Does this seem accurate to you? Video on ETs

I saw this video recently about Ashtar and some ET races and was wondering if it at all seemed realistic to how they actually feel/behave. I dont really know anything about these entities.

Thanks for any insight you are able to provide

Well the video is satire taking the piss out of the Ashtar command channels. The Ashtar Command stuff imo is basically UPG, so, you pays your money you takes your choice.

Personally, the Ashtar info doesn’t fit existing, more… sensible… sounding info regarding UFOs/UAPs and ETs, or my own UPG, and feels like a massive and somewhat saccharine LARP. This channel and others are very popular on fb however and I’m sure plenty of people disagree. :smiley:

I’ve said on here about six months ago I think its basically a cult of personality and I’ve not have any new info to change my mind. I cannot stand the “dear ones” trope, it just comes across as so fake and manipulative. :nauseated_face: As if there can’t be any balance with pros and cons, it’s all fluffy glitter and unicorns farting rainbows.

I feel the same way about related figures like Elena Danaan, who is about as druidic as my left toe, (lil’ bit, not very) and since she’s claimed she is chipped is hardly on the level vis a vis communication with interdimensional entities, and seems force fed parasitic nonsense that confuses things and and controls her mind.