Does Azazel still posses E.A?

[quote=“dellamage, post:10, topic:1038”]That’s why each of us should be careful with what he is doing with magic!
As with Azazel, the same is also often write about Asmodeus :
It is said in Asmodeus; Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus’ ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell

So that’s why I am thinking should I call him to fullfill my lust desires, as I want to marry later that girl and no to go to hell together.[/quote]
Just because you work with Asmodeus doesnt mean youre signing up for a perfect possession.

Yes, that’s right!
It’s probably written about something more stronger, rather a lifepath than a single job.

Depends on what you mean by that. There isn’t an abosolute everlasting hell like alot of people would have you believe but there are astral construct hells. Those are just as transient as this world though if not more so.

Yes I realise there are hells in the astral, however thats not what dellamage was implying.

Azazel NEVER possessed me. We made a Pact. The pact binds both Azazel and me to its terms.


Is the pact as it was written in TBOA?
were the terms of the pact modified ?

thanks in advance
I am asking because it looked to me like the pact bound one to working exclusively with Azazel and his Legions
Perhaps that aspect was only for the 90 days?

Been a bit since i read TBOA but im pretty sure that it was only exclusive for the 90 days

Not all of the terms were included in the Pact given in the BoA.

And, yes, the terms of working exclusively with Azazel and His was only for the 90 day period.


Firstly, I’d like to thank you for gracing this thread with multiple responses. If you would be kind enough to answer a little more specifically about this subject, I would greatly appreciate the clarity it would bring to my life and practice.

That’s odd that you never consented to be possessed, which makes me wonder why not?

By possession do you mean forceful possession?

What about entering into a state of trance and channeling the entity into your body. I am almost certain you already have talked about “channeling”, but isn’t it fair to consider that possession in some form?

Have you ever channeled Azazel? If so, can you speak to us about the kind of things we can achieve in this state. I’ve already had some really strange results channeling spirits, like Azazel…But what can be achieved from this, and what are the major risks?

Thank you for your time,
-Frater Apotheosis

I know ea is possessed by a loa 24/7, what would it be like to be possessed by multiple entities at once?

I’m gonna throw my 2 cents out there like an idiot:

Necromaster mentioned that EA is perfectly possessed. That means that there is no entrance for any other spirits. The specific Lwa is always within him and will never let entry for any other spirit. So EA cannot be possessed by Azazel, or any other spirit for that matter, due to this. Literally cannot.

My 2 cents, like it or hate it.

[quote=“WrithingParasite, post:22, topic:1038”]I’m gonna throw my 2 cents out there like an idiot:

Necromaster mentioned that EA is perfectly possessed. That means that there is no entrance for any other spirits. The specific Lwa is always within him and will never let entry for any other spirit. So EA cannot be possessed by Azazel, or any other spirit for that matter, due to this. Literally cannot.

My 2 cents, like it or hate it.[/quote]

I never heard about if perfect possession includes exclusivity to the person for just that spirit though. I do know necro knows a few things about this sort of possession, did he say that this is the case?

I do know EA channled Belial for mastering divination, but channeling and possession are two different things.

Then what’s the point? Why not just call it possession? It’s a useless name if it doesn’t intimate something of a different nature. And no, Necro never said that specifically, but again, the name implies it. The Lwa is perfectly impregnated within EA, thus, no other entities can impregnate themselves.

Perfect possession does raise some interesting questions. Since in mortal life the two consciousnesses are merged as one what happens when the physical body dies? Does the consciousness get absorbed by the entity or is it released to become just another shade or a more powerful form of a shade?

[quote=“defectron, post:23, topic:1038”][quote=“WrithingParasite, post:22, topic:1038”]I’m gonna throw my 2 cents out there like an idiot:

Necromaster mentioned that EA is perfectly possessed. That means that there is no entrance for any other spirits. The specific Lwa is always within him and will never let entry for any other spirit. So EA cannot be possessed by Azazel, or any other spirit for that matter, due to this. Literally cannot.

My 2 cents, like it or hate it.[/quote]

I never heard about if perfect possession includes exclusivity to the person for just that spirit though. I do know necro knows a few things about this sort of possession, did he say that this is the case?

I do know EA channled Belial for mastering divination, but channeling and possession are two different things.[/quote]

I know this is long, but I disagree with some of what’s been posted, and I will relate it to my own experience. Forgive me, but I’m trying to give a little depth on how I’ve experienced and understood this.

I beg to differ, the things I’ve done while “channeling” were things I didn’t think would be possible without evocation. Channeling is called that, because you act like a conduit for the spirit’s power and “channel” the flow of it through your body. It’s being possessed by the spirit, but in a willful and conscious way, (WHERE YOU ARE FREE TO UTILIZE IT’S POWER) and expel the presence in your own body like asking a guest to leave after dinner is over. A “possession” would be very different. Because a “possession” implies that you are “owned” because any possession must have an owner, like the entity
"possesses" the body, it’s actions suggest it has full or partial ownership of your body, and you cannot expel it if you want it to (WHERE YOU ARE FREE TO BE UTILIZED BY IT’S POWER) and are to some degree, expelled from control of your body, at the very least in this state, your body will make movements you didn’t intend, and you will say things your conscious mind didn’t intend to.

Some entities require you to submit to this kind of possession, like in vodoun, however this seems to be quite taboo to many peopl and is more of the exception rather than the rule of magick.

I have however found a grey area, because I have found raw currents of energy that are powerful enough, that when channeled they can take over your body and run through it, it feels electrifying and empowering. From what I knew about this power before I consciously connected with it, was the fact that it could give you a lot of different spiritual abilities if channeled correctly. However, this power can be tied to emotions or the lack there of, which implies it has a lot of additional uses and capabilities.

Due to the volatility of such a current, I had to insert myself into it, and immerse myself into the reality of it’s being, and contemplate it’s existence very thoroughly, and learn to understand what I was calling upon first, but then spontaneous channelings of that power happened after this ritual “initiation” into the current. On the lower level, things of happenstance would occur, things would immediately be known or sensed that I wouldn’t have awareness of. When it got more powerful, the power RUSHED THROUGH MY BODY, and forced it to make movements, preventing things from being broken, it caused me to defend myself, sometimes against attacks I didn’t see, or wasn’t consciously aware of. You might think that’s a joke until you catch a glass vase with your foot that someone dropped when you weren’t looking in that direction and doing something unrelated, and things like this happen a few dozen times.

But the big day came when some asshat made me go into full rage mode, and even though I was with my family, the power came and I immediately confronted him, it took such direct control of me, that I came up to him and yelled at him…Not words that I had to say, I felt like the power used me to speak whatever it wanted to…And it was more effective than whatever I would have said. I felt the words flow through me with such raw force and viciousness, and I watched the sad excuse for a man crumple up in fear and slink away in front of his partner, who also cowered away in fear.

To be honest, these states merely illustrate that “possession” as it’s known, has many forms, with varying degrees of control and power.

I don’t want to make another “separate” post when I can just make a big one since I’m just going to address the rest of what you say.

About your last post wanderer,

Imagine the concept of an invocation

In this ritual operation imagine two concepts, the self, and the demon making something very interesting, a universal correspondence. Their nature, corresponds to the nature of the universe.

The universe is infinite, but this isn’t just in one direction, if you study enough about cosmology, mathematics, and the latest discoveries of science (and the lesser known knowledge of the ancients), you can understand that it’s mathematically provable that our universe expands to something that is infinitely huge, while also allowing things that are infinitely small to exist, as usual, there is an ultimate mathematical balance. That balance is also reflected by the known geometry of the universe. A dodecahedron, the smallest particles and life forms (virus) are also based on this type of geometry, not by chance, but because of the structure of the universe. These shapes are representative of the nature of the universe as a whole since they are within it. Hence all the talk about sacred geometry, the golden mean, and the flower of life.


The self is representative of the infinitely small, the limits of the brain force our waking consciousness to be limited.

The demon is representative of infinite and unending power and potential, power without limits and without bounds of any kind. This represents the infinitely big aspect of the universe.

These concepts are POLAR OPPOSITES!

But…These two concepts become much more!

The ritual, is merging two polar opposites in a type of mental alchemy per say. But the universe is mental, all is mind.

The process of invoking, or possession is something that I’ve come to see and feel is a mind melding process. With enough practice most magicians are smart enough to realize the demon’s consciousness is merging with your own during the process, and it’s almost like you become them. This is because their consciousness is so much stronger and more powerful than ours is on a singular basis.

This is part of the wikipedia entry relating to invocation, and I’m posting it, because I feel it’s relevant to my own experiences with magick rituals that I’ve performed.

One of the definitions of invocation:
A form of possession
"The word “possession” is used here in its neutral form to mean “a state (potentially psychological) in which an individual’s normal personality is replaced by another”. This is also sometimes known as ‘aspecting’. This can be done as a means of communicating with or getting closer to a deity or spirit and as such need not be viewed synonymously with demonic possession."
But I digress

When the union of minds has been achieved, you will receive not just from them, but you will give something of your own mind. However, their consciousness is so much greater than your waking consciousness, to compare the two exchanges as “equal” would not be fair, but you have to understand, it is “balanced” in the fact something goes both ways, but the demon’s ability to gain from this most probably comes from it’s ability to contact the HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS in as broad a form as possible, and accessing the collective consciousness of the race and gaining something from it. It could be assumed that this is acquired through massive amounts of spiritual contact, or the super advanced consciousness of the being which allows it to do this with the whole human species, or at least significant parts of it at once. This is the only size and scope that I can use to explain how human consciousness can effect the demon on a much greater level, because once humanity evolves, so does the demon (at least in form, but in my experience, that’s representative of function or at very least intent).

You might think that’s ridiculous, but these creatures often have different accounts of them in different centuries, and whether we talk about a UFO sighting or a demon manifesting itself in a ritual, you will find accounts consistent with a time period. These beings are able to understand our conscious notions of the universe, and appear to us in means that we can understand. As the collective consciousness of the human race changes form, so do they…Or did you think they looked human, wore business clothes, and spoke perfect English because that was their true nature?

If you ever encounter a succubus, you will know, it will shape shift based on whatever you think is ideal. I’ve had this happen, literally down to what it’s parts feel like. In fact, if you have sex with it, it might ruin you on the feelings normal sex can give you. It is aware of what you think is ideal, and will become it, in whatever form that desire takes.

As for the question about when you die…E.A. has already answered what happens to the soul, here is the quote from E.A. as follows.

“After you die, your samsaric consciousness (that part of yourself that identifies as “I”) dies, within 3 days. After that, the atman is released. What happens then is entirely impertinent, as we’re no longer talking about “You” or “I”. However, through Mastering the 3 Godlike Powers, you can solidify your samsaric consciousness and survive death a thousand times over, if you wish.”

Now that I’ve spent this long on this post, I need to finish editing it and posting it.

P.S. DESPITE ALL THIS PONTIFICATING ON MY PART BY POSTING THIS, IF ANYONE HAS ANY EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, OR WISDOM THAT TO SHARE ON THE SUBJECT, I’D BE MORE THAN WILLING TO LISTEN. This is the fruits of my research, and personal experience, and they both become better the more I learn.

Best of Luck, and Thank You for Your Time.
-Frater Apotheosis

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[quote=“Frater Apotheosis, post:26, topic:1038”]As for the question about when you die…E.A. has already answered what happens to the soul, here is the quote from E.A. as follows.

“After you die, your samsaric consciousness (that part of yourself that identifies as “I”) dies, within 3 days. After that, the atman is released. What happens then is entirely impertinent, as we’re no longer talking about “You” or “I”. However, through Mastering the 3 Godlike Powers, you can solidify your samsaric consciousness and survive death a thousand times over, if you wish.”

Now that I’ve spent this long on this post, I need to finish editing it and posting it.

P.S. DESPITE ALL THIS PONTIFICATING ON MY PART BY POSTING THIS, IF ANYONE HAS ANY EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, OR WISDOM THAT TO SHARE ON THE SUBJECT, I’D BE MORE THAN WILLING TO LISTEN. This is the fruits of my research, and personal experience, and they both become better the more I learn.

Best of Luck, and Thank You for Your Time.
-Frater Apotheosis[/quote]

During the reality writing incident I actually did get a strong feeling that if I died it wouldnt matter because I would get another chance. This is one view from EA’s that I have always been on the fence about as I have heard alot of conflicting info about what happens to people after death from many different sources. If he’s correct that might mean that solidifying my samsaric self is something I must have already done. I really need to find out for myself the mechanics of the afterlife sometime.

Perfect Possession is a state wherein a perfect balance between the Other consciousness and your own is established and held. It has nothing to do with the number of spirits that can inhabit your body or anything along those lines. What you come to realize is that you are the demon, and the demon is you, and so your destiny and fate is the same. This is obviously definitely the case when you’re dealing with the Met Tet as well.

That’s odd that you never consented to be possessed, which makes me wonder why not?

By possession do you mean forceful possession?

What about entering into a state of trance and channeling the entity into your body. I am almost certain you already have talked about “channeling”, but isn’t it fair to consider that possession in some form?

"Have you ever channeled Azazel?"

Yes, I definitely have, on several occasions.

 "If so, can you speak to us about the kind of things we can achieve in 
  this state."

You can gain information directly from the spirit, without the necessity of words. You can also see as the spirit sees, hear as it hears, and can learn by the merging of consciousness. This is, of course, covered in the upcoming Mastering Evocation Training Course. The risk is in the intensity of the connection, leading to obsession.

Finally: why would I not want to get possessed by Him? Let me put it this way: I have some really cool friends, people that I like and respect immensely. People who are fun to hang out with, really cool people, folks who would kill and die for me, and I for them. That doesn’t necessarily mean that I’d want to have sex with them.


I had a friend who is possessed by Asmodeus, but can’t handle its dark energy. (He became angry, violent, seeing things, and tried to kill himself) My friend ened up getting me pregnant while he was possessed by Asmodeus. I was just curious since he was possessed when he got me pregnant, is the child part demon??

And the second question is can a demon actually like a female human in a lustful sexually way??please answer my questions E.A Koetting.

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he’s working with Amaymon now so I don’t think so