Does the Christian Egregore Hate the Christian Church?

Wouldn’t the Christian egregore hate the church? They feed it psychic energy to be all knowing, so wouldn’t he know that it is a system of slavery?

That is a very hard question to answer and I think most people would be biased in there answers and have different opinions


I doubt he’d hate “the church”, as if that term could include all the different churches out there.
Maybe he hates the lutheran church though. Or maybe just the one in the neighbour village. :thinking:

And by the way, nobody forces you to go to a christian church.
Maybe only your parents do. But children are always born into some kind of environment and cannot choose.
Maybe some of you might say “I wish my parents didnt force me to go to church.” But other people might say “I wish my parents took me to a church so I had something to believe in.”
I’m personally not a fan of the church here, but I’m also awar eof the fact thqt it does not only do bad things.


Why would he hate something that’s giving him power? And you assume it cares that the system is slavery if you can really call it that. An egregore develops based on the energy fed to it. Hate, fear, love, adoration, it gets energy from all sides.


I know. Arguable it’s more of a form of deception rather than slavery. Deception comes into play, e.g., by calling things sin and claiming God said it was so. The Catholic church made it a sin to forgo Sunday Church Service. Imo, this is sinful, if sin really exists.

Also, they flip flop on rules. During a stretch of time, it was permissible to pray to God for your sins alone. Now, they preach (try to force) one to go to confession. The church goers need to stop listening to the priest and just do what they feel is right. If the church cannot even make up its mind on what to do and are creating/changing their own rules, then that’s not really from God. Is it?

True. It does help people.

I agree. I sort of thought those thoughts out after my original post. “God” is going to see things from an overview. If He really is an egregore, he would probably be deluded himself, i.e., he probably thinks that all those innocent things people do everyday really are sins.

In a way, arguably, we are all slaves to something. We are bombarded and subjected to energies and the will of others. Also, we are always getting in our own way. I wouldn’t preach that we’re all slaves; this is just a concept I picked up on. It’s a give and take situation. If we fight our “slave masters” (owners of corporations and such), then our lives will just be worse, e.g., no shelter, lack of food, etc. The “slave masters” are not slave masters, at least not entirely; it is a give and take situation.

This isn’t always the case as one can go onto be a successful entrepreneur him or herself.

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Again, not all churches tell people to go to confession.

And yes, rules are changing. No, they are not from God, they are man made. Nowadays most churches do not even hide that fact though.

That’s your point of view. Of course we are dependent on a few things, like air and water. But that’s not worthy of being called slavery, is it. Because you can actually become a very independent being. Also, who says you can’t be your own boss?

Buy it, build it. Get your own place.

Grow it.


That’s one of those questions which do not want to be answered, or rather, do not want to be questioned, even :smiley:

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There was a Catholic Church next to mine in which the priest did not require confession. Everyone at my church was blasting him for it.

They don’t even say that it’s from God. The people are too afraid to think for themselves, though, like they won’t question anything and push their beliefs on others. When I was being psychically attacked by entities I considered to be demonic aliens, I would go to church everyday to use holy water. People at the church would get offended, because I wasn’t baptized. The ignorance of the spiritual world is appalling when it comes to the Catholic Church. Moreover, no priest, except for one, would offer any help to me besides trying to push me to seek professional (medical) help. Sometimes they would offer a small prayer. A small amount of other church goers believed me though. Now, I’ve conquered the severe psychic attacks and am fine; this is just a statement I am making to prove I was right, i.e., it had nothing to do with mental health.

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The Canaanite Yahweh was the basis of the Christian God egregore creation, it’s formation has been going on for years now.

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There are other churches than catholic ones, that’s what I meant. :woman_facepalming:

Listen, I don’t want to defend the church because it’s obvious you have a bad experience with it, and so do I, I don’t like that institution. But I like to stay fair and not deny the good sides it has.


I totally agree it has good sides. Some of the things are just too ironic to me, e.g., them not fighting “demons” and practically denying their existence, yet Jesus in the bible is constantly driving out demons. It’s as if the church believes demons magically disappeared.

Any person who is being psychically attacked, the church will say is mental illness. Is this wrong? Idk, but it proves they are no more aware of true spiritual things in our world than science and medicine.

I know there are good things. Most of it is good. Most, if not all of the church goers are really nice people.

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Yes, that I find riddiculous, too actually.
I’m not saying I wish for more exorcisms on young girls with mental health issues, but it is ironic that demons simply do not exist anymore to most christians. Or they’re all in hell, waiting with their whips and chains for the unbelievers. :roll_eyes:


Wouldn’t it be something if all negative issues in life were caused by demons?

In my experience, most Christians acknowledge the existence of demons, but don’t do anything about it.

and the adulterers, sinners, etc.

Didn’t Jesus die for our sind according to the bible? Christians saybwe are all sinners but the way to heaven is through Jesus’ sacrifice. :woman_shrugging:

I don’t really understand.

It depends on what chapters you look at and how you interpret them.

It depends on what chapters you look at and how you interpret them. Christ said himself that all those who don’t do this, this, and that will be accursed into the eternal flame. (This is when he labeled the accursed as goats, because they didn’t visit the prisoner, give water and food to the thirsty and hungry, etc.)

Not really… I mean you can go on for years referencing chapters and breaking them down to what sees fit…

The point here is Jesus drives out demons… Irrelevant to whatever chapter it falls in…

And really… It’s not worth debating much on… It’s simple.

But… You are an debatable person, which is fair but globally the statemnet made is that Jesus drives out demons…

Maybe canonically speaking… If you look into that…
But, it’s simply a point of view… It doesn’t necessitate it being truth or law for that matter…

It comes down to what you believe or grasp to believe…

Dark regards

We were talking/debating about salvation, not Jesus driving out demons.
What kind of demons did Jesus drive out? Are they the same ones we talk about here on BALG?

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I find it really hard to comprehend that one “human” sacrifice is sufficient to absolve all of humanity of so called “sins”…

What is “sins”??

The “eternal flame”…

I’m not asking as a matter of wanting to know… It’s more a question off, does it really make sense mate?

I mean, some logic applied to various scripture an dbeliefs makes it more sensible, don’t you agree??

Yes. That’s what they say they do at church too, though.

I know. Who knows what to believe.

Practically breathing the wrong way (sarcasm). I suppose any immoral thing. Oh, I just saw you said you didn’t want to know.

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Well there was reference made to such

Doesn’t matter…

Well it depends on how you look at it… If you are referencing canonical scripture and firmly believe such then yes, demons or some of them featuring on Balg also feature in scripture…

Interpretation of such is up to debate… But names, still stay names