it lol. That’s literally how some methods of manifestation works, you’re just giving credit to the universe instead of yourself.


U are the universe so this is just a paradox question

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Ahhh, that’s where I don’t step into the new age lol, but okay :laughing:

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It’s not new age hermeticism been around for thousands of years , it’s not some Abraham Hicks bullshit , manifest a castle in 17 seconds

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New age is a wide variety of things, not just Abraham hicks :smiley:


Metaphysical pessimist over here , u think I got all my knowledge from StArSeEd.Gov or something

Lol up to you

@anon48079295, so when people make petitions to the universe, they working with the wrong “entity”?

When a person makes a petition to the universe they’re working with the Law of Attraction which at the root of it is them manifesting themselves and thanking the universe for it. Manifestation works in multiple ways, however, it’s also an open invitation for any entity to aid you if they so choose to.

That’s how I got into manifestation by sending it out into the universe to later come to realize it’s just me manifesting my own desires and believing it was the universe.


universe don’t tell you what lesson to learn. It’s like an open sandbox in a video game. Your free to do whatever you want. The lessons is everywhere. It’s in the eye of the beholder. Free will to choose what lesson to learn. But of course it’s random lesson because we don’t know what lesson we are suppose to learn. OUr intuition or guide or our strong desire attraction to certain things will decide what lesson will appear.

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